Sunday, May 3, 2015

Friday, May 1, 2015


We began the big push to the end of the school year with the National Honor Society Induction this
past Thursday and we will continue through graduation on June 5th. There will be multiple opportunities for faculty and staff to participate with our students. Take them up on the offer if you can. You will be tired and look 100 years older by the end but will have made multiple memories for your students and yourself.
Staff News
At the time of this writing I do not have an update on Aly. However, I did see balloons peripherally as I drove by on Post Road. Chris, be sure to send a picture! I can update next week.

Students as Learners

Clara Crawford, Ms. Mason’s USII Honor’s student, receives a surprise birthday wish from one of her political heroes, Mayor Alan Fung.  Ms. Mason may have had a bit of behind-the-scenes work on this. The message was as follows:

Hope you are well and had a great time during your recent spring break. As you’re heading back to school today, I wanted to start your day off wishing you a very happy birthday. Please have some fun today and make sure you have some ice cream to celebrate your special day!

Thank you also for your support and belief in me during my campaign. I couldn’t have gotten as far as I did in the election without enthusiastic supporters like you. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you ever need anything. All the best.


Allan W. Fung
City of Cranston

NKHS’s Concert Choir and Orchestra went on the road to Quebec City, Canada.
They attended the Rhythms International Music Festival in Quebec City, Canada. The choir received a Superior Rating and the orchestra received an Excellent rating for their performances. The students worked with internationally known conductors and they also learned a great deal about Quebec history and culture!

The Variety Show this past Friday was one of the best I have seen over the last 5 years. The MC’s stole the show and acts from multi-talented students were on display. It was a great evening for the community. Oh and there was a Kanye, I mean Kenworthy sighting. That’s Tom, not Elizabeth. The crowd went wild.

Teaching and Learning

The first ASPEN posting of the fourth quarter grades is Wednesday, May 6th at 8 am. Please speak to Mary Barnes if you need help prior to Wednesday. Thank you for keeping to this schedule.

Toni Silveira received word from Rhode Island College that her classes are Early Enrollment Program approved. This means that students who take these classes will earn 3 credits from RIC that will be transferable to colleges. Added to the other EEP courses in our high school from the Careers and World Languages Departments and this trend is saving our students both time and money from their 4-year degrees. Advisors please share with your students so they may talk to their guidance counselors if this is something they would like to schedule for next year.  Below is an excerpt from the Program.


Music 225: History of Jazz will be one of the new EEP music courses offered at NKHS next year...this is a first for EEP...History of Jazz!! The other course has been approved, but the music liaison and department chair are putting their collective heads together to give it an RIC course name and number. There is no course currently offered on campus, which is called "Survey of Popular Music"; your proposal has been approved; there's just some "tweaking" which needs to be done.

Marianne Gianfrancesco
Associate Director/EEP
Adults as Learners
 The PTSO is hosting a wonderful Staff Appreciation Luncheon this week. New this year is a basket give-away each day.  You can see from the picture but if you would like to take a look at the real McCoy, take a walk to the office to peruse the baskets.

Student Management Office
The job description for the Assistant Principal of Student Services was posted on Friday, May 1, 2015. Please go to School Spring if you would like to take a look at the posting.
The high school will be closed this summer to outside events. There will be HVAC work going on in multiple areas including the auditorium and both the main and guidance offices. We will be relocated to other areas of the building. Summer school and summer camps will continue. It may be difficult to get to your rooms on some days. I am meeting with Mary King this week to finalize plans.
Dean’s Corner
Becky is returning to school this week. Yay. Time flies. Give Nora, Layla, and Johnny a big hug. Collectively we would like to let Dom Marcone know how fortunate we are to have had his services over the last couple of months. Dom may be back periodically before the end of the year.
 Health and Wellness
Thank you to all who gave blood on Thursday, April 30.  Once again, NKHS sponsored a very successful blood drive:  despite an early morning evacuation during the blood drive, we still had 86 individuals turn out to donate.  76 students, parents, staff and faculty were successfully able to give blood.  As a result, upwards of 228 people in need of blood will be helped! 
Year to date donations for NKHS – 280 donations - the record number of donations was set back in 2010 when close to 315 donations were made during the school year.  There is one more “summer” blood drive happening at the school:  SAVE THE DATE:  THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 9 AM – 1 PM, SCHOOL AUDITORIUM. 

Many teachers are acquiring technology with grants they receive from the PTSO or purchasing on their own. Document Readers (some may know them as ELMOs—which is a brand name) have become very popular. On my walk around the building I was able to see a few this past week.  Chris Scheib recommends the brand
IPEVO because they are 100% Chrome book compatible. For anyone who is new to buying technology please do not hesitate to send Rich Booth, Chris Scheib or Mark DeLucia an email. They will let you know if the product is compatible with the Chrome books and if there is an App to work with it.

Upcoming Events
Wed, May 6th – Special Education Local Advisory Meeting (SELAC) 6 pm Band room
May 6 – Staff Luncheon
May 12 – School Committee Meeting   7 pm
May 16 – Junior Prom 6 – 11 pm
May 21 – Senior Project Presentations 5 – 8 pm
May 26 – Chorus/Orchestra Concert   7 pm
                School Committee Meeting – cafeteria 7pm
May 27 – Band Awards Concert   7 pm
May 28 – Senior Athlete Banquet   6 pm

Fri, May 15th – Join Team Emmie for a fun painting party to support Emily Gray and her family.
You are all invited to Charlie Hall’s Drink and Dabble, fundraiser to assist with the family’s medical expenses. Get together with your friends for painting and drinks. Below is the picture we will be painting. 
Join Team Emmie on Friday, May 15th at the Carriage Inn & Saloon.
Donation: $40.00
Doors open at 6:00 and painting begins at 6:30 
To purchase tickets contact Fran Pacheco-Fogarty at Davisville Middle School (

PS: It makes a great Mother’s Day gift. 

Videos Worth Watching

Former Alumni Will Potter working as an intern at RIPTA-he created an APP called RIPTA-RIDE. Click on Will's name to view.

PBGR News:
Please send any senior with issues in ePortfolio to Kevin Gormley and any senior with issues on their Senior Project to Beth Conrad in room 343. Thank you
Food for Thought

“Imagination is more important than knowledge." Albert Einstein

Until Next Time
Think, Create, Innovate


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