Thursday, March 24, 2016

Week Ending March 24, 2016

Our Model Classroom teachers visited the West Warwick School Department last week to see how teachers who have had a 1:1 environment are integrating technology. I spoke to a couple of the teachers who attended and received some great ideas and advice for us. One teacher shared that we should meet our teachers where they are and have them try one thing to be comfortable and go from there. Also, allow teachers to target the apps they would like to learn for their content. Additionally, I learned about their faculty meetings and how they are set up like an “unconference” and that reminded me of what we have done on our PD days but not for our faculty meetings. You will be hearing more from Mark Delucia regarding our April 4th faculty meeting. As I reflected upon what had been shared with me I couldn’t help but get excited. It seems we are making our way through the SAMR Model. For those of you who may have forgotten we have discussed this Model previously but it may have been out of context for those of you who had not been comfortable using/integrating technology. The SAMR Model was introduced by Ruben Puentedura, PhD, in 2006 in collaboration with the Maine Department of Education. I have included a video describing the concept below. This Model describes the life-cycle of technology integration. Have a great long weekend.
Good News
Now that Sandie is resting comfortably, let’s keep her in our thoughts as she is home recuperating..
Chris Lyons has returned to school this week and in great physical health. So happy you are back, Chris!
Students as Learners
On Wednesday evening the RI Department of Education, held the first of four community meetings around the state to gather feedback for the updated Diploma System. On the panel there were two NKHS students: James Lawless and Jessica Antaya. Their opinions were favorably received by the audience and RIDE. As members in Mr. Mooney’s Student Government, they were well prepared to discuss the topic and share their views.

Our Music Department held the Spring Concert on Wednesday, March 22nd
in the evening. Toni Silveira showcased the Concert Band, a Clarinet Concerto by Erica Smith, who was a finalist in the The Eastern Connecticut Symphony Orchestra concerto competition, and the Symphonic Band. This picture shows the Symphonic Band tuning up and getting ready to begin their trio of compositions.

On Thursday, March 24th, Sophomore and junior girls were invited to URI for the annual Grrl Tech (Girls Reaching Remarkable Levels). This Program is in it’s 15th year reaching out to girls to give them an up-close and engaging look at dynamic, technical opportunities. Each female student signed up for hands on workshops to learn from industry mentors about careers in STEM. Girls from over 25 RI high schools participated, including NKHS. Joy Tavano and Susan Eriksen chaperoned and learned with the students and Donna Hutson provided this opportunity to NKHS through her CTE position.

From Susan: We took 20 girls to GRRL tech at URI today.  Wonderful experience for them.  So much positive energy around women in STEAM careers!

Sophie Girard (10th grade) was a scholarship winner.  Out of 45 applicants they selected 3 winners this year.  The essay/scholarship idea was to plan a STEM 1-hour workshop on a subject of your choice for girls ages 11-14.  They had to state the goal and why the topic is important and work within a $100 budget. Sophie's winning idea was a hands on workshop about making home-heating more sustainable and green.  (you might get more details from her).
The scholarship is for $4000/year for four years.

Congratulations to Sophie!!!

We had another fieldtrip today to the Marine Trades Career Fair at New England Tech. John Owens and Fran Dempsey (thank you!) chaperoned 18 students from the 9th and 10th grade Success Academy Team. From Fran: Some of the presentations that we saw included a demonstration on welding,  fiberglass repair, and marine navigational charting. We also saw presentations from MTTI, Electric Boat, and the Naval War College. Students had a great time learning about the career opportunities in the Marine Trades industry.

Health and Wellness
From Karen D’Abrosca
So Spring is here.  We’ve been discussing new beginnings, new rituals or new habits.  This entry was tricky …  I was drawing a blank.  Then, it hit me … drawing, or more precisely coloring!!

Adult Coloring Books are all the rage.  Bookstores, art supply stores and gift shops can’t keep them on the shelves.  It is a great way to get back into art and it’s great “me” time.  Designs run from soothing shapes to intricate patterns.  Our art department put together books for sale (in the media center) and The Current Wave will be publishing an article on the many benefits of slowing down with coloring.  Coloring books not your style?  How about coloring Easter eggs!!  There are many ready-made kits on the market or research innovative designs online!  Happy Easter Long Weekend and Happy Coloring!!

Upcoming Events/Important Dates

March 25 – No School – Good Friday
March 28 – RI Orchestra Festival
March 31 – All Town Concert 7pm
April 1 -- Hussey Bridge closed

Student Services Office
Congratulations to Tholerme Alriche for being nominated for this week's Skipper Pride for Excellence Award by last week's winner, Liz Parvo-Brown.  From Liz:

I choose to continue the positive chain of pride inspired by the Skipper Pride for Excellence Award by
nominating an individual who cares for our school on a daily basis. This person continues the legacy of genuinely caring for the NKHS facility, staff and student body, as did his predecessor Jackie Fagan.

Tholerme Alriche, who oversees the custodial staff and responsibilities, is one of the most dedicated and hard-working people I know. He often assumes overtime hours to compensate for understaffing or turnovers in the custodial staff, frequently giving up his days off to work over the weekend.  Tholerme performs his job with a smile and is quick to offer teachers a hand in times of need, perhaps steam cleaning a coffee stain from a carpet, locating a spare desk for a classroom or fixing a broken window screen to keep the hornets at bay in the spring.
Tholerme is a team player who quietly assists us in pulling off the many events we hold in the evenings, like Freshmen Orientation, Open House and Post-High School Planning Night. When I see Tholerme training a new employee, which unfortunately happens much too frequently, I hope that Tholerme’s exemplary work ethic and attention to detail will be ingrained in the newbie.  I also love that Tholerme was reluctant to accept this individual award, asserting that his entire team was worthy of recognition—and this is exactly why he is so deserving!
School Culture
On April 1st the Hussey Bridge in Wickford will be closed for renovations and that is not an April Fools joke. All traffic will leave out the exits to Annaquatucket and there will be delays, a bit of a bottleneck and perhaps frustration while waiting in a car line to get out. John Horan, from the Transportation Department, has the unenviable task of getting our busses out of the circle, left on Fairway, right up  Annaquatucket to Tower Hill. No busses will go right onto Fairway. Therefore, in order to assist the bus drivers to keep to their time could everyone allow the busses to leave first (around 1:55 pm) I know most people are still in the building at that time but I do not want to make assumptions of who needs to leave when. I will be asking our student drivers in the senior lot to do the same or take a left out Annaquatucket to Boston Neck Road.
The school department will also be working with the NKPD so there may be police details on the corner of Annaquatucket and Fairway.. As of right now, I do not have any definitive answer on the police details, I am trying to get ahead of it for the bus drivers. It may run smoother to sit tight for 10-15 minutes. Thank you for your cooperation on this.

Videos Worth Watching

SAMR Model explanation

|Food for Thought

Enjoy your long weekend!

Until next time, Think, Create, Innovate...Denise

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