Sunday, April 10, 2016

Week Ending April 8, 2016

Last fall, three of our junior democracy students invited the new Commissioner of Education to NK’s “Dialogues in Democracy” night. His schedule did not allow for it and his office contacted me to set up a date to come visit our school to meet Jamie Hazel, Shelby Factor, Emma LaRoche and Larry Verria. He spent over three hours touring classes, listening to the democracy presentations, discussing issues of importance to the students, teachers, and parents and getting to know a bit more about the NKHS community of learners. He noted that our building seemed to him to be a place where students are engaged and happy to learn. Besides the Student Senate and the Democracy Class all interactions with students and teachers were organic. I was with him for most of his visit and I would have to agree NKHS is a great place to be. 

Which leads me to #LoveMySchoolDay. John Wink, an educational consultant and former principal started this movement two years ago when a teacher had had it with someone saying something bad about their school. No one is going to say it for us. We must let the world know why our school is great. April 11, 2016 is the day to tell everyone over social media why you love our school and be sure to attach the hashtag, #LoveMySchoolDay. If you tweet, please add @NKHS_RI.
Good News
I had heard Jacob Maguire had won a pretty prestigious contest last Friday and I asked him to send me some information.
From Jake:
The journalism contest that I won is called the Al Neuharth Free Spirit and Journalism Contest. It is named after Al Neuharth, the founder of USA Today. Along with one high school junior from every other state, I was chosen as the winner from Rhode Island. In June, I will be attending a week-long conference at the Newseum in Washington, DC to meet the other winners and to learn more about the field of journalism.
Teachers as Learners
From Janet Strain:
Attention NKHS Staff & Personal
Would You Like to Comment on a Piece of Student Artwork?
We are sure they would love your feedback.
Just fill out the slips and pop in our Handy Dandy
Black & Gold Comment Box.
The NKHS Art Staff

Students as Learners
From Grafton Bucklin: 
Here are some photos of the Golf project that students in my SA TCM completed along with the attached outline of the project Criteria. Most are quite well done with some interesting obstacles and designs. This is a culmination of our Unit on ratios and proportions. Students had to design a model golf course using a specific scale.
Perhaps this could add to your blog sometime. Today seems like a perfect day for it. Thanks, Grafton.

Hi Dr. Mancieri!
Emma, Jamie and Shelby

Both Wyndom and I enjoyed meeting Commissioner Wagner and presenting our work to him. It was a great opportunity to be able to share our thoughts and projects with him, as well as, the Social Studies Department. Thank you!

-Sara Anoushian and Wyndom Chace
Health and Wellness
From Karen D’Abrosca
The World Health Organization (WHO) ( has designated April 7th as "World Health Day"
This Year the World Health Day focus is Diabetes.
Type 2 form of diabetes accounts for the vast majority of people living with diabetes globally.
This is largely the result of excess body weight and physical inactivity.
Now that spring is here, increased daylight hours may spark more energy and increased opportunities to be active.  What can you do in your daily life to re-think your habits -  be physically active and eat healthy foods?
Upcoming Events/Important Dates
April 11 - Town Council/School committee joint budget hearing 6 pm town items/7:30 pm School items, NKHS Auditorium
April 12 - School Committee Meeting - 7pm
April 18 – 21 – No School - Spring Recess
April 26 - School Committee Meeting - 7pm
April 27 - Cyber Safety Presentation - 7pm NKHS Auditorium

April 29 – Blood Drive
Student Services Office
Congratulations to Lisa Garcia for being nominated for this week's Skipper Pride for Excellence Award by last week's winner, Beth Conrad.  From Beth:

Lisa is the math lady who tells it like it is, but always does so with compassion and a touch of gentle humor.  I am impressed by the rapport she develops with students and their families.  She sees in every student the possibility for success.  She acknowledges that for many kids, math is their most challenging subject.  But she makes them see that they can do it.  Lisa still has the same youthful energy and positive attitude she did 20 years ago. She never wavers.  She's the kind of veteran educator who is an excellent role model for younger teachers.  For all these reasons, she is richly deserving of this award for excellence.  

Details from Donna regarding ASPEN:

I learned about a number of features that we have the ability to create right now with just a little building in the background.  Sherri and I plan to meet over the summer to have a few new whistles in place for next year.  One of them is the "Early Warning System" that will create an icon for teachers, the student and their parent when the student has hit the predefined thresholds we place. For example, we can say that a student with more than 10% absence and at least one failing grade is a "Low Risk" student.  Our team needs to decide the criteria that is most useful for us to populate so we can have earlier detection of a struggling student that is visible to the parent as well.

Additionally, we have the functionality to created fines and fees in ASPEN so we can build a "bill" for students that owe us money for books, parking or other items.

The Follett company was very aware that most districts are asking for a more user friendly grade book and they committed to this at the ASPEN Institute.  It was a nice two-day conference to be with other ASPEN users and have one-on-one time with ASPEN employees to work on specific questions.
Additional items from Donna:
Thank you to everyone who responded to the REMIND app, we have about 45 staff on board.  I will plan to use this during our April drill when we are in the back lot again.
School Culture
Horace Mann provided NKHS Teachers and staff a light lunch this past Wednesday to show their appreciation and support for those who work in the field of education. There were two raffles teachers could enter. Mr. Ku won the golf balls and umbrella (perfect timing!) and Coach Higgins won the $50 Target gift card (Happy shopping).

Along with the luncheon this week Horace Mann also supports schools by providing the Crystal Apple award. This award is selected by the teacher’s peers. Amy Messerlian was the recipient and we surprised her in her Consumer Math collaborative classroom with Joy Tavano. The following are a few comments from the emails of support for Amy: Amy is always willing to lend a supportive ear to her colleagues. She is a great listener and offers solutions to the toughest problems. She is a great role model for her students as well as her co-workers since she is such a hard worker and stays current on any changes to our policies. She does not shy away from a challenge, rather she volunteers to research and solve the issue at hand. From her professional development work for special educators at the middle and high school to her work on the Success Academy Focus Group that concentrates on our students and equitable solutions for all, she is tireless in sharing her expertise and supporting each student and faculty member to reach their potential.

Videos Worth Watching
This is why I #LoveMySchoolDay:
Maddie McCarthy's Senior Project Video--NKHS Special Education Documentary

Ryan Oakley, Keith Higgins student teacher, jumped in with both feet this week. He had a starring role in the Around the World in 80 Days dramatic read in Sydney Culbertson’s room 121. What Sydney may have forgotten to tell him is that there would be a thousand people watching.
Thanks Ryan, you are a great sport. Additionally, Linda Twardowski was allowed outside of her Clinic to join in on the fun. Bobby invited her to be part of the magic. He is enjoying listening to all the voices and he participated, as well. Click below to see Linda’s super princess accent. Cheers Linda!

Articles Worth Reading

Food for Thought
“We rise by lifting others.” ~ Robert Ingersoll

Until next time, Think, Create, Innovate...Denise

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