Friday, November 13, 2015

Week Ending November 13, 2015

Right about this time of year most are feeling overwhelmed with what needs to be done and the time available to do everything is shrinking. First quarter is over, grades are due and once completed it is such a relief. If you are a new(er) teacher or even if you have been around a while but are ready for some new ideas, this week’s articles and videos worth watching will be on focusing your planning and suggestions on how to use your time more efficiently than you currently do (is that even possible?). Additionally, Karen addresses The Four Pillars of Health and the S.T.O.P. Technique which can be helpful to your overall wellness during this time of year.  If you do something that really helps with your organization or wellness be sure to add it to the comment section at the end. Nothing is better than trying something that has been recommended by someone you know.

Teachers as Learners

Current Schedule Pros
Last Friday, Faculty, TAs and Clerks spent the day on professional development. It was a great day for teachers to look at student work. The TAs and clerks had a very nice program planned from their PD committee.

During the teachers’ second session many teachers opted to join a focus group:
Scheduling and Systems met in Toni’s room
School Culture/Attendance/SIT met in Norma’s room.

The December faculty time (12/21) will be committed to the next focus group meeting.

Students as Learners
Exciting news from Fine Arts:
  • Chris Cook, junior at NKHS, was selected for an honors chorus at Carnegie Hall.
  • Ben Green, 2011 Graduate, just signed his first Broadway contract for lighting design for the show, “Eclipsed.” Rumor has it, from his former teacher here at NK, that he is the production draftsman for the current Victoria’s Secret Runway Show, as well!
Congratulations to both Chris and Ben for their successes.

Health and Wellness

From Karen D’Abrosca: Four Pillars of Health

November, in contrast to the quiet and darkness nature is demonstrating, ushers in the holiday season with its busy-ness and activity.    While the festivities are enjoyable they can be overwhelming at times.  This month we’ll focus on staying balanced with the “Four Pillars of Health”.  All That Matters Wellness Center co-founder Joan Dwyer explains that to stay healthy we must include all 4 in our lives regularly.  They are:  1. Move your body (exercise)  2. Eat good “real” food   3. Quiet your mind  and  4.  Be in community with like-minded friends.

Friday NOV 13  2015    STOP Technique

Here is a technique to use when your mind is spinning in too many directions at once.  It is
called the “ S.T.O.P. “  technique.  S = stop,  T = take a breath,  O = observe (what is going on in
that moment),  P  =  proceed.  We can only be in one moment at a time, so this technique may
help you proceed to what is most important at that time.
Here is a short video (3 min) demonstrating  the technique:

Upcoming Events/Important Dates

November 18th – STEAM Workshop 6 – 9pm
November 20th – Blood Drive
November 20th – Drama Production – “The Bluebird” – 7pm
              21st - Drama Production – “The Bluebird” – 7pm
          22nd – Drama Production – “The Bluebird” – 1pm
Nov 23rd – Dodgeball Tournament
Nov 24th – Jazz Concert – 7 pm
Nov 26th – Happy Thanksgiving
      – Football game – URI 10 am
Nov 27th – Thanksgiving Recess


Student Services Office

The Student Services Office is continually working with students, and the issues that arise on social media.
Moving forward, we would like to create a space where parents and students can have resources to share and discuss topics related to social media use.

Consider this article, perhaps talk about it in advisory:

If you see a resource you think we should share with students, please forward.  We hope to have you part of the conversation.

Videos Worth Watching
See Karen's video above

Articles Worth Reading

Time Management--Planning for the Adventure

Food for Thought
“A goal without a plan is just a wish.”
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Until next time, Think Create, Innovate...Denise

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