Friday, September 29, 2017

Week Ending September 29, 2017

Reagan Sanchez, Mary Beth Clarke, and Alyssa Gibbs
Physically and mentally, it was a week. The heat in the building took its toll and I acknowledge everyone working together to get some cooler spaces where learning could happen. I hope those who had to go home are on the mend. We appreciate the dress down donations today to support our Goldout collection for pediatric cancer. There will be collections on each floor to make it easier.
Travis Crocker--US 1 Honors

Last night was a fantastic Open House.  Thank you to all who participated. I had multiple parents stop me regarding our teachers, your energy, the student Leadership Academy, the Jazz Band, the Flute Trio, the “In Plain Sight” room and all of the extras in the Media Center and in the Spine. A very lively night! I did ask for some feedback to be sent. If they do I will pass it along. I feel it is nice to hear from the source, as well.

If you are looking for something fun to do this weekend you can continue to support the Goldout theme and our NKHS Football team on Saturday at 7pm. Where your vegas gold!
Makayla Lane will be singing the National Anthem, we are playing Chariho and will have a moment of silence to remember Maddie Potts.

Community in Action
Please keep Leslie Buckley in your thoughts and prayers for the passing of her father last night.

Health & Wellness
From Jonathan Quinn--PE
September 29, 2017
Just because it’s hot out doesn’t mean you have to stop exercising. You can get used to exercising in the heat and use common sense strategies such as switching to water sports, avoiding the sun when it’s strongest, and exercising in short bursts. Precooling techniques can also prevent you from overheating when you work out in hot weather. That said, dumping water on your head doesn't improve performance. It simply makes the heat more tolerable so you actually finish your workout.

Upcoming Events/Important Dates

30 NKHS Football Game--Gold out, 7pm (rescheduled from Friday, the 29th)
30 NK5K

2 PTSO Dedication for Brick Patio, 9am, community is welcome
3 and 5 Sophomore English Field Trip to Trinity (Names sent out by email)
4 Senior Parent Night
09 No School - Columbus Day
10 School Committee Meeting
12 Choose Love
     PTSO Meeting

Tech Tip
From Mark DeLucia
Week Ending September 29, 2017

Take your students on a tour with Google Earth Tour Builder

Enhance your lessons by bringing your students on a virtual field trip to the locations you’re discussing in class- no permission slips necessary.  Go to Tour Builder and start adding locations to your “tour”.  Once you’ve chosen a location, you can add photos and videos of major sites on your tour from Drive, an internet search, or even your own.  I mostly likely see this being applied to an English, Social Studies or World Languages class, but I’m sure there are many more educational uses for this tool.  Perhaps you’re reading the Canterbury Tales and would like to take students on a tour of Bath and other sites.  Or maybe you’d like to map out Washington and Rochambeau’s path to victory in U.S. history and “stop” to visit various spots.  There are some tours that have already been created, so don’t reinvent the wheel just yet!  


I’ve had a lot of questions about printing lately.  It’s important to note that the printers available to you are specific to the user and not the device.  Therefore, it’s important to ensure that you are signed into Chrome and not simply Google Apps.  Allow me to clarify:

Signed into Google Apps (note your icon, usually an image you’ve selected or the first letter of your name).

Signed into Chrome.  At the top of your browser, either your name or a person icon will appear next to the minimize window screen.  Click that to sign in or out of Chrome.  You must be signed into Chrome to access printers that have been assigned to you.  Capture2.PNG

Where this sometimes becomes an issue is when people are using a personal GMAIL account along with their school account on the device.  They may be signed into Chrome with their personal account, but Google Apps with their school account.

Articles Worth Reading
Image result for beautiful brains by david dobbsI followed Harry’s schedule last night because I am a parent, too. I was so happy to be in the classes and hearing our teachers-- on what parents often come up to me and compliment our school. While I sat in Mr. Simmons biology class he did his best to assure us that our children are exactly where they should be and he had an article to help us understand we are not alone. I thought for those of you who had not read this or do not have a teenager yet (those who have remember!) may enjoy this article. It is from National Geographic Magazine. Print version. Thanks Jim.

Food for Thought  
“Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world.”
~Malala Yousafzai

Until next time, Think, Create, Innovate...Denise

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