Friday, May 5, 2017

Week Ending May 5, 2017

It wasn’t that long ago, that the scheduling room was referred to as the “War Room.” From what I have seen lately I would like to say that a better analogy would be “The Hive.” As you can see from the pictures, there are many people working together to plan for an 8 period schedule. Additionally, special thanks to the Guidance Department. Behind the scenes this week not only were the guidance counselors proctoring daily AP exams with Leslie Buckley, they were also entering student choices on the extra period: whether they wanted an additional elective or to have Personalized Learning Time (PLT) each semester.  The heavy lifting began after the 8 period schedule was approved and will continue throughout the summer. Will there be mistakes made? Yes. Unintended consequences? For sure. However, NKHS is not one for status quo and it is the perfect time to look ahead and plan for better things to come. The schedule is only one avenue to get us there. Thank you to all teachers who have moved a common planning time, taken on a different prep or suggested a new way to do something with this schedule. All suggestions are appreciated.
Have a great weekend. Cinco de Mayo!

Health & Wellness
From Karen D’Abrosca
May 5, 2017
Where is spring & the sun?  Hopefully shining this weekend!
Well a sure sign ~  “May Breakfasts”!
There are plenty of organized breakfasts in church halls and community centers from Lincoln to South Kingstown this weekend!  Check this site for a partial list:
Before those yard chores or family commitments, start the day with a healthy meal!
Enjoy the weekend especially those folks administering, organizing and supervising anything PARCC!!
A well-deserved break …
Upcoming Events/Important Dates

5 Variety Show, 7 pm
9-11 PARCC and NECAP
13 Junior Prom at the Newport Marriott
18 Senior Project Presentations, 5-8 pm
Good News!
From Janice Strain:
Faith Bonn's submission
Art Recognition is Alive and Well at NKHS:
Faith Bonn’s work was chosen to compete in this year's David Cicilline's High School Art Competition!
The Reception & Award Ceremony will be held this Friday, May 5th at 4:00 pm at our office – 1070 Main Street, Suite 300, Pawtucket, RI 02860.
Additionally, Skyla Rubeck, Alison Hornung and Julia Medeiros were all selected to have their work compete in this year's Jim Langevin' s "Artistic Discovery" High School Art Competition!

The girls were invited to attend this year's ceremony, which will be held this Sunday, May 7, 2017, from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm at the Warwick Mall in the atrium at Nordstrom Rack. Their artwork will be on display at the Mall starting Friday night until Sunday's ceremony.    
A Congressional citation will be given to each student and the top three winners will be announced. If you see them please congratulate them on this honor.

Accolades in our Finance Program
We had a visit from the RI General Treasurer, Seth Magaziner, on Thursday to surprise Mr. Garland with the Financial Literacy Educator of the Year for 2017 award. Mr. Garland was recognized for excelling in and out of the classroom and providing his students with financial literacy skills they need to succeed to successfully navigate our complex financial system.

Kelsey Dellinger (pictured with Mr. Garland and Treasurer Magaziner), a senior in Rich’s classes and also the President of the Business/DECA Club provided a letter of recommendation on behalf of Mr. Garland to earn this award.

Congratulations Rich!

The Skipper Pride winner is James Bruneau, who was chosen from the last winner, Linda Andrew.
From Linda to James:
I have always been impressed with your professionalism in the situations I have shared with you.
When you were a Senior advisor and your co-advisor was on maternity leave, you ran everything smoothly without missing a beat.  You were organized and always prepared.  This meant a lot to me as the person entering the many checks required to handle senior activities at the most chaotic time of the school year.  When the graduation committee asked you to join us last year, you didn’t seem to hesitate and jumped on board. At our meetings, you sit there with your quiet demeanor and listen, but always have a great suggestion or opinion on the topic we are discussing.  I know we can depend on you to help when needed.
Earlier this spring when the bus for your Prudence Island field trip failed to show up, your calm exterior kept things from being a disaster.  Your students waited patiently under your directive as you spoke to the ferry office explaining your dilemma.  I’m sure as you waited, you were planning on a plan B; what you could do with your group in Bristol.  All turned out fine, but again, your personality showed through and made the best of the situation.
It’s for these reasons that I’ve chosen you for this week’s recipient of the Skipper Award for Excellence.
North Kingstown High School is lucky to have you on their staff.
Teaching and Learning
From Rich Garland:
NK Competes at DECA's International Career Conference (ICDC) For The First Time
It was just last week that Katie Flath, Alyssa Gauthier, Katie Sullivan, Cassidy Poe, and Mary Beth Clarke (pictured) attended the DECA ICDC in Anaheim, California with over 18, 000 students.  Having successfully won events at the state competitions in March, they and numerous others from NK’s DECA Business Club (who were unable to attend) were invited to network and compete in their chosen industry venues, namely, Financial Services, Travel and Transportation, and Principles of Market Management.
It was a week of stress…good stress as students tested and role played in front of judges, but also a week to experience southern California “excursions” when not competing and to network with students from other states and countries.  An hour and a half for testing, then case analysis, then role plays presenting solutions to judges was the agenda, with students pressing to make it to the semifinals and finals.
While Rhode Island didn't qualify for the semi-finals and finals, our team and our peers are thankful we
made it this have an opportunity to experience the competition and to network with over 18,000 students, and numerous business sponsors and universities, was well worth the trip.
By the way, you'll notice the hats the team is wearing.  Each member attends with pins and caps representing their “homeland”.  Prior to the opening session of the conference. Students trade pins and hats – a DECA tradition.  Rhode Island's hats were a huge success…in demand, resulting in many requests to trade and purchase our sailor caps. Our team wasn't shy in negotiating...that's entrepreneurship.
Come September, we’ll be fundraising and preparing for the ICDC in Atlanta – and a position or more for Rhode Island on the blue ribbon stage!

Student Services
From Brian McDonald
Please note the following pop-up screen when entering first period attendance.  If and only if your first period attendance is recorded using the Attendance top tab, you will eventually see a pop-up screen that asks if you wish to post to daily attendance, please make sure to select YES.  

From AM
Update on Junior Prom Promise -- 77 students have signed up to date.

Tech Tip
From Mark DeLucia:
Week Ending May 5, 2017
We are taking a tech break this week so the World Language Department can be scheduled. We will catch up with Mark again next week.

Articles Worth Reading
Karen D’Abrosca has had our wellness class going for years. She has been ahead of the curve introducing boys and girls to the yoga practice and other wellness and mindfulness strategies they can use for life.. Each year students come forward and talk about this class and how it helps them cope with stress, exams, and life in general. This is an interesting article sent to us by Judy Parker (NKHS substitute teacher). Thank you Judy.

PE With a Twist: More Schools Offer Yoga

Food for Thought
“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success ” ~Henry Ford

Until next time, Think, Create, Innovate...Denise

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