Monday, February 8, 2016

Week Ending February 5, 2016

Week Ending February 5th--Winter White Out of a different kind.
No school Friday, February 5th...No united “white-out” pep rally (Morgan Sherburne’s Senior Project). Additional evening activities all postponed or cancelled. Many homes lost power and Internet service and one could say that Mother Nature was not kind. On the flip side, it sure did look pretty outside on Saturday, snow and ice on the tree branches gleaming in the morning sun. The best laid plans sometimes may be derailed and you can choose to go with the flow and see what alternate day is in store for you. If you get upset or angry, does it change the outcome?

I was without heat or power until yesterday morning. Currently, I have my power back, I didn’t realize how much I love heat. Still no TV, Internet or landline phone. No problem, I finally read the paper on the Sunday it was delivered and I finished my book club book, The Japanese Lover by Isabel Allende (highly recommend it).I am in a hotspot right now and quickly sending you the blog. Why? Well, Cindy Zito is in it this week, Kris Graham honored her with the peer Skipper Pride award and I wanted to spotlight that accomplishment. Its an abridged communication this week. Enjoy the next round of snow.

Teachers as Learners
Barbara is visiting CPTs to assist each department on how they can make sense of data we collect through PARCC, STAR, attendance, quarter grades, the list goes on. It is very timely as last year Donna worked with Becky on attendance issues and with the RtI team on equity gaps in math grades. This year, Steve has continued researching our attendance at the high school and Barbara will be taking the reigns (as you can see) using this information alongside the testing metrics for a richer picture. On the first day of the second semester the Algebra 1 and Geometry teachers participated in a Fishbone exercise. They reviewed PARCC data as a whole for Algebra 1 and Geometry, by students who have IEPs, by students that are economically disadvantaged and by gender; from this exercise they made some observations and were also able to determine some areas of need. While some departments may be more inclined than others, all will be given the opportunity to look at the data and learn how to find it to help your students and yourself in the classroom.

Students as Learners
Most of you heard me announce the news about the robotics competition last weekend. Here it is again if you would like to read about the significant work they did to accomplish their place in the Regional Tournament.Three robotics teams competed January 30th and all three teams performed well.  Our senior team has qualified to represent Rhode Island at the FIRST Super-Regional Tournament in Pennsylvania in March.

This team was part of the winning alliance in the Robot Play Competition, won the Connect Award (for a second year in a row) for the team that does the most community outreach, was second place in the Think Award for the team with the best engineering notebook. This team won an award for submitting a video that described how their coach inspires, guides and supports them. In addition, they took second place for the Inspire Award, which is the top overall award given.  They are one of three teams to represent Rhode Island in the Super Regional Tournament in March.

Health and Wellness
From Karen D’Abrosca

From the Heart Foundation:
February is Heart Health Month!
Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States. Every year, 1 in 4 deaths are caused by heart disease. The good news? Heart disease can often be prevented when people make healthy choices and manage their health conditions. Communities, health professionals, and families can work together to create opportunities for people to make healthier choices.
NKSD is offering weekly opportunities to “love your heart” with Zumba and Yoga!
Drop in … your heart will thank you!

Upcoming Events/Important Dates
February 9 -- School Committee Meeting -- 7:30 pm --Administration Building
February 10 – Blood Drive back gym
February 10 – School Improvement Team 2 pm--Media Center
February 10 – Semester 1 Report Cards* (Will be adjusted)
February 12 – No School for students – Professional Development Day
February 15 – No School – President’s Day
February 16 - Last day to add/drop semester electives* (Will be adjusted)
February 16 – PTSO Meeting – Carriage Inn 7pm -- Teachers are welcome!
February 23 – School Committee Meeting 7pm

Student Services Office
Congratulations to Cindy Zito for being nominated for this week's Skipper Pride for Excellence Award by last week's winner Kris Graham.  From Kris:

"Cindy's dedication and compassion towards all students is admirable. She treats everyone with kindness and respect while often diffusing volatile situations. I have witnessed Cindy working with some of our more challenging students helping them to be successful. She will also pass on her positive energy to you as you pass her in the halls of NKHS with her smile and signature xoxo!

Congratulations Cindy, we can't wait to see who you will pick to be next week's winner.

Food for Thought
Correction does much, but encouragement does more.

Until next time, Think, Create, Innovate...Denise

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