Sunday, March 8, 2015

Friday, March 6, 2015

It has been a busy week for our learning community. I recognize the challenge it has been for math and English teachers who have had to ramp up their knowledge of the software and intricacies of facilitating PARCC. The protocols are not typical and require people to extend themselves beyond the hard work they already do. Additionally, teachers in subjects that may need access to technology for their courses are forfeiting that option for students and teachers who need to train on the TestNav software. Thank you for your collegiality. I admire the growth mindset and flexibility exhibited. In a school where autonomy, creativity and innovation are the norm your commitment to the process of managing this assessment protocol has not gone unnoticed.

Beginning next Monday we will assess our students on how well they are learning the Common Core in the English and math classes. There is valuable information including our curriculum alignment to the Common Core, our academic success rate as compared to other schools in other districts like us, and student placements in courses that can be learned from results of the PARCC.  I look forward to your continued support as we make our way. As a community we will learn from this experience of the first year roll out to ensure a process that balances preparation with classroom instruction.

Staff News

Many of you have inquired on how Donna Hutson is doing. She is home now with OT and PT coming in a few days a week.  She goes back to her surgeon on March 16th and the cast will come off and more X-rays.  When she fell it caused a pilon fracture of her right ankle.  She was in traction for 7 days after her fall, so the swelling would go down and they could operate on her right ankle.  She now has two metal plates with nine pins holding her ankle together.  

She is feeling much better and doing work from home, planning field trips and career speakers.  As soon as she gets the last cast off and permission to drive she will be back. 

Abby Chevalier is home after knee surgery. Linda Twardowski and Karen Finlan are hoping to be back soon from their medical leave. 

Officer Andrew Greenhalgh and Dave Cesaro both return after the passing of their father and mother, respectively. Please keep all of these community members in your thoughts.

Students as Learners

Hailey, Josh, Laura and Mr. Lamboy are pictured with
Congressman Langevin; one of the many
politicians supporting this energy program throughout RI
Six students from Mr. Thomas' COM III class, (Hailey, Laura, Josh, Ian, Drew and Cam) Mr. Lamboy and I attended the Home Show on March 6 in the evening. Students entered a contest from National Grid, sponsored by Each entry had to show at least four ways that the public can save energy. North Kingstown High School received a prize for the number of student entries. 

Representatives from Smart Power will be visiting North Kingstown High School later this spring to unveil the winning sign acknowledging our school and to deliver the check to be used by Mr. Thomas' class for future sustainable projects. Details to follow.

Adults as Learners

NKSD Art Show awards opening reception

About the event: On Tuesday, March 3, 2015. 

Janice Strain, Tara Harrington, Bob Shaffer and art teachers throughout the district joined together with the NK Arts Council and NK Free Library to host the community and celebrate art in our schools. 

After the student awards had been delivered Janice received a blue ribbon and a sketch book of her own. These were to honor her collaborative work she has done for the Arts department in North Kingstown Schools.

Way to go Janice. Thank you and the Fine Arts department for keeping the "A" in STEAM education.

Student Management Office

Please review with your advisories where you will be located in the senior parking lot in the event of a fire drill. We have a drill each month; while snow and mud are on the ground the senior parking lot is our updated location. Please send all comments, both positive and constructive, to Mitch. 

We have received our survey results back from Authentic Education in an Excel spreadsheet. Our students participated in this survey in December and over 900 students completed the survey. For those who may have forgotten this survey was prompted after the Alexis Wiggins blog article,  when she followed two students around after two separate days. I will go through the pages of data and pull the key items for your information.

Dean’s Corner

Dear teachers, when you leave your classroom to go to a computer lab or other area, please leave a note on your door stating the new class location.  This will assist any late arriving student and, in the event of a dean going to your room to talk to a student, we will know where to find you. Thank you.

Health and Wellness

Sometimes a small change, like going to bed a little earlier, can make a big difference. 

Get a good night’s sleep before getting out the easel and paintbrushes or the pen and paper.

 In addition to consolidating memories, or making them stronger, your brain appears to reorganize and restructure them, which may result in more creativity as well.

Researchers at Harvard University and Boston College found that people seem to strengthen the emotional components of a memory during sleep, which may help spur the creative process.


Last weekend, February 28-March 1, North Kingstown educators participated in the Ed Tech Team Global Summits featuring Google for Education at Coventry High School. Pam Rowland, Leslie Holcroft, Rob Silveira, Rich Garland, Kris Graham and Ron Kenyon participated from the high school. I look forward to our PD day in April where teachers may share what they learned. Looking to the near future to make our Media Center a place for students to “Think, Create and Innovate.”

Upcoming Events

Tues, March 10th – School Committee Meeting, 7 pm
Thur, March 12th – Career Speaker Series, 7 pm, Media Center
Mon, March 16th – PARCC testing begins
Wed, March 18th – Junior Parent Night, 7pm
Tues, March 24th – School Committee Meeting, 7pm
Thurs, March 26th – Band Concert

Videos Worth Watching

Articles Worth Reading

Senior Project News:

Hi, my name is David Poirier and on March 13, 2015, I will be hosting Chris Herren to speak to the whole school about his story and drugs/alcohol awareness. I would appreciate if everyone took time on March 13, 2015, at 9:30 am, to join us in Gym A or the auditorium (depending on the size of the crowd) for his presentation. If your class can attend please email to let me know in advance. Thank you and I hope to see you all on March 13, 2015.

Food for Thought

"They didn't know it was impossible, so they did it."

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