Friday, May 8, 2015

May 8, 2015


With May comes the Azaleas, the trees are blooming and “hope” is alive

Jim Simmons stopped by to share what his students created in his floriculture class for Mother’s Day. There was one basket without a home and I was fortunate enough to be the recipient. What a perfect start to my weekend. Thank you Jim.

On another note, my husband arrived home after his second day subbing here and he said, “I have worked/visited many schools in Rhode Island. You have a great school. The atmosphere…you can feel it right when you walk in the door.” It was so nice to hear because I know this. I feel it to my core. We do not say it or hear it enough. So to close out this Staff Appreciation Week, I say we have a great community in our building and those that we work with everyday to make this school run. Everyone works to make it succeed. Efforts, both large and small, are necessary for the rhythm of the building to succeed. Small steps we take these next few weeks set the foundation for the next school year. Enjoy your weekend! 

Staff News

This just in: Adam had a very successful night at the University of Rhode Island where
the RI Chapter of the Foreign Language Association honored him as "Foreign Language Teacher of the Year"
Both Mark DeLucia and Paula Schiavone were there to witness the celebration and support Adam. This honor could not be given to a more deserving gentleman. Right here in our school he created a curriculum for the Adaptive students and they loved it so much at mid-year they opted to stay with him for another semester. His AP students have consistently scored in the 4-5 range on their exams and he has grown the course into two full sections.
Thank you Adam to your commitment to your classes, your students and our school community. 

Congratulations to Aly and Chris Carty on the birth of their son, William "Liam" Brian Carty last week. All are well and we hear big sis, Emilia, is being a big help.

We have had a Joe G. sighting at the Staff Appreciation luncheon and he was so happy I thought he may do a back bend. Take it easy Joe, we are looking forward to your return in only a couple of weeks.

Additionally, while we have not heard from Evelyn we hope she is doing well in her recovery. 

Sending out positive energy to all of the people who need an extra boost today.

Students as Learners
The Best Buddies, along with Paul Fanning and Susan Graham participated in the Friendship Walk last Sunday, May 3, 2015. Mr. Fanning wrote, As the Rhode Island Friendship Walk website states, the walk is a nationwide event "promoting inclusion for all people." As a chapter our walk team raised $1000, a terrific team accomplishment. 
They had a great time for themselves.

Senior Cameron Lamarre was the winner of the 2015 Rhode Island Business Educators Association Public Service Announcement Contest. His PSA was excellent and it was evident that he has a passion for business and a strong interest in raising awareness as to the importance business education plays in the development of high school students. 

Plans are in the works to showcase his PSA throughout the state to help raise awareness as to the value Business Education has in the educational plans for our students.  Ms. Joy Tavano presented the winning check to him on Thursday, May 7, 2015.

Teaching and Learning
We begin PARCC End of Year this week and also NECAP Science for our juniors. On Monday and Tuesday there is no advisory due to the length of time needed for the PARCC sessions. Guidance will be using some of that time to meet with  juniors and seniors. We appreciate (especially Barbara) the patience you have shown with the first year of scheduling both NECAP and PARCC at the same time. Any feedback you share will be incorporated into our plans for scheduling next year. Thank you. 
Adults as Learners

Missy Waterman chose the SPA basket; very
necessary as a senior class advisor.
 Teacher and staff appreciation week started off with a bang this year. Teachers were selected from names in a bowl to receive one of 5 baskets. On Wednesday at the luncheon some teachers also won the centerpiece plants. There are a few unclaimed in the front office: Mark Comolli, I remember your name was on one of them. Monday, stop by to pick it up. Cheers.

Darrell Sutton, first winner opted
for the culinary basket; heard there was
a surprise gift certificate inside!

Student Management Office
Repost: There will be HVAC work going on in multiple areas including the auditorium and both the main and guidance offices. Twelve month staff will be relocated to other areas of the building. Summer school and summer camps will continue. It may be difficult to get to your rooms on some days. Please share with seniors that it may be difficult to get access to transcripts; please plan ahead and work with Mrs. Budlong in the Guidance Office to get what you need before the end of school.

Deans' Corner
Please take a minute to remind your advisory that any student who has outstanding detentions will not be able to participate in the prom, this includes as a guest if an underclass man, and/or senior week activities. The students can email Becky or Tara if they have any questions. 

Coming soon…Mark DeLucia, our Lead Technology Teacher, will be assisting Amy Messerlian-Magadin and the Special Ed teachers on using the Chrome cast in the AP conference room during IEP meetings. The hope is to be comfortable with the equipment to streamline the time and the paper necessary to implement a new IEP or an IEP review. This is great news. Mark and Amy keep us updated on the progress.

Upcoming Events
May 12 – School Committee Meeting   7 pm
May 12—PTSO Panel meeting for incoming parents of freshmen  6:30 pm
May 16 – Junior Prom 6 – 11 pm
May 21 – Senior Project Presentations 5 – 8 pm
May 26 – Chorus/Orchestra Concert   7 pm
                School Committee Meeting – cafeteria 7pm
May 27 – Band Awards Concert   7 pm
May 28 – Senior Athlete Banquet   6 pm

Articles Worth Reading

The Coaching Model

Videos Worth Watching 
NKHS 2014 Grad, Julia Gershkoff's Senior Project--Julia lost her brother, Nicholas in 2013, in a drinking and driving accident. Julia is aided by her brother Alex, and friend, Vinny Ruggieri, whose brother Michael, (class of 2011) was also killed in a drunk driving accident in 2012.

This Wednesday we will have the juniors in the auditorium for an assembly before Prom on May 16.  This is a joyous time of year but too many cautionary tales have already been lived out in North Kingstown. Before Julia left last year she told me we could (any of us) use this video to help educate students to think…

If you have not seen it you may be interested to watch before Wednesday morning.  Julia knows we are showing this to our upperclassmen and additionally gave me her contact info for any student who would like to talk to her for help.
PBGR News:
Beth Conrad is scheduling teachers and community members into the rooms for Senior Project night on May 21, 2015. For those that are new to the building this 3-hour commitment is part of the contractual obligation to be on a panel to judge. We will have a light dinner provided in the cafeteria for those of you that will not be going home beforehand. If you will not be attending please note it in ASPEN and give Beth a heads up as a professional courtesy. Thank you.
Food for Thought

“One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feelings. The curriculum is so much necessary raw material, but warmth is the vital element for the growing plant and for the soul of the child.” – Carl Jung

Until next time, Think, Create, Innovate.


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