Friday, February 26, 2016

Week Ending February 26, and March 4, 2016

Birds of a Feather
I was at the National Secondary School Principal Association’s conference and I am happy to say I was engaged. It seems differentiation has reached administration, too. If there is to be any concrete feedback it would be that I wish the sessions I had attended were tiered or differentiated: Those new to the subject area or technology, those in the middle and finally, those leaders who would like to learn something additional or use the knowledge in a new way. One session was on the use of Twitter and I wanted to get better at hashtags (#) and creating a thread and to learn some new ways to use it from what I am currently doing; which, if I were to honestly assess, would be that I use it too infrequently to make a difference. I knew I would like it because it was facilitated by the same gentleman who showcased blogging for communication with the faculty and school. I am determined to take my new-found knowledge of Twitter and go for it. If you care to follow me to see if I progress, you are all welcome. @NKHS_RI is the high school Twitter account and @dmancieri is my professional account and where my views are my own.

Good News
Two more babies to celebrate in the NKHS family:
Faith Furtado (English) welcomed Luca Lawrence Furtado last Wednesday, February 24.
Mia Toro (Guidance) had a Leap Year Baby, Elaina Maria, was born on Monday, February 29.
Congratulations to both families.

Teachers as Learners
Thank you goes out to Cassie Gardiner for suggesting something we should have done long ago. It seems 5th period announcements have worn out their welcome. Perhaps they were never welcome. Moving forward, if you have an announcement it must be received in the office before advisory and it will be timed according to the broadcast ending in our office. Therefore, please turn on your Com video as soon as the bell rings so that the timing of our whole school intercom will match.

Students as Learners
From Paula Schiavone:
Lots of events I'd like to highlight happening in the Portuguese World coming out of room 204. I have pictures highlighting these events.

1 - Just had another Portuguese Club meeting with Miss Mason and the enrolled students that are going on the Portugal 2016 Summer Trip decided to add another country -Spain.  So, this means that we will be visiting 2 countries, for 12 days at a cheaper rate.  The students are excited and I'd like everyone to know if they are interested in joining us on - Portugal and Spain 2016 Summer Trip - to please see myself of Miss Mason.

2- We watched a movie and we turned it into an event. The students had to answer a question to get a ticket and be able to come inside and eat cheese balls while watching Cristiano Ronaldo.  

3- Our classes made Valentine's Day cards for our significant others, family and friends.  It was a great way to end last week.  

4- The last 2 weeks we started using Google voice to help students better their speaking skills.  We got this wonderful information from Ruthann Baker.  So far, it is going really well.  

5- As always we try to learn and have fun at the same time.

Thank you for letting me share how fortunate I am to have such great students and all of our "happenings".
Have a great day

Health and Wellness
From Linda Twardowski:
A recent article from Health Day News reports that the flu season thus far has been mild.   The closest state with widespread flu cases is Massachusetts.  This year’s flu vaccine has been reported as 59% effective versus 23% last year.  Click on the link to read the article:  HealthDay News

From Karen D’Abrosca
March, a month whose name implies that the school year is indeed “marching” forward!
So many exciting happenings dot our NKSD calendar.  How about “google-ing” a “March calendar with holidays” and pick something unusual to celebrate:  World Poetry Day, World Water Day or National Puppy Day!
Meteorologists celebrate March 1st as the start of spring.  I have pussy willows blooming on my front lawn. Can you notice 5 signs of spring this week?
Upcoming Events/Important Dates

March 4 – Musical – “Fiddler on the Roof” 7 pm
March 5 – Musical --  2 & 7 pm
March 6 – Musical --  2 pm
March 7 -- Faculty Meeting 2 pm
March 8 – School Committee Meeting 7 pm
Student Services Office
Congratulations to Fran Dempsey for being nominated for this week's Skipper Pride for Excellence Award by last week's winner Emily Bell.  From Emily:
Dear Fran,

I have chosen you for this week’s “Skipper Award for Excellence”.  You are a superb advocate for each and every one of your students.  You foster confidence in your students, and in turn, many experience results that far surpass even their own expectations.  You undoubtedly care about your students, and it is remarkable that you “keep track” of them after they leave you.  You always try to involve the support staff at NKHS because you know that it takes a village, and you are the
first to coordinate data to explore how to best support your students.  You truly are and “Excellent” teacher, and it has been a pleasure to work with you.

Emily Bell Congratulations also goes out to Chris Carty. Fran chose Chris this past Monday. I could not think of two better guys to share the limelight this week. From Fran:


Since I’ve been teaching at NKHS, you’ve stood out to me as one of our school’s best. Your dedication and compassion as a teacher and coach are evident when speaking with your students and players. Countless times, I have overheard students raving about your class and that you were one of their favorites. As a colleague, you are one of the friendliest in the building and go out of your way to help others. I appreciate the advice you have given me over the years and want to thank you for everything that you do for our school.



School Community

Sydney Culbertson was this month’s Shining Star winner. Dr. Auger presented the award to Sydney during her 3rd period class and the students gave her a big round of applause. In her first year at NKHS she has made a difference. Her students go on scavenger hunts, work in the copier center and have adjusted well to their new teacher. Many knew Sydney already from her good work with the RI Special Olympics. Thank you, Sydney, you make North Kingstown High School a better place to be.

School Culture
Students sure do love to reminisce. Thank you to Susan Graham for extending an invitation out to the school community to read their favorite childhood book to one of her English classes on March 2. Immediately, I knew I wanted to read Ferdinand the Bull. When I arrived students were browsing through all of the children’s books displayed around the room. Michelle Neri, Melissa Grinnell, and Dave Avedisian were also there to “rekindle the students love of reading” as it was told to me by the students. As you can see in this photograph, Mrs. Neri is using the illustrations as context clues to help students predict what is next and the students were leaning in to join in on the conversation at 7:30 am. It was lively and entertaining for all.

This weekend the students are performing the Musical, "Fiddler on the Roof." For our newer teachers, if you have not had the opportunity to view one of these productions it is like going to Broadway. Between the actors on stage, the musicians in the pit, the tech crew behind the scenes,and the director running the show there is not a more professional production in the state. I wish everyone involved a great weekend.

Videos Worth Watching

Getting Started with Differentiated Instruction--Carol Tomlinson (4 minutes and chock full of help).
Articles Worth Reading
Food for Thought

Until next time, Think, Create, Innovate...Denise

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