Sunday, September 13, 2015

September-- End of Week One

Welcome back

I have been in so many classes this week. The teaching and learning began on Day 1 period 1 this year and some positive feedback that I received included teachers noting that students received their syllabus, received their seating assignment and they were also able to begin lessons straight away; no time lost. Another noted that he was not as tired because the repetition of the 7 period day was not happening. I appreciate the positive feedback. Was there any feedback regarding an opposing view? Of course, but why muddy up a wonderful beginning. Actually, all that was reported to me was it was different getting used to the regular schedule instead of the 7 period abbreviated schedule.
Staff News
Congratulations to Erin Improta-Young (Science dept) and her husband on the birth of their daughter, Bentley Ella. A big thank you goes out to Susan Graham for taking the role of English Department Chair while Beth Conrad is out.  Paul Fanning (English dept) will assume the 7th model classroom from Sue. Please make note on your staff lists from the first day.  
Students as Learners
Students engaged in an activity on the subject of probability in Mr. Hoffer’s and Mr. Meroni’s Problem Solving Through Algebra and Geometry class pictured above.

Student Services Office
Thank you for your patience as we put the building together after the HVAC construction.  We know we have some distance to go, your cooperation has been evident.

Please continue to contact Donna Sweet regarding issues of maintenance and technology.  We need to keep to the referral protocol to keep all work requests moving efficiently.

Conduct Referrals:  With late buses slated to begin next week, so will detention.  If there is a concern about student conduct, please use Aspen to make a referral after all teacher managed interventions have been attempted.  If you need assistance with this process, do not hesitate to contact Donna, Steven or Brian, they will help.

The Staff Handbook will be sent electronically to you this weekend for reference, there are few changes other than updated personnel changes.

Our two goals from SSO:

First is to increase attendance to 97%.  That said, we NEED YOU!  Please keep accurate and timely attendance each period.  We are seeking to find a positive way to acknowledge/reward students who meet this goal quarterly.  97% is the magic number!  The start of the school year is the best start to set the tone.  Your suggestions are not only important, they are valued. Please see the link below.

Secondly, we want PBIS to feel real and valued.  Steve and Brian have great ideas, but it takes a village.  You are the first degree of interactions for students, if you believe it, they will achieve it.  Again, your input is important and invited.

Finally, a BIG thank you for your kindness this week as I was dealing with a family loss.  Your notes, e-mails, cards and hugs have helped me get through the week. There was no way I wanted to miss the opening days, but was able to do so with your support.  That graciousness was not lost on me.

Dean’s Corner
Please remind students of the voluntary meeting in the faculty lunch room that will take place next Thursday, September 17, 2015, at 8:50 am. These meetings will take place periodically for students to participate in PBIS discussions. Their participation will lead the charge for school culture in our building.
Additionally, a great dialogue began last year with students regarding detentions and tardies. We will continue that conversation…stay tuned.
Health and Wellness
For your planning purposes: September 22nd The North Kingstown High School will be hosting The Save a Life Tour for all of our juniors and seniors in the auditorium. Kramer International will be running the event which is designed to educate the student population on the dangers of impaired and distracted driving. This is not the attorney general’s texting and driving assembly. The junior and senior class will participate in a 45 minute presentation involving guest speakers and students whose lives have been changed by impaired drivers. At the conclusion of the presentation students will be afforded the opportunity to drive a virtual car through an interactive environment. Both an impaired driving simulator and a distracted driving simulator will be present at the event. This will allow approximately fifty students an hour to experience firsthand the dangers of impaired and distracted driving.

This event was organized by the school resource officer in conjunction with the school administration. It is being offered at no cost to the school thanks to a grant by The Rhode Island Department of Transportation. Next week during lunches students will sign up if they would like to use the simulator and they will receive a pass similar to the days we have a blood drive. Students participating in the simulation will be responsible for any work missed. The presentation will take place at 7:30-8:15 and students will be called down from advisory. The schedule will be similar to our schedule this opening week. The periods will be advisory, 3, 4, 1 (lunches) and 5. A separate schedule will be sent to you.

The North Kingstown School Community has lost too many students through fatal automobile accidents. This will be a very serious presentation. Please go to their web site for further information.
The seven model classroom teacher cohort for your records:
Paul Fanning
Michele Lataille
Andrew Propatier
David Hoffer
Susan Eriksen
John Daneau
World Languages
Mark DeLucia

They will be working to create a schedule of opportunities to see the chromebooks integrated into the classroom setting. More to come over the next few months.
Upcoming Events/Important Dates
Mon, Sept 14th – Rosh Hashana (Jewish New Year) Faculty please remember to keep new material at a minimum in class for that day. Any student exercising their religious rights will have an excused absence. Thank you.
Monday, Sept 14th – Junior assembly, Grade 12 pictures during advisory
Tues, Sept 15th – CCA remediation, Media Center, 2-4 pm
Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri – 14th, 15th, 16th, 18th – PSAT sign ups during advisory
Thurs, Sept 17th – CCA remediation, Media Center, 2-4 pm

Videos Worth Watching

This is only 6 minutes long…

Articles Worth Reading
Growth Mindset: A Driving Philosophy, Not Just a Tool

Department Chairs please watch and read before our meeting on Wednesday. Everyone else please do so before our faculty meeting. Thank you.

Food for Thought
“Raise the praise, minimize the criticize.” Todd Whitaker

Until next time, Think Create, Innovate...Denise


  1. Hi Denise...would you like the weekly Focus on the web? If so, do you want versions retained on the web or just the latest? I can either post the blog under STAFF or in Quick Links since the newsletter is primarily focused on the staff.

    1. Thanks Rich. That is a great idea. Perhaps only the latest version. Anyone can do a quick search to find the blog if they really are interested in seeing more. The audience is definitely the faculty but I willingly share this communication with any group.
