Monday, December 18, 2017

Week Ending December 15--Last Blog of 2017!

Last Blog of 2017
Important information for your return to work on January 2.
The locks on your classroom doors at the high school will all be changed over vacation. We are the final school in the district to have this completed. Donna and I will be in next Friday, December 29th to organize all of the new keys for each teacher in all our departments. Depending on what you need access to will determine what key you will get. For those of you who currently have a master key there is a good chance that you will not have a master after the vacation. There are new protocols in the district on limiting the number of master key holders.

For those teachers who need access after hours, what we will have is card access that may be borrowed by teachers (like you would at a library) to gain access to the building. For example, if Toni or Norma take their students to a show in Boston and return late and need to get into the school for students to pick up instruments. Another example would be if a competition is on a Sunday and the advisor needs access to the building after the competition to return items, the advisor or teacher will sign out the card and will be able to get into the school. Once in the school you will use your school issued key to access your room.

On January 2, please come to the benches right outside the main office and we will have a few people there to collect your old keys, and hand out your new keys. You will sign off that you received your new keys. You will have a door key, your lav key and a lock down key. (Instead of having to come outside of your door to lock it in a “lock-down” emergency or drill, you will now be able to lock your room from within with this additional key. We will have lanyards for those who need them to keep your three keys and your school ID. We will also have a drill “shelter in place” in January so that all teachers will be able to practice using their new keys. Thank you.

Good News
From Jordan Albernaz, Math Department

I wanted to thank you all for allowing students to attend the Mock Trial Field trip this past Thursday.  They worked hard and were able to take home a well deserved Win.  Please congratulate them if you get the chance.

Pictured left to right: Audrey Raupp, Kathryn Hutchinson, Madison Pella-Sabourin, Moira Flath, Madison Warwick, Josh Neronha, Kai Gallman, John Schott, Blake Land, Benjamin Carroll, & Kaelib Courtwright.

From Ruthann Baker, World Language
As you know, the NKHS German Department celebrated the beginning of Karneval last month with a pot-luck supper and performance evening. In Germany, this is called the Fifth Season, since it begins on November 11 (at 11:11 am) in order to allow for detailed preparations for the major events leading up to Lent. (We enjoyed the evening so much that we are contemplating how we might celebrate a second time during high Carnival season this February, perhaps in an in-school event, to share the experience with others. Let me know if you have an inspiration.)

The German Club Theater kicked off the evening, complete with a parade and a royal Bavarian wedding (which was unique to the NKHS German Club, and a holdover from Oktoberfest). Students also helped run games for each other, as well as our guests.

Guests of honor included our pen pals and musician performers from the Greene School, including their teachers, Susan Hoaglund and Kurt van Dexter (who plays a mean accordion), and several officers of Jane Sokoloski's very active German Cub at Brown University. Jane's Gang surprised us by bearing "Outreach" gifts, and also by bringing along Angela Merkel (actually, a cardboard version, which meanwhile has gone missing, and we'd love help to bring her back!).

The evening's highlights included an absolutely delicious menu provided by our guests, folk dancing during dinner, the cake walk contest, the vigorous performances by all four German classes, and the coronation of this year's Royal Couple: Queen Kaitlyn Sutton, and King Billy Cross.  

Health & Wellness.   
TIPS FOR THE HOLIDAYS   part 2 from Jonathan Quinn, PE

  • Just do your best to limit stress
  • Don’t expect everything to go as planned
  • Don’t let unexpected events ruin the holidays for you
  • Be adaptable and flexible

Tips from Linda Twardowski, School Nurse
  • Flu and cold season is upon us.  Here are a few suggestions for staying healthy during this and the holiday season:
  • If you have Kleenex in your classroom, move the box from your desk.  Otherwise you are inviting the germs directly to you.
  • Wash your hands frequently or use hand sanitizer—great stocking stuffers.
  • Cough and sneeze in your elbow and encourage your students to do the same.  Coughing in hands spreads germs to the doorknob, railings etc.
  • Get adequate sleep every night ---Ha Ha good luck with that one.
  • Put paper towels in shared bathrooms.
  • Get a flu shot.
Have a Happy and Health Holiday Season!
Upcoming Events/Important Dates


19 Chorus Winter Concert
20 Band Winter Concert
21 Fine Arts Expo for our 8th grade sending schools
22-January 2--School Holiday

Teaching and Learning
From Leslie Buckley, Data Clerk

Grades for the 2nd Progress posting for quarter 2 are due next Thursday morning, December 21st, at 9:00 AM.  Directions are attached.  If you have any questions please call me in the Guidance Office.....either in-house phone #1023 or outside phone #241.

Please note: Because this is the second progress posting of the quarter,  the "push pins" are already red, so having red push pins does not guarantee you've posted grades for this particular posting.  You'll know you've completed all the steps when grades appear in the column titled "Prog Q2 grd 2nd Post".  

From Heather Lebel, Transition AcademyTeacher
I wanted share this picture with you from our trip to Walmart last Friday morning.  This is Mr. Wilson with Hayden and Ryan.  We were picking up items for our coffee shop and also items for our weekly shopping service.  Gene Wilson is new to us this year and has been a wonderful addition to the Transition Academy!

Thank you Gene and we hope you have had a wonderful fall at NKHS.

Tech Tip
From Mark DeLucia
Explore function within Google Docs

Most likely, as you’re reading this, there is a tab open in your browser with an open Google Doc.  Click it.  In the bottom right hand corner, you’ll see what (to me, anyway) appears to be a square dialog box with a plus sign in the center.  This is the Google Explore function, which allows the user to search the internet for information and images, as well as their Doc for information about a particular topic, directly from the document, without ever having to leave.  This is especially useful if you have a student (or Tech Lead Teacher) who can become easily distracted by switching tabs to search for information.  But here is the best part-- go ahead and type in a search.  As you hover over the results, in the right-hand corner of the result you will see quotation marks and the word “cite as footnote”.  Clicking this will automatically create a footnote citation within the document for that particular website.  I have generally found it to be a useful time-saver that helps students (and me) stay focused!

Videos Worth Watching/Articles Worth Reading
Mark’s Tech Tip was inspired by this article which also includes a video and resources on how to hone in on the Genius hour or 20 time. Not familiar? Take a look. If you do know about it, read on so you may try something with your class, if you are inspired.

Food for Thought  
“Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.” James Baldwin

Until next time, Think, Create, Innovate...Denise

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Week Ending December 8


Planning makes sense. Whether it is strategic, financial, estate, business, family, architectural, health, urban, facilities, or planning for success, it helps to have a plan. There are daily lesson plans which take thoughtful preparation each day and then there are two year plans resulting in a new block schedule for students. Both take initiative and planning. There are countless articles, quotes, and cheers determined to get individuals to plan and I would like to add to this as NKHS continues its plans towards growth and being the best we can be; we must stay humble, know there is always new learning, and plan and prepare to be ready for opportunities as they arrive. As the new year is upon us reflection is a natural response. For me, it is always followed with excitement on what the new year can bring. There are so many opportunities for us to support and help one another. Plan for it and it will happen...try it and you shall see.

Good News
Congratulations to Janice Strain, who helped the NK Town Council brighten their offices with NKHS students’ artwork. She began the process last spring with Mr. Kevin Maloney and it came to fruition this past Thursday evening at the Town Hall on 100 Fairway. Our Jazz students provided musical entertainment and wowed the crowd. Next, our art students were recognized in a ceremony by both Mr. Maloney and our Town Manager, Ralph Mollis. It was a great community event to showcase public service and student talents.

School Community in Action  
Our Life Skills students have been retail magnets over the last couple of months. They began at the high school and realized there was a market outside of our four walls. The students, with the help from their teachers and teacher assistants, created a plan to help the staff and faculty at our schools in the district with their Christmas shopping. They have taken their scarf “pop-up shop” to multiple schools with a resounding success in sales. Pictured here is Brandon and Cassidy, who have been friends for years, using their skills from class to plan for success.
Health & Wellness.   
From Jonathan Quinn--PE

Healthy Holiday Tips
  • Set Reasonable Expectations
  • Do your best to stick to your regular schedule
  • Try to keep bedtime and mealtime the same
  • Let people know of your expectations
  • You can’t do everything – choose the activities you enjoy the most
  • When shoveling, lift with your legs. Help those neighbors who cannot.
Upcoming Events/Important Dates


11-12 URI Pharmacy students working with 9th grade PE Health students in Media Center--Closed to outside classes.
12 School Committee Meeting, 7 pm, SEL Presentation
13 Skipper Block--CTE Mentor Meeting/STEP-The documentary presentation (advisory and Block 6, Day 2) Email Denise if you would like to bring your class.
13 Evening encore presentation of STEP-The documentary. (Students, grades 6-12, parents, community invited)
13 (Notice Date Change)  PTSO Meeting, 7 pm, Media Center
18 Faculty Meeting--2 pm. Off campus.
19 Chorus Winter Concert
20 Band Winter Concert
21 Fine Arts Expo for our 8th grade sending schools

Teaching and Learning
From Susan Graham--English

My AP seniors helped Paul Fanning's freshmen with The Odyssey theme topics and statements this
morning after Elizabeth Fusco recited Hamlet's "To Be or Not to Be" soliloquy for them. Then the seniors shared advice for high school and answered any questions the freshmen had. Finally, we modeled some analysis on another passage from Hamlet.  We also enjoyed some hot chocolate courtesy of the Transition Academy!  The seniors loved it; most of them felt like the freshmen taught them more about The Odyssey than they ever knew. They were also honored and touched that the freshmen entrusted them with their concerns and experiences. The seniors are dying to work with them again, so we're going to do at least one writing workshop. Teaching is learning, after all!

From Deb Hammersley-Careers

Idalys and Tasia showcasing their Holiday Cookies. I saw Idalys in the hallway this Friday with Mr. LaCroix and she told us how much she looks forward to Basic Foods class.

Tech Tip
From Mark DeLucia
Week Ending December 8

Many of you have written to me concerning an issue where students are being pulled onto the “Guest” network on their Chromebooks, and then being prompted for a password to rejoin NKSD-Chromebook.  In working with many of you, I have also seen that your Chromebooks are intolerably slow.  The first defense against both of these issues is to ensure that your Chromebook is up-to-date.  Do you see this little arrow in the bottom right of your Chromebook?  Then it’s time to update.  You would be surprised how many issues this can solve.  Simply click the arrow and “restart to update”.  Sign back in and you’re done.

The second solution, is to “powerwash” your Chromebook.  If this is happening on a student Chromebook, feel free to do this for them, as well.  If you aren’t sure, you’re welcome to bring it to me.  This is akin to doing a “hard reset” on your phone.  Here’s how to do it:

With the Chromebook turned on…
Press ESC +  + Power - A yellow exclamation point (!) is displayed.
Press Ctrl + Alt+ D – To turn on OS verification… (no need to read further :) )
Press Enter – Screen will go black and then you will see a red (!)
Press Space and then Press Enter
Chromebook will restart  and then it will need to be enrolled (just like signing into the device) and then the device will be ready for use (the log in screen will appear once the device is enrolled)

This should solve the issue of student Chromebooks not joining the correct network.
Hope this helps!  -Mark

Videos Worth Watching
There is a quick 15 sec commercial first. It is worth the wait. Video itself is less than three minutes.

STEP YouTube Video
The award-winning documentary, STEP, which tells the story of an all-girls high-school step dancing team in the heart of Baltimore is coming to NKHS. Empowered by their teachers, teammates, counselors, coaches, and families, they chase their ultimate dreams: to win a step dancing championship and to be accepted into college.

You can watch the trailer here!

STEP has already inspired audiences in theaters all around the country, We were able to request a copy and now we can share it with our students and community. It’s the perfect story to spark conversations around self-confidence, teamwork and overcoming challenges in the most difficult circumstances. This Wednesday, December 13, email me if you want to be a part of this great opportunity to inspire our students. All grades and classes welcome.

The evening of December 13, we will have an encore presentation, open to all students and their families in grades 6-12 to show the documentary at 6:30 pm in the auditorium.

Food for Thought  
I will prepare and someday my chance will come.Abraham Lincoln

Until next time, Think, Create, Innovate...Denise

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Week ending December 1, 2017

The Power of Gratitude

Just as mindfulness practices help people stay calm, gratitude practices create an opportunity to focus for what we have to be thankful. Taking time to appreciate others helps us feel more positive emotions, rather than negative feelings like stress, anxiety and depression. Research shows it helps develop neural pathways that make us happier and more optimistic. (North Kingstown Prevention Coalition December Newsletter)

Good News

Congratulations to Kristine Graham and Grace DeSourcy who were our Rotary faculty and student of the month honorees this past month. The award goes to the high school twice a year. This time, Kris and Grace were treated to lunch at Duffy’s and met the Rotary members. Grace was nominated for her positive attitude, imagination and creativity. She helped save the drama production last year and also for her sincerity, intelligence, inventiveness, and that she is an all around wonderful person. It was highlighted that Kris Graham is generous with her time and devoted to improving the lives of the students at NKHS. She sees the human in everyone, believing in the very best of each, even when they may lose their way.  She gently guides each student back on course with encouragement, compassion and positive feedback. Being a PE/Health teacher she is often on the front lines of those students with anxiety, or other issues they do not want to share. Kris personally makes sure each student gets the resources s/he needs. Thank you to both Kris and Grace for making NKHS a better place to be.

School Community in Action  
Jerry and JD problem-solving!

There is no shortage of collaboration in our building across all disciplines or occupations.  JD has been working hard to solve the need for chair slippers for students with hearing conditions.  Though we have rerouted many chair slippers and Michele McNally purchased even more, JD solved it another way.  

AD Dick Fossa had retired tennis balls from the fall tennis season.  JD took those and experimented cutting the needed X to make them fit onto the chairs.  He used Jerome's band saw.  A great solution!  Almost.  It did not work all that well, so Jerry built a jig to secure the tennis ball for safe cutting.

A team of  innovators working behind the scenes to help NKHS students; excellent work
Upcoming Events/Important Dates

3 Division 2 Super Bowl 12 noon, Cranston--NK Takes it 34-16 over Moses Brown!
4-5 URI Pharmacy students working with 9th grade PE Health students in Media Center--Closed to outside classes.
7 Barnes and Noble Book Fair (more information coming soon)
8-9 Theater Performance--Monty Python and the Holy Grail, 7 pm
11-12 URI Pharmacy students working with 9th grade PE Health students in Media Center--Closed to outside classes.
12 School Committee Meeting, 7 pm, SEL Presentation
13 Skipper Block during the day--CTE Mentor Meeting/STEP-The documentary presentation (advisory and Block 6, Day 2)
13 Evening encore presentation of STEP-The documentary. (Students, grades 6-12, parents, community invited)
14 PTSO Meeting, 7 pm, Media Center
18 Faculty Meeting--2 pm. Off campus.
19 Chorus Winter Concert
20 Band Winter Concert

Teaching and Learning
From Melissa Rafferty--Science teacher

Just wanted to share some pictures of our pharmacology trip to URI pharmacy on Friday. We practiced CPR and drug administration on the patient simulators, learned about essential oils and made our own stress balls, and networked with many professors and students (including a former pharmacology student of mine!). Overall it was a great day and we may have some future pharmacists in the making!​

Social Emotional Learning
Dr. Kim Carson is presenting to the School Committee on December 12 at 7 pm at the Administration Building on the needs of the district for our student population. I will be there to assist in understanding the specific needs at the high school. As parents or teachers who live in NK, I invite you to attend to add to citizens comments at the beginning or to support the presentation.

Tech Tip

From Mark DeLucia
Collaborative Reading with Perusall

  • Developed by a Harvard professor looking to encourage collaborative reading among his students, Perusall is a site that enables students to better interact with a text in a variety of ways.  Students can pose and answer questions with their peers, or send private messages and checks for understanding to their teacher.  They can also take their own private notes.  Log-in to Perusall and create a teacher account.  From there, it is very easy to create a course, upload a PDF of your text (if you can’t find something online, I’m happy to show you how to scan a physical text and turn it into a PDF) and assign it to the class.  Students join the course with an access code which is given once you’ve created the class.  I can personally attest to the user-friendliness and usefulness of this tool for all reading levels.  Here is an introduction to the product from the creator himself.  Give a try this week.  I would love to hear feedback!

Videos Worth Watching

As we take the time this year to address social emotional learning, address our own biases and prepare for professional development in the new year, I thought this video was a great inspiration on spreading positivity. It is very sweet.

I must warn you that about 4 minutes in, one of the subjects does not know what to do so he quietly drops an f-bomb. It does not deter from the video and if you would not like to hear that please shut it off before the gentlemen takes his hair out of the clip to spin around.
Food for Thought  
As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” John F. Kennedy

Until next time, Think, Create, Innovate...Denise