Sunday, January 24, 2016

Week Ending January 22, 2016

It was the last full week of first semester. The time has flown by. We end our first semester this upcoming week. Good luck as you as you embark on a week full of mid-terms.

Students as Learners
Teachers, students and community members christened the new Conference Room on the first floor as Mr. Garland’s Business Leadership/Entreprenuership students presented their “Shark Tank” type presentations.

Health and Wellness

From Karen D’Abrosca:

Focus on the Process, Not the Results
Still have change on the mind?  Goals like “Lose Weight” and “Get Organized” are broad goals, completely focused on a result with no identification of a process for how to get there.  Be “SMART”  ~  Look at your goals as Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely.

For example, take a goal of “Lose Weight”.  Shift the focus to going for walks or eating healthy salads for lunch rather than a number on the scale.   Pounds may disappear in the process!

“Set thy Heart on upon thy work, but never on its reward”
Upcoming Events/Important Dates
January 26th – School Committee Meeting (Business) 7pm

January 26th – 29th   Midterm Exams

January 28th – 8th grade night, Finance, Pre-engineering/Robotics CTE Open House 6 pm

January 29th -- Teacher lunch, #community

February 5th -- Grades due by the end of the day. Pep Rally; 4th lunch and 5th period.

February 10th – Semester 1 Report Cards

February 12th -- Professional Development Day, no school for students

February 15th -- Presidents’ Day, no school

Student Services Office
Congratulations to Rob Silveira for being nominated for this week's Skipper Pride for Excellence Award by last week's winner Linda Andrew.  From Linda:

"I nominated Rob Silveira to be this week’s recipient of the Skipper Award.
Rob is always willing to help when I ask him for anything.  Many times throughout
the year I need photos of staff, posters, etc., and he always does them for me as soon as he can and never complains. Myself and the rest of the main office staff know we can count on him to
come through “in a pinch” whenever we need help with something such as covering classes,
delivering packages, etc.”

Rob is one of our “go-to” guys at NKHS !"

Congratulations Rob, we can't wait to see who you will pick to be next week's winner.

Best buddies (Sue Graham and Paul Fanning--Advisors) planned an outing to the bowling alley this past weekend. On the right is a picture of the group. Looks like they had a blast.

School Culture
On Friday you may want to come to school in your comfortable clothes. Not only did Sherri and Amy organize a lunch for all of us to break bread together but in addition, Leah LaPorte and Patty Kirwin have offered to host a preview of the wellness classes they are offering to the district next month. During last hour (1-1:30/1:45 pm--your planning time because of Exam week) if you would prefer to take a Zumba class with Leah or a Yoga class (bring your own mat if you would like) with Patti please do. After a long week of midterms it may be just the ticket before you leave for the weekend.

So let's review: We will have a yummy lunch planned for us, during which Rich Polseno and Matt Blaser will provide music, Julie Maguire and the PE department will bring a few table tennis tables for those with a competitive edge and I hear maybe even an “open mic” for a few laughs. If you did not plan on the catered lunch please join us with your lunch so you can still be in on the fun.

Collectively we make NKHS a better place to work.
From the Deans

Please encourage your students to lock all of their belongings during the school day and extracurricular activities, every student is provided with a lock and a locker.  We have received complaints about phones and other personal items being stolen from backpacks and purses.  Although we would like to think that all of our students are honest, sometimes that is not always the case.
Videos Worth Watching
Tara Harrington sent this YouTube video. She gave her level two ceramics class an option to create a video to show proficiency. While we usually see our COM students making videos, it is nice to see other courses use this media.

Additionally, our senior senator from RI, Jack Reed, has sent this message through email. You may have already seen it. If not, it is worth the two minutes as it affects our students going on to higher ed.

Articles Worth Reading
Friday morning, a group of teachers and administrators will be looking at data from our students--those that may be at-risk from a number of different data points: attendance, STAR data, PARCC data, and first quarter grades to name a few categories. Before we get together, I will ask them to read this one page article to ground our work before we begin. I am sharing the article with you because you will also have the opportunity to look at the data at Monday’s faculty meeting with Barbara and perhaps this can help your frame of reference.

Food for Thought
“Individual commitment to a group effort — that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.”
~Vince Lombardi

Until next time, Think, Create, Innovate...Denise

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