Friday, September 18, 2015

Week ending September 18, 2015

“Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.” ~Abigail Adams.

We are moving through September nicely. I would like to recognize the calm in the hallways during class time. Donna, Brian and Steve have made it their mission along with Cindy Z. in room 202, and our SRO, Andrew Greenhalgh, to move students where they need to be or give assistance to those who need it. This creates an atmosphere for learning.

Speaking of is the faculty’s turn. To be well-prepared to participate fully in the Professional Learning Communities we must commit to the starting from the beginning. To this point I am happy to report we will start by finding out about ourselves and those with whom we work. All you need on Monday is a positive attitude. See you in the back gym.

Upcoming Events/Important Dates
Mon, Sept 21st  – Faculty Meeting, 2-3 pm
Tues, Sept 22nd - Yom Kippur; Faculty please remember to keep new material at a minimum in class for that day and if possible no tests. Any student exercising their religious rights will have an excused absence. Thank you.
Tues, Sept 22nd – CCA remediation, Media Center, 2-4 pm
Tues, Sept 22nd – School Committee Meeting, 7 pm
Wed, Sept 23rd -- Senior Parent Night -- Application Process, 6:30 pm Auditorium
Thurs, Sept 24th – CCA remediation, Media Center, 2-4 pm
Fri, Sept 25th -- Junior Parking Passes distributed
Tues, Sept 29th -- Open House 6 pm

Dean’s Corner
The deans had a great meeting with students this past Thursday. There were many ideas floating around regarding Spirit Week and PBIS activities. Brian and Steven will follow up with the students’ ideas. They hope to bring some fresh, fun, activities to NK.

Health and Wellness
Officer Greenhalgh has sign up lists in your mailboxes to show which students have signed up to participate in The Save a Life Tour, next Tuesday.

Student Services Office

Please make every effort to record your attendance in the first 15 minutes of class, in order to reach our ideal goal of 97% attendance, we need accurate records.  Advisory attendance has not been well recorded.  I appreciate your cooperation in the matter.

  • Please review all materials with your students.
  • New Instruction sheets (posted on the wall) should reflect the changes to assemble on the field
  • For the classes of 2016, 2017, 2018, please assemble as you always have (I was informed it wasn't always right to left.)  Line up as you have in the past year in the same spot.
  • Class of 2019 is marked on the map in your binder, it was where the seniors "use to be".
  • Please instruct any medically incapacitated students that they have to report to 201 or 301 if they are on that floor at the time of the drill.
  • 1st floor incapacitated students will report to the front of the building.  There will be an adult there to assist.
  • Students are not allowed to have backpacks on the field.
  • Be sure you have given a copy of your roster to the neighboring advisor, Theresa circled who they are and placed it in your mailbox last week.
  • I have given coverage to those advisors who are partially here and at DA.
  • Please know that there may be occasion when a DA teacher is not covered, use the Good Neighbor approach and help with attendance
  • The deans will collect attendance accordingly by 9/11 and 10/12
  • Circle absent students (including incapacitated students that may be elsewhere)
  • Write "ALL PRESENT" if they are indeed all present.
  • I am sure I have forgotten something, this first drill will reveal it.BEHAVIOR RtI
  • We will have our first meeting on 9/22 and meet every other week.  Teachers will be notified if students are part of a behavior plan.  More info to follow in the upcoming weeks. We are utilizing Room 202 with the assistance of Cindy Zito successfully and we are optimistic this will be a tremendous help this year.
  • I think we are getting closer, keep forwarding those requests to me and I will create work orders as needed.
  • TV's-Rich Booth (IT Department) has informed us that there is a problem with the NKHS lines inside the school and that is why your pictures may have lines on them and you may hear buzzing. If your TV is not working we have a moratorium on TV purchases as administration is determining the best approach forward. In the meantime, Rich Garland has the link on the website to The Morning Announcements (TMA). Teachers may show on their computer or students may look it up. If you need a paper copy, please let me know.

Food for Thought
“Laughter is no enemy to learning.” Walt Disney

Until next time, Think Create, Innovate...Denise

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