Friday, June 10, 2016

Week Ending June 10, 2016

Upcoming Events/Important Dates
11     Girls softball Championship, RIC
14-19 Exams
14     School Committee Meeting - 7pm
20 Faculty Lunch in the courtyard/celebrate retirees, transfers, etc.

Student Services Office
Congratulations to Debbie Santigata for being nominated for this week's Skipper Pride for Excellence Award by last week's winner, Ms. Mason. From Ms. Mason::

The winner of the Skipper Shining Star award as we head into June in earnest, is Mrs. Deborah Santagata. Mrs. Santagata is an English and reading specialist teacher. When she first arrived at NKHS, she was assigned a challenging English class without being provided text books, but she never missed a beat, persevered, and created what she needed so that she and more importantly her students would be successful. Fast forward to today, and she continues her win streak no matter what NKHS has thrown at her. Over the years, she has shown herself to be a master teacher working with all grade levels and abilities. She is a leader but also a team player. Long ago she understood and embraced the African proverb of "if you want to go fast, go alone but if you want to go far, go together."

Mrs. Santagata is a team player and generous in sharing her vast years of knowledge and experience with her peers. She is an incredibly hard worker, humble, articulate, passionate, and one who loves the craft of teaching and giving back to the NKHS Learning Community. Her success is no accident but a product of her diligence, perseverance and her mind set in seeing each student as a person of value and worth deserving of the very best education. Mrs. Santagata meets students at their level and breaks down complex text to make teaching and learning clearer to her charges while offering struggling reads skills to strengthen their ability to master subject materials. Always looking to challenge and grow herself, Mrs. Santagata has now switched gears and stepped out of the traditional English classroom to now act as a Reading Specialist who worked closely with other teachers in their classrooms and individual students across the high school. I liken her to the out of state firefighter who demonstrates daily flexibility and courage to travel and jump into other state fires to help put out the flames before they really start, and at times when things are roaring out of control. She is an extremely committed educational professional. This year she has been a particular asset to the History department in helping us format our on line text book and adapt it to assist the challenged learner tackle all our rich content.

The other factor that makes Mrs. Santagata a stellar educator, is something that cannot be taught, it is simply a part of her - her amazing heart. Mrs. Santagata is one of the most caring and compassionate human beings I've ever have the pleasure of knowing. She cares deeply about children whether they are in her own classes, her advisory, or simply a student at large who is in need. She has donated and freely given her time, money, and encouragement to countless students who needed an adult in their life to support or believe in them. She is equally giving to her colleagues. She inspires others around her in both her deeds and actions. I have seen her go far, far out of her way to assist students on Mason Tours around the globe, often putting student needs ahead of her own while on tour whether it is7am, 6pm, or 3am. From dealing with a homesick child in a hotel in France, to navigating a large group through busy LAX Airport, she never fails to put her best foot forward, despite the fact that sometimes in war there are casualties. For all these reasons and so many more, Mrs. Santagata is richly deserving of this recognition for a life and career well lived. Congratulations Mrs. Santagata.

Until next time, Think, Create, Innovate...Denise

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