Sunday, April 30, 2017

Week Ending April 28, 2017

Variety Show auditions have come and gone, junior prom tickets on sale, most students have selected their post graduation plans and there seems to be a school event or sport every night. Oh... right, the end of the year is around the corner. This is the time of the year where it becomes increasingly difficult to remain centered and present. It is a great time to remind ourselves that we are doing the best we can each day and also that patience is a virtue. Have a great week.
Health & Wellness
From Karen D’Abrosca
April 28, 2017
Welcome back!  Hope you are feeling rested, clear and full of energy for the "Home Stretch" of the school year.  As promised, selecting from the "April is ..." list of events:  April 30th is National Animal Therapy Day.  We salute our own resident animal therapist WHITNEY  and her human companion Paula Calitri (see last publication of The Current Wave - page 2).  Thanks Whitney and Paula for your presence on Fridays and beyond.  
Even if your pets are not certified "therapists" thank them for their unconditional contribution to your family!  Get outside for an extra walk or some playtime.
April is .... turning into May!  The Walking Club challenge begins and folks are gearing up with pedometers.  Zumba is being offered after school @ Davisville Academy.  Trees, bushes and perennials are bursting into bloom - changing daily!  Tap into this spring energy and enjoy the week.
Upcoming Events/Important Dates

1 Faculty Meeting
2 Staff Appreciation Luncheon
2-4 PARCC testing
5 College Signing Day (Wear your Alma Mater tee or sweatshirt)
5 Variety Show, 7 pm
9-11 PARCC and NECAP
13 Junior Prom at the Newport Marriott
18 Senior Project Presentations, 5-8 pm

Good News!
Rotary Teacher and Student of the Month
This past Tuesday, April 25th, both Melissa Grinnell, English teacher and Austin Harris, 9th grade student, were recognized for their passion for education by the North Kingstown Rotary at Duffy’s Tavern in North Kingstown.
Melissa was nominated by D’Ellen Roye and among many of the wonderful characteristics of what makes Melissa a teacher that a student would love to have is this:
Ms. Grinnell is one of those teachers who really “knows” their students. Ask her about any of her students and she can not only tell you what their current grade is but, more importantly, what is going on in their lives and how it is impacting their learning. Furthermore, Ms. Grinnell can tell you her plan to help those struggling students and how she will meet them on their level.
I’ve worked with only a handful of teachers who go as far as Ms. Grinnell does in terms of connecting a student’s personal difficulties with their performance in the classroom. Her dedication is tireless and shows remarkable results with some of our most challenging students.

Equally impressive is our student nominee, Austin. It was the first time over the past three years that I have received a letter signed by all of his teachers: Bob Wright, John Owens, Fran Dempsey, Robin Leshin, Mark Comolli, Melissa Waterman and Deb Santagata. Thank you for the team work. The following excerpt from his letters will give you a sense of who Austin is.

Standing at over six feet tall, Austin’s presence is felt as soon as he walks in the room. He enters each class ready to work, ready to face challenges, and ready to do the best he can. His maturity and sense of dignity, coupled with a good sense of humor, make him approachable to his peers and to his teachers. He is an excellent role model and friend to other students on our team. It is Austin’s personality and “down-to-earth” demeanor that draws others to him.
Austin entered the high school as a Success Academy student, and he proved to all of his teachers that he has those qualities which align him with success. Because he chose to work hard and persevere, it was a unanimous decision, made by the team, to move him to College Prep. for the next school year.  It isn’t often that we see a student, in Success Academy, who has set such high standards for success. Whether it is working on school work, or even working on his truck, Austin approaches all his endeavors with the right attitude and ample effort.

The Skipper Pride winner is Linda Andrew (again!), who was chosen from the last winner, Richard Garland.
From Rich to Linda:
​You and the entire staff in the front office work so hard each day given the volume of staff and students that come in for help and assistance.  One of those “needy people”
is me and from the very beginning of my career here at NKHS, you’ve been there to guide me through and keep me “procedurally honest”.  You’ve been a lifesaver and yet with all the complexity around us, you manage to maintain that smile and sense of humor that brightens the day.  It’s that very same reason I’ve chosen you for this Skipper Award.  You certainly exemplify the level of care expected of each of us here at NK; for each other and for our students.  I know that for myself and countless others - we appreciate you !

Teaching and Learning

Law Day:

Mr. Lopes room was the setting for two guests, Traffic Tribunal Magistrate, Alan Goulart (pictured on the right), and Attorney Eric Miller Thursday, April 27, 2017 for our own NK version of Law Day.
The Rhode Island Bar Association offers to Rhode Island teachers the Rhode Island Law Day Classroom Programs with the participation of Rhode Island lawyers and judges who participate in an interesting and important law-related topic with students.
This year’s topic was The 14th Amendment: Transforming American Democracy, and the students, and our judge and lawyer team had a lively discussion about this fascinating area of the law.

It quickly went from due process to search and seizure. As you can see from the photos, the students were leaning in and engaged.

Scheduling News
Cindy Normand has been our RIDE liaison for the Advanced Coursework Network and Prepare RI courses. In the verification letter sent to parents over the the Spring vacation there were links leading to these two options for personalized learning in students’ schedules at NKHS.
This past week she sent the following email to students:
If you are interested in taking an Advanced Coursework Network class for fall 2017, please register by June 2nd. At that time, courses that have not met their minimum enrollment will be canceled. Courses that do meet the minimum enrollment will remain open until August 1st. You will not be able to register for fall courses once the school year starts. To register for a course visit: You are limited to two courses per semester.
As a reminder, advanced coursework classes help students get a head start on post-secondary success, master the skills required of a lifelong learner, and be prepared for jobs. By taking a course on the Advanced Coursework Network, you are creating and realizing your individual graduation pathway.
As of this weekend, there are about 4 seats left in all of the classes and many waitlists. The next big availability will be for second semester.

Food Truck Visit

We also had students enjoying a cultural luncheon as they dined on local Portuguese fare. Mrs. Schiavone, Portuguese teacher, has hosted in-school fieldtrips for students in her Portuguese class to expose them to the culinary items they may not have at their own dinner table.

I caught students as they were in line waiting for their lunch. It was a rainy day outside but the students spirits and sunny disposition were evident.

Next week, I hope to update you on the Construction Fair, ACE at NEIT and the DECA competition in California.
Student Services
AM Finlay sent the following Prom Promise message and link to Juniors through ASPEN email.

Hello Juniors,
Click on the link below and sign the Junior Prom Promise and you can get a chance to win a prize.  Good luck and ENJOY Junior Prom.
Mrs. Finlay Rm. 252
If you are a junior teacher, counselor or have a junior advisory now you will know about it if any student brings it up in class. Great topic to “reflect” on since that is the theme for the month of May.

Tech Tip
From Mark DeLucia:
Week Ending April 28, 2017
As many of you already found out Monday morning, Chromecasts were installed in many projectors, TVs and Smartboards during the break.  I realize that many of you may not be very well-versed in casting, so I’m including a tutorial from Google itself.  It is very detailed and includes everything that I would say here.  I do want to emphasize that when casting a video from YouTube or Netflix to be sure you use the cast button in the bottom right of the video and not the one at the top of your browser.  This will optimize video and audio quality rather than simply mirroring the page.  This is outlined in the link under “option 2”.  All instructions are here.

Google Cast for Education

As an added bonus to the Chromecasts, you can now use this app with your classes.  For those of you who regularly have students present, this is the app you’ve been waiting for.  While students are blocked from casting (for obvious reasons), they have the ability to cast to the teacher’s screen.  The teacher, in turn, casts his or her screen to the projector, thus displaying the student’s work.  

Here are step-by-step instructions for you and your students:

For Teachers:
  1. Click Google Cast for Education to open the app. (This has been pre-installed.  Click the “O” in the bottom left and then all apps.  You should see the icon there.)
  2. Type a name for your cast app, such as Room 301. Click Save.
  3. Click Share .
  4. Type the name of a Classroom class, or individual student email addresses, and invite your students to cast.
  5. Select a level of access for each student or class:
    • Can present—Students can cast to your screen anytime you have the app open.
    • Can request—Students can request to cast; you need to Approve or Deny each request.
    • Students that aren’t on the list can’t see the cast app.
  6. Click Save.
To start accepting casts from your students, open the Cast for Education app on your computer. While the app is open, you or anyone you have shared the app with can cast to it. Casts appear within your Cast for Education app on the teacher device connected to the projector.
Instructions for Students:
Make sure your device is updated, and that you are signed in with your G Suite for Education account.
  1. In your Chrome toolbar, click Cast . If there is no Cast icon in your Chrome toolbar, click Menu or More and click Cast.
  2. Click the name of your teacher’s cast app, such as Room 301.
  3. (Optional) To switch between casting your whole screen and your current tab, click Cast to and make a selection.
Your screen casts to the Cast for Education app on the teacher’s computer.

I will be visiting CPTs to do trainings and answer any questions.  Hope this helps for now!

Videos Worth Watching
From Cindy Zito
Cindy has spent the past few months working with students to complete this Upstander Video. Watch and you will no longer ever be a bystander.

Food for Thought
By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.” ~Confucius

Until next time, Think, Create, Innovate...Denise

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Week Ending April 13, 2017

Enjoy Yourself
For those of you who have the next week and a day off...Enjoy!

Health and Wellness
From Karen D’Abrosca
April 13, 2017
I wrote about this last year and thought it appropriate to revisit:
HAPPY SPRING BREAK WEEK!!    January to April without a week off for Winter Break – the long stretch is over!    Notice how you feel.  Are you tired, irritable, scattered?   ….. or energetic, happy and clear?    Many of us will answer yes to the first descriptors and no to the second!!!   
As we move into this precious time – a “free week” compared to the school day schedule -  find some real free time, schedule it in if you must, to just “BE”   …  be a human being instead of a human doing!!  
ENJOY!  Then we can answer yes to “energetic, happy and clear”!!
If you have plenty of extra time and are looking for ideas, peruse the list of over 350 celebrations sent on email from Ms. Rowland titled “April is ….”  (4/3/17)  We will discuss one of these next time!
Upcoming Events/Important Dates

April - Community
14 No school - Good Friday
17-21 Spring Recess
25 “Purple Up! For Military Kids” day
27 Jazz Concert
28 Blood Drive
Good News!
Fine Arts/Music Department
From Norma Caiazza:
NYC National Festival--I am happy to let you all know that the Concert Choir took home the Gold
Medal and 1st place! There were 30 choral groups there from 11 different states from all over the country and as far away as California!

Along with that, Maisey Carvalho and Cooper Cardone each received the "Maestro Award" for the demonstration of extraordinary musical ability and Delaney Schwarzer won the only "Ovation Award" of the festival which included other bands and orchestras. This is an award in which directors are expected to nominate at student whose contribution to the music program transcends making music and is based on determination, inspiration and service.

What makes me the proudest though is the outstanding way our students have represented themselves and our school throughout this entire trip.
Photo--Rob Silveira
The Symphonic band at the same time was  having their own successes in Philadelphia. Winning a first place award for the band and also the Adjudicator Award for Excellence. Erica Smith received one of the “Outstanding Soloist” awards.

Bravo to both Norma and Toni and all of their students for their hard earned awards this year.

The Skipper Pride winner is Richard Garland, who was chosen from the last winner, Jean Leich.
From Jean to Rich :
I am so happy to choose you for the Pride Skipper Award. Knowing you for the past few years I realized how many lives you have positively impacted. You're sincere compassion and genuine kindness has touch the lives of many people. I can't thank you enough for all your unconditional support and how you're always willing to help others. You always go above and beyond for everyone and words cannot express how important that is to me and others. I am so lucky you were my son's teacher. I am grateful for the experiences we share working together, you always bring laughter and joy.

Teaching and Learning

Scheduling Update:
The MOA passed. On to 8 period scheduling. Thank you to everyone thus far. Scheduling will begin in earnest after the break. Thank you for your patience thus far.
Student Services
From Donna Sweet
Last week's Challenge:  Write a Haiku:  You decide the winner~

From Mrs. Hammersley's Advisory:
One-Oh-Seven's Lit
Food and Ping Pong Everyday
We should win this quest

Mr. Albernaz's advisory:
North Kingstown High School
We all love and cherish thee
Check that Skipper Pride!

Ms. Eriksen's advisory:
This is the haiku my student came up with
If students are late
We will get a detention
We will not be late!

This is mine.
New students here now
Friends, class, teachers imagine
What four years will bring
Don’t forget the first day back to wear your purple. (Second posting)
Excerpt from an April 1 letter from Rosemarie Kraeger
(Middletown Superintendent and MIC3 Commission -- RI)
April is the Month of the Military Child. During April, the MIlitary Interstate Children’s Compact Commission (MIC3) will underscore the important role children play in the Armed Forces Community. Our military children and families help sustain our fighting force on whom we depend for the security and safety of our nation's families and communities. It is important to emphasize and recognize the role that military children play while their service member parents are serving the nation. The MIC3 is committed to resolving the educational transition issues that are faced by these children and their families.
April 25th is “Purple Up! For Military Kids” day. Across the nation, people are being encouraged to show support for our military and veteran children and to thank them for their strength and sacrifices. Let's show our support for our military population in the school by wearing purple. Email Donna with contest ideas to get their student peers involved.

Tech Tip
From Mark DeLucia:
Week Ending April 13, 2017
3 Extensions to try for a rainy vacation day

  • Quick Create Extension
    • This handy add-on allows you to quickly create a Doc, Slide, Sheet, etc.  right from the toolbar.  Get it here.
  • Slideshot
    • Do you grade students on participation or “time-on-task”?  Assigning a group project and want to make sure everyone in the group was working?  Slideshot lets you do just that. Installed on a student Chromebook, SlideShot will take a screenshot of their screen every minute. When done, it will place each image on its own slide in a new Slides presentation.  Students can share it with you as proof of their efforts, or just use it as a reflection, to see if they spent their time wisely!  Get it here.
  • Extensity
    • And because by now you likely have far too many extensions in the upper right corner of your browser, there’s Extensity- an extension for your extensions.  Extensity will combine all of those tiny little icons and only display the ones you want.  Get it here.

Cool Fact:

You can search Google using your voice!  To enable this feature, in your Chrome browser, click the Chrome menu (three dots in the top right corner and click settings).  In the search section, click "enable OK Google to start a voice search".  If you're doing this from your Chromebook, you may be asked to turn on the Voice and Audio Activity setting.  Now, as long as you have open on any Chrome browser or the launcher (magnifying glass) open on the Chromebook, you can search or navigate to websites using your voice.  I find this especially helpful when doing a station rotation.  I can simply say, “OK, Google-- set a timer for 15 minutes”, and the timer will start.  **NOTE: while your Chromebook and many laptops have a built-in microphone, not every computer will.  You must have a microphone to do this.

Food for Thought
“In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.” ~Margaret Atwood

Until next time, Think, Create, Innovate...Denise