Saturday, April 25, 2015

Friday, April 24, 2015


Sunrise; 40 Steps, Newport, RI
I hope you have enjoyed your vacation as much as possible and have built up your energy for the big push to the end of the year. As you well know, this next month and a half will fly by and be chock full of interesting events, both planned and unplanned.
Staff News
Michael Smith, Special Education Teacher in the Life Skills room and his wife, Jill, have welcomed their daughter, Reagan Elise on April 14th. Congratulations Michael and Jill. Please note Carole Taylor’s email from April 17 for Michael’s address. I am sure he prefers I do not post it to the Internet.

Abby Chevalier, Math Department, will be returning this Monday from her knee operation. So happy to have you back Abby!

Last Wednesday, April 22nd was Administrative Professional’s Day. While I know we appreciate the work our 8 clerks do each day it was nice to have the opportunity to recognize them and have some time to celebrate. Thank you to Kris Anderson, Linda Andrew, Mary Barnes, Leslie Buckley, Maribeth Budlong, Theresa Hawkins, Jenny Tausek, and Carole Taylor, for their professionalism and support in making North Kingstown High School a great place to learn and work.

Students as Learners
The week before break:
Michele Lataille’s class went outside to write poetry on the sidewalk. Fortunately for me I walked outside before the rains. Here is a couple of pictures exemplifying their work.

The Business/Careers department hosted many of our students in a state-wide financial literacy contest sponsored by the RI Jump$tart Coalition. Organized in teams of 3-4 students, each team took a test challenging their financial skills with the first place winners moving on to the nationals in Kansas City.  It was announced just this week that NK placed second in the state with the winning team earning a combined score of 530!  East Greenwich placed first and Lincoln placed third. 

This past Monday, April 20th, NK accepted a trophy recognizing their leadership in financial literacy with the top scoring students receiving a citation from the RI General Treasurer.  

Please join me in congratulating all of the NK students who participated and our highest scorers, Quintin Mulligan, Ethan LaPointe, Emily Auger, Cameron Moniz, Noah Kreiger, and Brianna Bryer.  

Haley Kelly (11th grade) is raising money for Autism. If you are interested in her website please click here. She and her mom are walking Sunday, April 26th, at Goddard Memorial State Park for the 13th Annual Imagine Walk and Family Fun Day for Autism.   
Teaching and Learning
The first ASPEN update for the 4th quarter is upon us. By the calendar it should be this Friday coming up. With consideration for the April break it has been moved to Wednesday May 6, 2015 at 8 am sharp please. See Mary Barnes email from April 23rd for explicit directions.  The second post will be June 5th for those who like to plan ahead. Thank you.

Adults as Learners

Liz Parvo-Brown caught Matt Blaser and the Bluegrass group jamming one afternoon before break; great way to enjoy the warm weather.

Student Management Office
On Wednesday, April 29, 2015, a sample of our advisories will be participating in the RI Health Department’s survey. Mitch Cournoyer will contact you with further details if you have been selected to participate.

Dean’s Corner
The warm weather is finally upon us.  Please remind your advisory of our dress code and if there are any questions I am here to help. (Tara Walsh)
 Health and Wellness
Kayla, Lily and Sky
While we were on vacation Earth Day was celebrated:  April 22nd.  The purpose of Earth Day is to raise awareness of and pause in appreciation for our mother, our home, our miraculous planet Earth and all its natural resources. 
We are grateful for our fantastic horticulture teacher Mr. Simmons and his students who grow and offer seasonal plants, care for our school’s courtyard, indoor plants and more ~  all so important to our well-being. 
What is one thing you can do for our Earth or environment this upcoming week?
Students in Ms. Besse’s Transition class walk around the inside or (if it is nice) outside of the building at least 4 times per day. Not only does this help them balance the stress of the day it keeps an eye on our school. Thank you.
April 28 and 29th a cadre of teachers and administrators from the district will work with our FUSE partners to begin the work necessary to design the Technology Summit for back to school. Dr. Humbyrd announced this at our last faculty meeting. These technology leaders will then facilitate workshops for NK educators upon our return to school for the 2015-16 year.
Upcoming Events
Tues, April 28th – Jazz Concert, 7 pm
Tues, April 28th – School Committee Meeting, 7 pm
Thur, April 30th – Blood Drive, 7:45 am – 1:45 pm
Thur, April 30th – National Honor Society Induction
Fri, May 1st – Variety Show 7 pm
Wed, May 6th – Special Education Local Advisory Meeting (SELAC) 6 pm Band room

Fri, May 15th – Join Team Emmie for a fun painting party to support Emily Gray and her family.
You are all invited to Charlie Hall’s Drink and Dabble, fundraiser to assist with the family’s medical expenses. Get together with your friends for painting and drinks. Below is the picture we will be painting. 
Join Team Emmie on Friday, May 15th at the Carriage Inn & Saloon.
Donation: $40.00
Doors open at 6:00 and painting begins at 6:30 
To purchase tickets contact Fran Pacheco-Fogarty at Davisville Middle School (

PS: It makes a great Mother’s Day gift. 

Videos Worth Watching

We may not be able to move this way; perhaps we can think this way!

Articles Worth Reading
PBGR News:
Please send any senior with issues in ePortfolio to Kevin Gormley and any senior with issues on their Senior Project to Beth Conrad in room 343. Thank you.

Food for Thought

“The best way out is always through." Robert Frost

Friday, April 10, 2015

Friday, April 10, 2015

To say I am excited for next year is an understatement. I am over the moon. To all that were there on Monday for Dr. Auger's announcement, I was humbled by your support; thank  you.

“For each new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food, for love and friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends.”

– Ralph Waldo Emerson


Staff News
Karen Finlan (Science department) has taken a post outside of our school and we wish her success in her new venture. She would also like to send the following message to you:

"The friendships and experiences I have formed over the years will resonate with me going forward. I hope you can wish me the best as I make a very big change.

I wish you continued success in all endeavors."
Students as Learners
Post High School Planning Night

On April 1, 2015, from 6:30-8:00, the Guidance Department hosted the 8th Annual Post High School Planning Night. This was an opportunity for all grade levels to meet and discuss what is necessary to plan now in order to be prepared for their post high school education, career or armed services. Included are a few shots from the evening.

Adults as Learners
The Social Studies Department scheduled a highly informative PD
Day walking tour of Historic Wickford with town Historian, Mr.
Cranston. Despite the rain, they certainly learned a lot and gained
valuable facts that can be incorporated into NKHS classrooms for years
to come. Highlights included the Old Narragansett Church, the post
WWII bomb shelter, Domini's House, the Updike House, the salt marsh, Bush Hill, leaning houses along Main Street, all things Prescott, NK's links to the RI Triangle Slave, and Samuel Phillip's House.

Of interest were the following additional facts that....

1. Henry Ford once came to Wickford with his checkbook in tow to try
and buy the Old Narragansett Church and relocate it in Michigan. The local priest refused him at the time.
2. The Village of Wickford looks much as it did back in the year 1702,
and in fact a transplanted villager would have no trouble getting
around town today. The same can't be said for 1702 Newport vs. Newport
2015, due to many of the changes of Mrs. Doris Duke.
3. The house built in Wickford for African-American Mr. Domini Smith
was the first house in America to be built specifically for a free Black man. 

The money for this house was gained by Domini when he served
on a crew of about 30 men that ran the British blockade to bring the
very valuable cargo of salt back to the colonies for our fishing
4. About 1/3 of the town of NK/Wickford were Tories and loyal to the
Crown during the American Revolution.

From Ms. Mason, “It is my fervent hope we can do another similar tour again in the near future as this day proved to be invaluable.”

Teaching and Learning

Try to work some poetry into your lessons this month.  Here are some ideas that can work with several academic disciplines:

1.  Use words and phrases from a news article to construct a poem that expresses the article's perspective.
2.  Write a poem about a feeling that uses color, shape, texture, and size adjectives.
3.  Create an anatomy poem -- a dialogue between two different parts of the body.
4.  While reading any text, make notes of questions you can't answer.  Then craft a poem using those questions, and perhaps some possible answers.
5.  OR simply find a great poem related to what you're teaching, or just because it's great, and share it with your class.

And here is a link to the official website:
Thank you to Matt Blaser.

Incomplete Grades:
If you received a roster of one or more students with an incomplete in your mailbox, please take a moment to update that student’s grade in your classroom and email Mary Barnes a message to change/update the grade. Thank you.

Dean’s Corner
When dealing with a difficult student, try and remain calm.
Remember, the verbally escalating person is beginning to lose control. If the person you are intervening with senses you are losing control, the situation will escalate. Try to keep your cool, even when challenged, insulted, or threatened.
Health and Wellness
“To accomplish great things, we must not only act but also dream.  Not only plan but also believe.”   Anatole France
Planning, springing ahead brings us a mix of angst (for some!), relaxation and a lifesaving “service” opportunity.  Overall wellness is a careful balance of all!
1.     TAX DAY  -  Wednesday April 15, 2015
2.    SPRING BREAK – Saturday April 18 ~ Sunday April 26, 2015
3.    NKHS BLOOD DRIVE – Thursday April 30, 2015

No time to donate blood during the school day?  Visit any of the satellite RI Blood Center donor locations and use CODE # 0532 and your donation will count for our high school!!

Upcoming Events
Sun, April 12th – Cup Cake Wars. 12-3 pm. High School Cafeteria
Tues, April 14th – All Town String Concert, 7 pm
Tues, April 14th – School Committee Meeting, 7 pm
Thur, April 16th – All Town Chorus, 7 pm
April 20 – 24 – Spring Recess
Tues, April 28th – Jazz Concert, 7pm
Thur, April 30th – Blood Drive, 7:45 am – 1:45 pm

Videos Worth Watching

In our louder and louder world, says sound expert Julian Treasure, "We are losing our listening." In this short talk, Treasure shares five ways to re-tune your ears for conscious listening — to other people and the world around you. Thanks to Ron Kenyon for the suggestion.

Friday there was a group led by Amy and Tara that met about behaviors in the classroom. Toni Silveira thought this video is a helpful follow up.

It is aimed at secondary school teachers and focuses on the general ed. teacher and high functioning ASD kids that would be mainstreamed in the classroom.

Articles Worth Reading

Senior Project News:

Please ask your seniors in class or in your advisory if they have handed in their Senior Project Portfolio. If you see someone struggling to answer please have them check in with Beth Conrad.

Food for Thought

"…sustained effort over time is the key to outstanding achievement." Carol Dweck

Until next time…Think, Create, Innovate
