Friday, January 20, 2017

Week Ending 1/20/2017

Change may be hard but the process is important
Inauguration Day.
Au Revoir Obama. While I will not discuss politics on this blog, I would like to acknowledge that in most economic indicators we are in a better place than we were eight years ago.

Along this same vein, I would like to acknowledge that the scheduling work we have done that many of you have contributed to, makes the result better. While it only began with a list on a white board it has exploded to multiple iterations, hours of research, visits to other schools, student and parent voice, and this week continued leadership team discussions. I believe that people bring their best self to every opportunity. If not, why come? While there have been some unknowns trust the process and that the team is looking for the best solution for all of NKHS within the parameters given. Looking forward to not giving up with you.

Health and Wellness
From Karen D’Abrosca:

Focus on the Process, Not the Results
Still have change on the mind?  These 10 Super Foods from Nutrition Action Healthletter may just fit into your weekly meal plans:
  1. Sweet Potatos, Mangoes, Plain Greek Yogurt, Broccoli, Wild Salmon, Crispbreads, Garbanzo Beans, Watermelon, Butternut Squash, Leafy Greens.
  2. Little by little, over and over is the process!

Upcoming Events/Important Dates

24 Faculty meeting postponed (again) ILT meets instead
24 Period 1 exams
25 Period 3 exams
26 Period 4 exams
27 Period 5 and make up exam


2 Screening of Chasing the Dragon, 6:30 pm, Auditorium
Good News!
This past month was NKHS’s turn to select the Rotary Teacher and Student of the month. Dan Silva and Chase Goulet (pictured left)
It was the first time a School Resource Officer has been chosen for this honor.

From Donna Sweet, “Dan has been in our building for over a year now and takes a very hands on approach.  What we appreciate most is his genuine warmth and caring for our students.  He avails himself as a resource when kids have questions but also as a voice of reason.  He often takes the role of a mentor to help students make better choices.  In times of conflict, Dans steps in and takes command in a way that protects the school community at large.

Dan makes his presence known, sometimes in the smallest voice. His experiences outside of NKHS and NKPD have served him well because he thinks of the "whole person" and understanding the "why?"  He is very much a part of our school culture and we look forward to our continued partnership with Officer Silva.”

From Donna Sweet and Julie Maguire: "Chase is a kind hearted team player.  He is insightful, creative and unselfish in sharing his talents with his classmates.  His active participation in Leadership Academy has benefited our school in many ways.  In collaboration with his fellow leaders, he created a Freshmen Help Guide to welcome our newest students.  He furthered shared his talents by designing the yearbook cover this year.  He is a young man of great caliber with a strong moral compass.  He brings passion, authenticity to his work and has shared it on a global  level with his entrepreneurial skills in the world of Minecraft.  Chase is one of the youngest digital designers in the world that is part of a by-hire design team that digitally creates gaming rooms.  He was able to attend a conference this past fall in California to network of incredible innovators.

As a member of the Leadership Academy, Chase is motivated, personable and helpful. He is one of the most well mannered and respectful students that I have
had the pleasure of knowing. Chase relates to adults with confidence, courtesy and
openness.  In his first month in the Leadership Academy, he took the initiative to create a new freshmen handbook.  The end product is both informative and creative.  I am excited to see how Chase will continue to influence the school climate at NKHS."
“A Can If You Can” from Toni Silveira
Noah and Nathan Tellier (pictured right)

The music department started a campaign called "A Can If You Can" and asked the community to bring a canned good to each concert to benefit the NK Food Pantry. We've donated over 450 pounds of food this year and 1,588 since we started two years ago. We have also collected items for Blessings in A Backpack which helps to provide food for our students on the weekends.

To honor their Coach, Paul Tetreault, the North Kingstown Boys Cross Country Team, made this $400 donation to RMH Providence! Thank you for your generosity! You guys rock! Pictured: Coach with Team Captains JP, Noah & Ethan with RMH Providence CEO Michael Fantom #RMHProvidence #nkxc

New Cafeteria chef
Welcome Lauren McCaughey-Laird, pictured here with Sue Tavares, to our kitchen. She is J&W trained and has already made her mark with her chowder, lentil soup, and all-day breakfast.
Teachers, come and eat brunch between exams. You need to feed your brain and remind your students to do it, too. Breakfast burritos for all.

Student Services

The Skipper Award for Excellence has begun again. For those new to our building, this is one award that seems to mean the most because you are nominated by a colleague for a job well done. That colleague presents the Skipper Award to you and a handwritten or typed note why they chose you.

From last week’s recipient, Karen D’Abrosca:

My nominee is Bob Shaffer. His theater spotlightS shine well beyond the stage and classroom.  He loves to learn, travels to learn and lives to learn.  A talented artist, director and set designer for our many musicals and drama productions, Bob's standards of excellence are evident in his passion for leading students and quest for excellence.
His varied personal interest include holistic health, martial arts and of course nature.  It is not unusual to find a lunchtime gathering of students in the art room ~~ eating, laughing and discussing life.  His students describe him as spontaneous, wise & charismatic.  I couldn't agree more.  One student mentioned that his "Rants on Life" speeches have impacted her most in her years here at NKHS.  "He teaches us about life after high school".  So important.  NKHS is so fortunate to have a creative, dedicated teacher like Bob Shaffer and I am fortunate to have a teaching space where our paths cross occasionally.  He always has time for a few kind words ....   never too busy to say hi!

Teaching and Learning
From Ben Gillett:
Beginning this year, I taught a class called Transition Exploration, where students were able to devote
a significant amount of time to learn about themselves, their interests and some concepts and skills that are critical for life after graduation. The Special Education Department felt that this was an area of need for our students for numerous reasons.  Some of the aspects focused on in this course were creating a resume and cover letter, job interview skills, computer and financial literacy, as well as research and writing skills. Another element of the course was tours of educational and business facilities.  On the day this picture was taken, we went to Vibco, a highly successful company located near URI that makes industrial vibration devices.  The students enjoyed this tour, and the course as a whole, and I am hoping that it will be something that can develop and grow moving forward.
Videos Worth Watching
From AM Finlay:

EVERYONE is invited to the next film of the Socio-Emotional Series, “Chasing the Dragon” on February  2nd, Thursday at 6:30pm-8:00pm in the auditorium at North Kingstown High School.  
Unfortunately, there is a growing misconception that smoking marijuana, vaping, drinking alcohol and  trying pills isn’t such a big deal.  Yet, all of those substances have the possibility of leading to an addiction, even an addiction to heroin and opiates.

The purpose of this film is to raise awareness of how easy drug abuse can occur  and the downward spiral that it may cause. This film also shares intense personal stories that provide real-life examples on why the vast majority of North Kingstown High School students are substance free.
We truly believe that this documentary and discussion have the potential to save lives and continue to  give people reasons/resources to stay healthy.
After viewing documentary “Chasing the Dragon”  there will be a panel of experts to comment and lead a  thought provoking discussion. Some of the experts include:
  • Peter Neronha, US Attorney
  • David Ashley, MD, practicing at Meadow’s Edge which specializes in substance abuse treatment.
  • Susan Vogl, LICSW, experienced with outpatient and residential substance abuse treatment programs.  
  • A.M. Finlay, MS MFT, Student Assistance Counselor at NKHS, experienced with substance abuse.
  • Debra Parente, a Rhode Island mother, who lost her son to addiction.
  • Patrick Flanagan, North Kingstown Chief of Police
We hope that you can attend this FREE event.
If you would like to talk more about this topic contact A.M. Finlay : 268-6251  or  or stop by Rm. 252
SAVE THE DATE….  The last of the Socio-Emotional series will be Suicide Prevention on March 9th at 6:30 pm North Kingstown High School.
Food for Thought

“If a man will begin with certainties, he shall end in doubts, but if he will be content to begin with doubts, he shall end in certainties.”  - Francis Bacon

Until next time, Think, Create, Innovate...Denise

Monday, January 16, 2017

Week Ending 1/13 and MLK Birthday

Happy Birthday Mr. King

A day of reflection. I hope you had the opportunity to do just that.

Health and Wellness
From Karen D’Abrosca:

Happy New Beginnings !
Many of us “resolve” to change with the New Year.
Fact is, only 8% of people actually achieve their New Year’s Resolutions. Most Fitness resolutions last, on average, 8 days. If this sounds like you, you are not alone!

Try these Mindful ways of changing habits for the New Year:
  1. Replace the word “Resolution” with “Intention”
  2. Have Patience – focus less on effort and focus more on the process…doing the best we can in each moment
Upcoming Events/Important Dates


16 No School MLK
17 PTSO Meeting, scheduling conversation and parent feedback, 7 pm, Media Center
18 Democracy Night, 6:30 pm, NKHS Cafeteria
19 District Technology Meeting, 4-5 pm
19 Jamestown School Committee Meeting, 7 pm, Melrose School – 76 Melrose Ave.
24 Period 1 exams
25 Period 3 exams
26 Period 4 exams
27 Period 5 and make up exam

The Screenagers Documentary viewing this past Thursday was a hit; a great jumping off point for
family conversation in the digital age. Thank you to our panel, Paula Calitri, Matt Hughes, Steven Clarke, Cindy Zito and Winston Nelson, Graduate Studies in Cyber Security Forensics at the University of New Haven.  His second time at NK. Winston was part of the Cyber Panel last year Additionally, we had two of our own students, Ben Coleman and Jessica Antaya join the panel conversation. There were some great conversation starters and I am sure families went home to additional discussions. Click here for resources provided by the producer of the film.

The NK Prevention Coalition provided a table and passed out samples of granola bars, a recipe taken from their Healthy Family series of Recipe cards. ​It was a great evening.

The series will continue on February 2, 6:30- 8:30 pm with the screening of Chasing the Dragon, at NKHS Auditorium through the RI US Attorney General’s Office. There will be a local panel of experts to discuss relevant questions regarding addiction and how the issue of the opioid crisis impacts us locally, in RI, and across the country.

Student Services
The Skipper Award for Excellence has begun again. For those new to our building, this is one award that seems to mean the most because you are nominated by a colleague for a job well done. That colleague presents the Skipper Award to you and a handwritten or typed note why they chose you.
From last year’s final recipient, Christine Lyons:

My nominee is Karen D'Abrosca.

There is no teacher more deserving of the first Skipper Award for Excellence for 2017 than our beloved Karen D'Abrosca. To say that Karen teaches by example is an understatement. Her passion is health and wellness and she imparts enormous wisdom and compassion when she interacts with others in any setting. Her love of teaching goes far beyond her formal teaching assignments. She works with students, teachers and community members alike in her quest to bring enlightenment to others. She is a profoundly curious learner herself and constantly seeks inspiration from a plethora of sources to bring to her teaching practice. Karen seems to focus on the big questions, but she has a wonderful way of breaking things down into manageable pieces. Whether it is physical fitness, yoga, mindfulness, art, exploring different cultures around the world, goal setting or embracing her own personal challenges, she personifies joy, gratitude and humility. In her quiet, accepting way, she helps people to realize positive change in their lives. She has changed me in the time I have spent in her early morning fitness sessions or her after school mindfulness gatherings. She is one of the "chosen few": a select group of people who help everyone  to realize their highest potential. For Karen, it seems, teaching is a whole lot like breathing.

Good News!
On Wednesday, thirty-two students participated in the thirteenth annual Shakespeare Monologue Competition.  This year's first-place winner is Sokeara Sanford, grade 10 (center), for her monologue from Julius Caesar in the role of Portia.  Runners-up are Tate Kent (right), grade 9, and Conor Kennedy (left), grade 12.  

Performing her monologue as well as one of Shakespeare's sonnets, Sokeara will represent NKHS at the state competition on February 26 at the Providence Athenaeum.  Supporters are welcome to attend this event.  Congratulations and best wishes to her.
Articles Worth Reading
From Cindy Zito:
Easier said than done, at times. Great article.
Videos Worth Watching
From AM Finlay"
Hi Denise,
With Exams coming up there is a website that has teacher/ students watch a video and make choices on how to prepare for the exam.

Maybe it is worth spreading to the faculty/student body?

It gives facts about drugs (if drugs are chosen) and "healthy ways" to deal with exam stress.

Food for Thought
 Strong people don't put others down...they lift them up.” –Michael P. Watson

Until next time, Think, Create, Innovate...Denise

Friday, January 6, 2017

Happy New Year--Week Ending January 7, 2017

7 PM to 7 AM--It's France

Welcome back. The last time you saw me in a picture at the top of the blog was when I shared a lesson from my father. This holiday I was surprised by my daughter on our visit to London to spend an unplanned day in Paris, she and I, alone. My theme for this blog “live” was underscored by a law passed by the French while we were on vacation, it seems only fitting that I model adhering to the new ruling. I decided to turn off, tune out and live life.

While it is difficult in the US and right here in North Kingstown to separate emails and working after hours, studies have shown that those companies that have set policies to address off hours emails still achieve the same competencies. I will be taking a page out of the French play have read it here first, I will not expect a reply in the evenings or on weekends and I will do my best NOT to send anything out to warrant said reply. À bientôt!

Health and Wellness
From Karen D’Abrosca:

Browsing the Website "Positively Positive", I noticed this writing by Stephanie Zamora that seemed so fitting for the New Year.  Instead of mulling through endless habits or patterns that we wish were different, try choosing a "Guiding Word" for 2017 instead.  Use these questions as a guide to choose your word.  Approach the New Year with resolve to find the opportunities hidden in each new day.
  • What do I want to feel this year?
  • What kind of experiences do I want to have?
  • What results, effects or changes do I want to see?
  • What do I want to create in the next 52 weeks?

Upcoming Events/Important Dates


9 Faculty Meeting, Postponed
10 School Committee Meeting, 7 pm, High School Auditorium
11 School Improvement Team, 2 pm, Media Center
12 “Screenagers” the documentary film, 6:30 pm, High School Auditorium
13 Quarter 2, grade update
16 No School MLK
17 PTSO Meeting, scheduling presentation and parent feedback, 7 pm, Media Center
18 Democracy Night, NKHS Cafeteria
24-27 Exams

Student Services
From Donna:

  • Our theme this month is Refresh-Reset-Reboot!  Hope you had a chance to do this over the holiday break.  You should have received the Wordle this month, it great to see them in the building, thank you!  The January School Culture page has been updated, please check it out and share with your students. Feel free to share your great ideas, class projects or practices that tie in.
  • On January 12th, we will cast the movie Screenagers at 6:30pm.  Come as a teacher or as a parent.  Check out the trailer:  Tickets are on sale, but NKHS employees (and family) are invited for free, but a donation at the door would be kindly accepted.
  • Starting on Monday, The Skipper Pride for Excellence will make it's appearance again.  Christine Lyons closed out our spring semester, so she has the honors of choosing Monday's recipient, stay tuned~
Articles Worth Reading

France Lets Workers Turn Off, Tune Out and Live Life

Videos Worth Watching
From Julie Maguire. Thanks, Julie. Cindy Zito suggested showing in advisory. Lets talk about it.

Food for Thought
“London is a riddle. Paris is an explanation.” –Ernest Hemingway

Until next time, Think, Create, Innovate...Denise