Friday, October 7, 2016

Week Ending October 7, 2016


Jonathan Quinn's Advisory sent a "Get Well"
to their classmate, Aiden, when he was sick.
Over the past few months there have been some tense moments and trying times. One’s character is revealed, not developed, during challenging times. I would like to acknowledge the grace and professionalism with which NKHS community (students, parents and administrators) witnessed the teacher negotiations. Many may want to get right back to business, for some it was personal. This is where empathy comes into play at the adult level. The school cultural monthly themes are for everyone, not just our students. This month’s theme of empathy is very timely as we make our way to a “normal” routine.
With patience and understanding on both sides we will have most, if not all, clubs, activities, tutors, and programs up and running as intended.
For those teachers with a new freshmen advisory, or any grade with a quiet advisory, Donna Sweet’s website provides great resources to get our students talking to one another and making connections. The freshmen are notorious for quiet advisories and anything you can do to move them into the comfort of conversation will help their transition to high school and the daily 22 minutes in advisory meaningful.
Finally, quite a few teachers responded to my call for good news, student news, etc.. Please read below to find out what is happening around the school, the community and with your colleagues. Its long but it is good to the last drop.

Enjoy the three day weekend.
Health and Wellness
From Karen D’Abrosca

With fall officially arriving a few weeks ago and daylight savings time ending just a few weeks from now, we are moving toward the slower, colder, darker months.  Our schedules and lifestyles, though, often don’t match these natural rhythms.  With the Columbus Day Monday holiday upon us, see if you can slow down to notice something happening in the natural world (birds migrating, tree colors, smell of wild grapes).  Nature is a wonderful …  and FREE … de-stressor.  
Get outside and enjoy!

From Linda Twardowski, school nurse:
The staff flu clinic is next Thursday October 13th starting at 2:15 in the nurse’s office.

Good News
Norma Caiazza is doing well and getting stronger every day. She says she feels better than she has felt in a long while. Once she has her strength back she will return to her classroom. Please keep Norma in your thoughts. In the meantime, we are happy to have Chelsea Swan standing in for Norma and working with her classes everyday. I walked by the room the other morning to hear such beautiful choral voices. Thank you, Chelsea, for your efforts.

On October 28th, the English Department is celebrating the retirement of our beloved long-term substitute, Brigitte Martino. If you would like to join us on that day to say farewell to Brigitte, please email Leslie Holcroft for the details. If you do not plan to attend but would like to honor Brigitte through a donation toward a gift for her, you can give your contribution and sign a card with Carole Taylor in the main office.

The RI Dept of Health offered grant opportunities to the 10 school districts in RI that already participate in the RIDE School Health Advisory Council to submit applications for sexual health mini-grants. We all know how tight budgets are so the maximum amount you could receive was $2000. Julie Maguire detailed all of the good work the PE Department has done over the past year, provided evidence of the work, and projected the programs she would like to do this year that encompasses the entire student body. She was notified this past Wednesday that they liked the application so much that they will be doubling her grant. Congratulations Julie! You are leading the school in educating both students and faculty on important health issues. We look forward to seeing and hearing about the work being done to build student investment to create a school-based culture that supports safety through inclusivity and acceptance.

Congratulations to Mark DeLucia and Adam Laliberte for being named the Rhode Island Foreign Language Association (RIFLA) Best of RIFLA Fall Conference 2016 for their sessions “Proficiency-Based Instruction: Using Grouping in the Foreign Language Classroom” and “Blended Learning in the World Language Classroom”. This honor is extended to the workshop presenter who is most engaging, practical, and approachable as reported by the post conference evaluations.  As the Best of RIFLA 2016, Mark and Adam have been invited to present at the Northeast Conference 2017 in New York City next February.   

From Cheryl D. Thomas:
It never ceases to amaze me what caring, compassionate and empathetic faculty and staff we have here at NKHS. So many folks helped a new 9th grade girl
when they realized she did not have enough clothes and food for school. Without hesitation, the PE Dept staff donated and collected money. Kris Graham and Julie Maguire shopped for this young lady the very same day. They bought her clothes, personal items and more, then personally delivered the items to the student's home.
Other faculty members donated clothes; They want to remain anonymous but they went  shopping and bought this teen girl some very stylish clothes. Kris Anderson and Kristy Skerry helped the student on her first day of school, and helped her with her locker, organization and made her feel welcomed. And they helped her with clothing issues.   Liz Parvo Brown contributed a container of make up and supplies that all teen girls want and need. Teachers always reach into their pockets and hearts when they see a student in need

Students as Learners
From Rich Sweetman, chemistry teacher:
NK chemistry students attended a 2 week research program in chemistry under the supervision of Dr. James Smith and Dr. Jimmie Oxley at the University of Rhode Island. The students performed analytical chemistry to conduct guided research using state-of-the-art lab facilities.  The students then presented their findings from their research on posters. Dr. Jim Smith and Dr. Jimmie Oxley conduct research on the chemistry of thermal decomposition of highly energetic materials. Among the materials studied are military explosives and improvised explosives. The students did not use explosives in their research program but they did experience how research was conducted on explosives. Some of
the students that attended were:
  • Grace Castillo
  • Lucas Ackermann
  • Nicholas Ashton
  • Patrick Gannon
  • Ian Wylie

Upcoming Events/Important Dates
10 No School - Columbus Day
11 PTSO Meeting
12 SIT Meeting, 2 pm
13 Staff Flu Clinic, after school
Hypnotist Show, 7 pm
17 Faculty Meeting, 2 pm, auditorium
18 East Providence v. NK--Unified Volleyball Game, day 1,  third period
School Committee Meeting, 7 pm
19 Unity Day (Everyone wear your orange)
PSATs (during the day, 10th/11th grade)
Senior Parent/Financial Aid NIght (6:30--Q & A; 7:00--Financial Presentation)
20 Candidate’s Day

Student Services Office
  • The SSO has partnered with the NK Prevention Coalition to bring a dynamic speaker and comedian to NKHS on November 7th for a presentation of "I am Dirt."  This will be an hour long assembly for all freshmen and sophomores and straddles our School Culture Themes for October and November of Empathy and Accountability.
  • Just a reminder, that all teachers should be writing up any student that cuts your class, please check class absences against daily attendance.
  • Please check out the School Culture Website with your advisory for activities, videos and talking points about Empathy.  Doing an activity? Share it with us!
  • On October 19th, join us for Unity Day.  Students and teachers are asked to wear Orange to show our Unity against Bullying.  Send us your advisory picture to be entered for a prize drawing.  Midway through advisory, we will gather in the Spine for a school wide picture.

Teaching and Learning
It is wonderful to see all of the great and innovative uses of Google around the building in both classrooms and in support services.  Google Classroom will be used by guidance counselors this year when they make classroom, advisory, and assembly visits.  The activities that are included in Google Classroom 2020 make up the student’ Individual Learning Plan (ILP).  The ILP is “a student directed planning and monitoring tool that customizes learning opportunities throughout their secondary school experience, broadens their perspectives and supports attainment of goals.  The ILP documents students’ interests, needs, supports, course selections, transition placements and other learning experiences both in and out of school.   The ELP is a collaborative effort shared by the student, the student’s family, and educators” (RIDE, 2010).   We believe this electronic ILP system will be considered one of the best in the state.

School Culture

The NKHS Unified Volley Team will host East Providence for a day game on October 18 during third hour. This is the first time that we are hosting a day game and would love to have fans in the stands cheering for both teams.
If you would like to take your class to the event it will be a first come first serve event. Please email Kris Anderson and please include the number of students in your class. With the bleachers out we can hold quite a few classes but not everyone.

Videos Worth Watching/Apps Worth Seeking
From A. M. Finlay--our new student assistance counselor.
In efforts to increase empathy I wanted to share with you an App. that was developed by a teenager to decrease cyber bullying. She was inspired when she heard that a young girl had death by suicide due to cyber bullying.

The app is ReThink.  It is FREE and the app allows for  pop up messages to remind the user that the text contains information that may hurt someone else's feelings.  It gives the person, who wrote the text, a chance to "rethink" and come up with better words so that their friends are not hurt and relationships are not damaged.

Here is the link:

Articles Worth Reading
Review on the App “ReThink”

Food for Thought
"We have to teach empathy as we do literacy.." --Bill Drayton, Social Entrepreneur

Until next time, Think, Create, Innovate...Denise

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