Sunday, May 17, 2015

May 15, 2015

Maura Radigan worked tirelessly
for great results
This is the first of many big weeks for seniors. Senior Project presentations are on Thursday
Nate Ackerman using his surfboard as his
backboard. Nice!

evening. I dedicate this week to their hard work. I would like to put the spotlight on the English Department, especially the senior teachers and those that assisted them with Senior Project. It is a long road for many of the seniors who need additional support. It may be time; dare I say the pendulum is swinging pretty significantly in a new direction. Lets enjoy the presentations and then think about where this will be housed in the future. Is there a better way? We will be looking for feedback and a group of people interested in this discussion. Beth Conrad we are very appreciative in your leadership in this area. Below you will see a small number of highlights of what is to come.
Katrina helping Bailey celebrate
binder completion

Here is the web address for an online comic created as Sam Schuettke's senior project...impressive.

Impressive Bridge Building

Upcoming Events

May 21 – Senior Project Presentations 5 – 8 pm
May 26 – Chorus/Orchestra Concert   7 pm
                School Committee Meeting – cafeteria 7pm
May 27 – Band Awards Concert   7 pm
May 28 – Senior Athlete Banquet   6 pm
June 1 – Honors Night (Seniors) – 6 pm, NKHS Auditorium
June 2 – Senior Prom – 6 pm, Belle Mer, Newport
June 3 – Senior Banquet – 6 pm, Quonset O Club
June 5 – Graduation – 6 pm, URI Ryan Center

Student Management Office
The job description for the Assistant Principal of Student Services was closed on Friday, May 15, 2015. Interviews will be held Wednesday, May 20th.
The high school will be closed this summer to outside events. There will be HVAC work going on in multiple areas including the auditorium and both the main and guidance offices. We will be relocated to other areas of the building. I am working with DMS to relocate summer school.  Summer camps will continue. It may be difficult to get to your rooms on some days.
Dean’s Corner
With only limited detentions left for the school year, in terms of consequences you might be seeing more lunch detentions or alternative consequences. Thank you.

Food for Thought
“When words are both true and kind they can change the world." Buddha

Until next time…Think, Create, Innovate
