Friday, December 11, 2015

Week Ending December 11, 2015

Two weekends left before vacation. It is time to set boundaries. Setting boundaries is a way to honor yourself and keep your free time with your families and friends. There is wi-fi everywhere, smartphones, and laptops galore. The lines are easily blurred if you do not plan ahead. Many of us remember coming to work into a physical space, performing that job and leaving the space. I worked at Johnson & Wales and because I had to travel often and host employers my hours were plentiful--physical, not virtual. I do remember when I came home I was finished for the day. Not so, anymore. If you find your workday leaking into your personal time take a moment and plan how to compartmentalize your time on the Internet. It doesn’t matter how much you enjoy your work. Everyone needs a break. I will include a few suggestions from Jason Fitzpatrick, whose article, though quite good, is posted on a page with inappropriate/unprofessional ads, therefore I have not included the link. He suggests the following: Separate User Accounts--make one account for personal time and one for work, set a cut-off time and finally, enlist your friends and family to help. Once they know you are trying to balance your time they will only be too happy to help.
Teachers as Learners

On December 21, in lieu of our faculty meeting, we will divide into the Focus Groups to continue the work we began on our Professional Day in November. A description of each group will be shared in a Google Doc early next week. If you are joining a group for the first time you are welcome to listen or jump right in.

Students as Learners
Next week during advisory on Wednesday through the following Monday, each class, beginning with the senior class, will come to the auditorium to celebrate the good work students are doing thus far this year and recognize those students that have achieved the Honor Roll and Principal’s Honor Roll for the first quarter of school. Additionally, Cindy Normand will engage the students in a discussion on boundaries.
Health and Wellness
From Karen D’Abrosca:

Since the winter and holiday season is  upon us, the focus is
“Tips for Managing Busy-ness and Holiday Stress”.


  • Set Reasonable Expectations
  • Do your best to stick to your regular schedule
  • Try to keep bedtime and mealtime the same
  • Let people know of your expectations
  • You can’t do everything – choose the activities you enjoy the most

From Barbara Seeley:

I wanted to share some info I gleaned from my training yesterday. There is evidence based results for lowering anxiety and stress in listening to what they call 60 beats per minute music.(our heart's natural rhythm) Pandora has a station with this music. Might be fun to Google and share in your weekly blog.  And so I did. The link is below. Enjoy.

Upcoming Events/Important Dates
Dec 11th -- First Aspen update for the second quarter is due, Leslie has opened Aspen
Dec 12th – Holiday Craft Show – 3-9 pm
**Dec 16-18th and Monday Dec 21st -- Advisory Assemblies Seniors, Juniors, Sophomores and Freshmen (in that order) to recognize Honor Roll students and have a discussion on “Boundaries” with Cindy Normand. (Please note the change in dates)
Dec 16th -- NKHS Holiday celebration
Dec 17th – Choral Concert – 7 pm
Dec 22nd -- Band Concert – 7pm
Dec 24th – Jan 3rd:  Holiday Recess
Jan 12th -- School Committee Meeting, 7 pm, Auditorium
Jan 18th – No classes

Jan 26th – 29th   Midterm Exams

Student Services Office
Thank you for everyone's patience as we continue to meet our Safety Plan requirements.   7 down, 8 to go.   The weather was too nice for December to let it pass us.  

Please review and be familiar with fire drill procedures.  We need to get students out to the field as quickly as possible, attendance cannot be taken until all students have arrived.  Advisors should be lined up alphabetically by grade and each advisor to your left and right (as it applies) should have a copy of your roster.  As we approach cold and flu season, teachers may be out sick and this back-up system is critical.  These two points were part of the reason we were stalled on the field today.

Also be sure to wait for a Dean or Administrator to release students by grade.  If there is an issue on the field, please try to solve the problem or alert a dean.  Brian has a binder with extra rosters, but he is also overseeing the collection of two grades of attendance.  If you can solve the problem to help us be efficient, that would be excellent.  You can follow up with us after the drill with concerns or suggestions, during the drill is not the appropriate time to give feedback.

In the next few weeks, the Deans and I will finalize the alternative site if the field conditions are compromised.  Those details will be following soon and we hope to rehearse it at an advisory in the future.

Community-School Culture
From the Deans:
Got Holiday Spirit?
Show your holiday spirit in the "Ugly Holiday Sweater" Contest on Monday, December 21st and win a prize.

Vote during lunch for your favorite student and staff!!

Last Friday, Toni Silveira and her students entertained the elementary students throughout North Kingstown. Here are pictures of our students performing at Forest Park and Stony Lane.

Videos Worth Watching
From Rich Garland:
We're all busy...but this software may be worth a view. It's based on IBM's Cognitive Computing platform and is a product of a Texas startup.  Worth looking at to be aware of what is available. I am not sure how deep the questions are that it creates.
Quick description: Prep Flash picks up images of texts, etc. and creates assessments that can be used as study guides...but I think - also - creates assessments for teachers to use.  

On you tube:  

Let Rich know if you use it.

Articles Worth Reading
There hasn’t been as many technology articles since Mark DeLucia has been emailing the faculty and we have the Model Classroom initiative. However, I thought if anyone is looking for a push to use Twitter in your classroom you may get an idea from this article. Note: there is a spelling error for idea #14. It is still worth reading.

Food for Thought

Until next time, Think, Create, Innovate...Denise

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