Friday, November 20, 2015

Week Ending November 20th

It's all about relationships. Growing up in my house I remember my father explaining to my sister and me on how to talk to people on the phone and how to take a great phone message. He said to be respectful and ask questions to get all of the details. For him, it was important to treat everyone well. He spoke the same way to my friends that he would his boss. They all matter. I did not realize at the time I was learning important soft skills. I have watched him over the years talk to anyone. He always finds a common thread and people walk away feeling good. It’s undeniable, people who can relate to you and know that you care are more likely to trust you, spend time with you, and learn from you. Now that I am older sometimes I have to will myself to be open to new relationships. Invited to a dinner party with people I do not thanks, I would rather be with my family or close friends who I do not see enough. Often when we take time to build relationships it opens up new opportunities. The same happens in our school with our students and in your classrooms. The research shows that students and teachers who feel they have something in common engage better together. How can we genuinely do this without making it a herculean task? In this Blog there is a link to a podcast that discusses just that.

Teachers as Learners
Coach Gilmartin taking a moment to balance. Glad to see adults in the building taking the advice from Karen D’abrosca.(Four Pillars of Health, November 13th Blog) In order to be 100% for the students you need to take care of yourself, too.

Photo credit--Rob Silveira. Thank you!
Students as Learners
On Wednesday after school Bethany Nunnery, pictured here is signing to attend and run Division I Track for West Point next September. Her parents and sister, and two coaches from school attended the ceremony along with Mr. Hague who set up the opportunity. We wish Bethany the best on her future at West Point. This spring there will be a larger ceremony once winter and spring sports have had their recruits commit.

On one of my daily walks around the school

door perimeter checks I happened upon Janice Strain’s FOA period 1 class. It was too interesting to not walk in. On this day they were measuring and working on dimensions with live figures.

As students begin to talk about scheduling for next year please inform them that in the Fine Arts Department instead of painting, drawing and sculpting being three individual classes, it will now be called Art 1, 2, or 3 and the students will be able to individualize the media they would like to use. Thank you.

Lizzi Miceli
NKHS alum and published author
The PE Department had a special guest speaker in this Friday for our junior and senior PE students as an extension of the health class. Lizzi Miceli, NKHS 2013 alumni, and recently published author of Barren. In her presentation, Lizzi shared her experiences at NKHS and more recently at her colleges. She was very frank with the students, sharing with them that it may look perfect on the outside but you have no idea what is going on with anyone on the inside. She relayed some detailed experiences and the PE department included Jessica Wolke, our Student Assistance Counselor, to be there to answer questions during the second half of the presentation

Health and Wellness

From Karen D’Abrosca:
Happy Thanksgiving!  Our second pillar of health – “Eat good, real food”!  It’s easy on this day.  Also, remember to pause and give thanks in some way:  write a Thanksgiving poem (every family member writes one line), donate or help at a Food Pantry or shelter, appreciate the time
with family or friends, be grateful for your health and time for leisure activities!  Football!  Or _________ (fill in the blank)

Upcoming Events/Important Dates
November 20th – Drama Production – “The Bluebird” – 7pm
              21st - Drama Production – “The Bluebird” – 7pm
          22nd – Drama Production – “The Bluebird” – 1pm
Nov 23rd – Dodgeball Tournament
Nov 24th – Jazz Concert – 7 pm
Nov 26th – Happy Thanksgiving
      – Football game – URI 10 am
Nov 27th – Thanksgiving Recess
Dec 2nd – School Improvement Team - 2 pm, Media Center

Dec 5th - SAT
Student Services Office
Monday 11/12 assembly with deans
Tuesday 9/10 assembly with deans
Please attend with your advisory.

Community-School Culture
North Kingstown High School hosted its fall blood drive during the school day on Friday. The Blood Center always comments on how orderly and organized the process is. Additionally, they gave our students a compliment on how well-behaved they are during the waiting period for their turn. They have drawn over 100 pints here before in one drive and it did not feel that way because of the preparation beforehand.  Thank you to Linda Twardowski, Julie Maguire and Donna Sweet for working with the Blood Center and all of the volunteers to make this happen each year. Pictured here are a sampling of the students I saw today. NKHS students are committed to being socially aware and taking on some of these responsibilities in their daily lives.

On the Wednesday before Thanksgiving the guidance department is having a panel of alumni come into the school to talk to our juniors and seniors from 8:30 to 9:10 am. If you are not part of that we also usually have students stop in during the lunch time 11-1 pm. In the past students bring in a can good for the pantry, sign in, and go visit. Everyone must be out by 1 pm.

The North Kingstown High School Interact Club is thankful for their school community! Through this activity, it is their hope that everyone "Pays it Forward"!
The Interact Club handmade "Thank yous" and delivered them to teachers and staff in the building this past week. This small act of kindness definitely lifted many spirits in the building.

Each year the North Kingstown Chapter of the Rotary recognizes one student and one teacher from the two middle schools and the high school; once in the fall and once in the spring. Here are Cindy Normand and Travis Hunter receiving their recognition. Travis is with Mr. Sandy Taylor, President of the NK Rotary. I did not have a picture with Cindy and Mr. Taylor.

Videos Worth Watching (Podcast, too, this week!)

In The Classroom, Common Ground Can Transform GPAs

Evelyn Byrne showed a video similar to this in her classes last week and her students were touched. They had an opportunity to talk about what is going on in Paris and around the world. If  you would like to do the same with your advisory the video is below.

Articles Worth Reading

This is the faculty research paper that goes with the Podcast. Interesting how such small similarities can change the dynamic between students and teachers.

Food for Thought
When the student is ready...the teacher will appear

Until next time, Think Create, Innovate...Denise

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