Saturday, February 25, 2017

Week Ending February 24, 2016

What is School For?

AP Physics

Working on the schedule for the last 18 months, the above question has come up over and over.

Our students are fortunate to live in a time of open source and personalization. At the high school, our students are at an age where they could assist us in a major shift. They are restless and constantly ask, “Why?”

Our history teachers, and most likely many others, could tell anyone who asks about the classroom set up for the industrial age. Desks lined up in a row, students learning obedience, to read, write and mathematics. I know I am simplifying the process but my question is, if we no longer live in that era and we are now in a connected/knowledge economy, where the Internet is available 24 hours a day providing any resource necessary, should we really be wondering why the students are interested in learning in new ways?
AP Physics

Whenever I ask the students how or from whom they learn best, I usually get a similar description, they cannot put their finger on it necessarily but they love learning a topic/subject because the person in front of them has excited them about the possibilities to make them want to learn more and to push themselves to do better.

With so much talent in our building, I could picture this is in every room. I’ll provide the support, you provide the passion.

Health and Wellness
From Karen D’Abrosca:
FEB 24, 2017
New England in February   ….   one of the snowiest months in recent history in parts of New England; but wait a minute (or a day) and warm temperatures and sunshine have us thinking of April!   We all know how important exercise, fresh air and new experience is for the body and mind, so how about taking in an event during the last weekend of the Newport Winter Festival.  Walking Tours, Save the Bay Seal Watch Tours and even “Beach Polo” are just a sampling of the choices happening now through Sunday February 26th.
Visit this calendar link for a full list!

Upcoming Events/Important Dates
27 This week counselors will be scheduling juniors during history classes

March - Creativity
3 Musical - Oklahoma 7pm
4 Musical - Oklahoma 2pm and 7pm
5 Musical - Oklahoma 2pm
8 The College and Career Fair 6pm
9 Suicide Prevention Strategies for Parents 6:30 pm in the auditorium (The last event of the socio-emotional series)
Good News!

The latest Skipper Pride winner is Deb Hammersley who was chosen from the last winner, Amy Messerlian.
From Amy:
Dear Deb,
You are this week's Skipper Pride Award winner.  I want to thank you for all you do for all of the students at NKHS, but particularly for our more needy population of students.  You make differentiation look easy and I very much appreciate the work you do to include all students at their particular level.  In regards to working with students in our Life Skill program, you have a knack for that and the students very much enjoy being in your classroom.  I can't thank you enough for always being so willing to take on the most challenging student and for doing so with a smile on your face.

Tech Tip

Thursday night we had a great turnout at the 8th Grade Open House. Mark DeLucia and Julie Maguire took the lead on a 21st Century tour using a QR Reader and QR Codes. Many of you supplied content. Kevin Gormley created the maps and off the parents went. As I was talking to Mike Waterman about opening up the “guest” wifi for the parents he told me about what some of his teachers at WMS did with the QR Codes and I thought I would share with you. Its another option to provide resources to support students who are absent or who need follow up to the textbook and notes. If you try it let me know how it goes.

From Jane Lyczynski, math teacher at WMS:
First, you need to get a free QR code generator. You can get one from the App Store through Google Chrome. Then, you find a website that you want to use and copy the URL. When you open the generator it will ask you to type in the website (I just copy and paste the URL) and then you generate the code. I then copy the code onto assignments for the students. The students do need to have a QR Code reader on their phone, ipad or ipod. They point it at the code and it takes them to the website. I have attached a sample for you. (Pictured at left)

Teaching and Learning
Scheduling Update:
Scheduling will begin this week with juniors. I have met with the freshmen and juniors this past week (sophomores on Monday) and they will take a small survey in their history class before filling in their sced codes/classes with the counselors. The counselors will direct the students to go their Google Mail and the Form will be there. The results of the survey will give us data to begin the next round of scheduling work on the 8 period draft schedule. It will give us the first indication of how many students would like to take an eighth class and how many would like to opt for a learning lab. Finally, for our current juniors it will also ask their interest in coming in late or leaving early.

Student Services

School Culture Themes


Students in Deb Hammersley advisory definitely know how to showcase wellness. Here they are featured in a poster outside of her room. These students have been modeling the theme each month in a high traffic area on the first floor.

Articles Worth Reading

Rethinking School-Harvard Business Review

Food for Thought
Real learning gets to the heart of what it means to be human. Through learning we re-create ourselves. Through learning we become able to do something we never were able to do. Through learning we reperceive the world and our relationship to it. Through learning we extend our capacity to create, to be part of the generative process of life. There is within each of us a deep hunger for this type of learning.”~Peter Senge

Until next time, Think, Create, Innovate...Denise

Friday, February 17, 2017

Week Ending February 17, 2017

Scheduling and...

Wow, great Q & A this morning. Looks like we will be moving forward (tentatively) to see how this schedule may shake out. Thank you for your support.

Regarding the Suicide QPR Professional Development this afternoon I would like to make a quick correction. This morning, our guidance counselors were not part of the 3-hour long training on how to do a more clinical assessment. Leigh Raposa had guidance counselors on the slide of those that were the “go to” people. The guidance counselors can certainly assist but they have not been trained. I will get an updated list of who was there and get that out to you in an email next week.

Enjoy the long weekend.

Health and Wellness
From Karen D’Abrosca:

Cornell Lab of Ornithology: GREAT BACKYARD BIRD COUNT (GBBC) February 17-20, 2017.

What do birds have to do with wellness, you ask? Just about everything.  Bird watching is available and accessible to all.  It is popular with all ages, leads to an appreciation of nature and allows attention to focus on small details of the environment.  “Birding” allows us to shift our minds from our busy lives and possibly take our bodies on a heart healthy walk!   This GBBC project collects real time data on wild bird species over 4 days.  It helps researchers study climate change, avian diseases and other factors that can affect bird populations and migration patterns.
Simply tally the number and kinds of birds you see for at least 15 consecutive minutes during one or more days of the count.  The National Audubon Society and region specific field guides will help with bird identification.  Visit  to sign up and record your observations.
Try something different, include the family and enjoy the weekend, bird counting or not!
Upcoming Events/Important Dates

20 No School - Presidents Day
21 School Committee Budget Meeting 7pm
22 Survey Works! (Date change)
23 8th Grade Open House 6:30pm
24 Course request worksheets due to student’s history teacher

March - Creativity

3 Musical - Oklahoma 7pm
4 Musical - Oklahoma 2pm and 7pm
5 Musical - Oklahoma 2pm
8 The College and Career Fair 6pm

Good News!

The latest Skipper Pride winner is Amy Messerlian who was chosen from the last winner, Carole Taylor.
From Carole to Amy:
Amy is always there when I have a Special Ed question – my go to person, always willing to help.  Goes the extra mile for all the students – being their voice.  
Walks in the room and asks “can I help with anything” and always with a smile – For all these reasons and more, I chose you for the Skipper Award for Excellence – Way to go Amy!

Teaching and Learning
From Barbara Morse:
Some of you have visited my office recently may have noticed my wall-sized worksheet.  I am fortunate to be part of a small group of Rhode Island administrators who were accepted into a grant-funded “School ReTool” professional development program.  Caitlin Donahue, from Hamilton Elementary is also part of this group. The purpose of the program is to help administrators think more deeply about the way we
support student learning and approach changes that invoke Deeper Learning skills for our students.   I will be engaging with administrators across the state from all levels, visiting other schools, and generally pushing the boundaries of my comfort zone in the ways that I approach problem-solving and planning.   It’s not about building a new program or creating massive changes but rather taking small, simple experiments that might be a baby-step in the right direction.  At first, I was extremely skeptical of this seemingly faddish thing called “hacking”, but I have to admit that I’ve already had a few “aha” moments of reflection about leadership and student learning.
My recent Student Shadow was part of my homework for this program.   I had an amazing day (using student lavs was definitely out of my comfort zone).  Over the next few months, you may see me “hacking” other small-scale adventures, such as hosting an informal after-school meeting just to chat with students, or opening my hallway door to my office for a day to welcome one and all to stop by.   I’ll be adding a few other wall-size posters to my office as the program progresses.   Feel free to ask me any questions about how the program is going, or about the slightly odd “hacks” you may see me trying out!

Student Services
From Donna Sweet:
School Culture Themes

This month we are celebrating Wellness.  Perhaps the time for those January 1st resolutions are just coming to fruition?  When it comes to our students, we hope to remind them that Wellness comes in many forms.  We are hoping for the emotional, social and physical wellness.  On the School Culture Theme site there is particular focus to Teen Dating and healthy relationships.

For March, we will celebrate Creativity!  Along with the school play, this is a great opportunity to showcase the creativity of our students.  Please forward any highlights of innovators and creators in your classrooms.  Also, I would like to build a whole school challenge during advisory each week.  Think along the lines of "Minute to Win It" type challenges, ideas welcomed!

The deans and the PTSO will be featuring March Madness to help raise funds for a winning class, for PBIS and for the PTSO.

As an extension of our collaboration with the PTSO, we are beginning to develop the idea of creating an Alumni Association.  With so many NK alums here in the building, I would love to hear your input as we move forward.

As a former class advisor, The Class of 2008 just purchased a Commemorative Brick for the Brick Project the PTSO has worked so hard to create.  If you were a former class advisor, please consider representing your graduating class as well.
Food for Thought
No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another”~Charles Dickens

Is Whitney thinking, "How did I get here?"

No, she is a good little girl. What a cutie.

Until next time, Think, Create, Innovate...Denise

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Week Ending February 10, 2017

The Man In The Arena...
Excerpt from Teddy Roosevelt’s speech at the Sorbonne in France, April 23, 1910

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

For those of you among us who show up each day taking risks with the courage to fail, I salute you. Do not be deterred or derailed by the critic. Our students need you. Read this week’s is dedicated to you.

For others, who may have momentarily found themselves in the critic's corner, it's never too late.
Health and Wellness
From Karen D’Abrosca:
February is Teen Dating Awareness Month … visit  for information, warning signs and community resources.
The Facts
1.   Girls and women between the ages of 16 and 24 experience the highest rates of intimate partner violence.
2.   1 in 5 high school girls is physically or sexually hurt by a dating partner.
3.   1 in 3 teens experience some kind of abuse in their romantic relationships.
              statistics from the US Dept of Justice, AJPH, JAMA

February is also Heart Health Month!
From the Heart Foundation:
Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States. Every year, 1 in 4 deaths are caused by heart disease. The good news? Heart disease can often be prevented when people make healthy choices and manage their health conditions. Communities, health professionals, and families can work together to create opportunities for people to make healthier choices.
NKSD is offering weekly opportunities to “love your heart” with Zumba, Tap Dance and more!
Drop in … your heart will thank you!

Upcoming Events/Important Dates

14 School Committee Business Meeting 7pm
17 No School - PD Day
20 No School - Presidents Day
21 School Committee Budget Meeting 7pm
22 Survey Works! (Date change)
23 8th Grade Open House 6:30pm
24 Course request worksheets due to student’s history teacher
Good News!

Wes Michael Barnes was born at 7:59 am 21" 8lbs 8oz. Congratulations go out to Ashley Barnes and her husband Jeb on the birth of their son.  Wes was born February 7th. Mom and baby are doing well.  Ashley has been a math teacher here at NKHS since September.

This month the National Honor Society students made Heart Hero Capes in recognition of Congenital Heart Disease awareness. The capes will be distributed to children with congenital heart disease at the Pediatric Heart Center in Providence. The membership had a great time crafting the capes. Once again, the amazing creativity of our NKHS students is revealed!

Dave Avedisian received the Shining Star Award this past Wednesday in front of his USII History Class. In recognition for his relentless work looking at the schedule for the past year and a half. Spending countless hours of his own time facilitating discussions and finally for modelling how to find common ground to work with administration for the benefit of students, teachers and education. Thank you, Dave.

Skyla's, Self-Portrait
The Art Department is pleased to announce that this weekend Skyla Rubeck placed as an honorable mention for color drawing and Dina Famin placed first in printmaking and at the Hera Gallery's 28th Biennial Young Adult Exhibition.

Student Services
From Donna Sweet:
Week two of this announcement.
A program note:  We had to change the date of the Survey Works!  Originally scheduled for February 8th, it has now been moved to February 22nd.  We will have no advisory on that date.  At 8:40am, students and teachers will be prompted to end instruction for that period and to assist students with taking the Survey Works via their chromebook in class.  We need everyone's help to remind students to have a charged chromebook on that day.  Teachers are invited to take the survey as well, possibly while your students are taking it.
Articles Worth Reading
Videos Worth Watching

Risk Taking--Creative Teaching for Creative Learning

How to Speak up when you feel like you can’t.

Food for Thought
“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen. ~ Winston Churchill”

Until next time, Think, Create, Innovate...Denise