Sunday, March 29, 2015

Friday, March 27, 2015

I found this popular image on a financial blog named, The Big Picture, where the author explained you cannot control what the Fed is going to do but you can control, your education, your long-term investments and so on. I think at the end of a long week where there was a general sense of being overwhelmed by PARCC this is also very fitting for us.

Staff News

Karen D’Abrosca is home resting “and kickin' butt in home physical therapy 3x/week”
Since it is her right leg, she is not allowed to drive yet.
She feels fine, a little soreness - no pain and partially weight bearing so she’s mobile.  Please keep Karen, as well as, Karen Finlan, Linda Twardowski, and Abby Chevalier in your thoughts for a full recovery.
Students as Learners
Cindy Zito’s Interact Club is the recipient of a grant!
Congratulations, your organization is selected to receive an Earth Day grant! This year the program was sponsored by the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management, the Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation, and the JR Vinagro Corporation. Your organization will share a portion of the $28,250 awarded through the program this year to help fund 58 Earth Day events throughout Rhode Island.   

The goal of the 2015 Earth Day Cleanup Grant program is to highlight Earth Day and the value of the environment, and to recognize the importance of people improving the quality of life in their communities.  

The Ceramics 2 class, along with their teacher, Mrs. Tara Harrington, attended the National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts in Providence. Once there, they had access to dozens of presenters, demonstrations, networking opportunities and exhibitions. How fortunate that the National Convention was in our backyard and that in working collaboratively with NCECA Mrs. Harrington was able to secure entry for her students, as well.

Adam Laliberte told me: “Abby is using a program called "Gynzy", where she uses the Spanish alphabet to correctly select letters that spell out vocabulary words we are currently practicing, in this case, the body.”
This is another great new class added to the adaptive electives. Thank you to Adam, the students and their peer partners.

Adults as Learners

Looking towards next Friday. Please go to the Google Doc that I shared with you “ThiNK TaNK--April 3rd PD” and take a moment to add your ideas. The way to have an enjoyable experience next Friday is to get involved. Your ideas matter…add your voice to the conversation. 

Thank you to Janice Strain and Tara Harrington for their artistic ideas in helping with the ThiNK T@NK logo.

Dean’s Corner
In talking with the PBIS student advisory board, the students would like teachers to specify why the students got the PRIDE BUCKS. A brief description on the back would be great.

Additionally, a great dialogue has started with students regarding detentions and tardies. The students are coming up with some great ideas for moving forward. We are trying to hash out the details of a new “Pilot” so please stay tuned.
Health and Wellness
Think "SPRING"!!!    Spring break is just a few short weeks away.  
Studies have shown just thinking about a beautiful place we've seen or imagined can lower stress levels.
We need to be reminded that we're doing the best we can each day.  But for times when the fog doesn't seem to lift, 

Go to your list "My 10 Favorites of Spring".  What is your favorite flower, smell, sight, event, vacation memory, walking path, song, book, event, baseball team?  Enjoy the memories or creating your list!

On my first blog, February 27, 2015, I shared Kahoot, an app that Mr. Fusco was using in his class. This past week, Carol Silva used it to prep her chemistry students for an upcoming test. I am sure Carol would be happy to share with you whether the tool was effective in her class. It was her first time using it in the class and she was comfortable enough to invite both Donna Sweet and another visiting Principal Residency Intern into her class to join in on the fun.

Upcoming Events

Fri, April 3rd – Professional Development Day – no school for students
Fri, April 3rd--German exchange students arrive
Fri, April 10th - School will be held and will follow a Day 1 schedule
Sun, April 12th—Cupcake wars
Tues, April 14th—School Committee Meeting
Tues, April 14th—All Town Strings Concert
Thurs, April 16th—All Town Choir Concert

April 20 – 24 – Spring Recess

Senior Project News:

"Hi my name is Amy Augenstein and I am a senior at North Kingstown High School. Hailey Cassidy, Sarah Campbell, and I will be hosting a film night consisting of 3 short documentaries at the Jamestown Arts Center, on April 3rd at 6 pm. All are welcome and there is no fee at the door! There will also be free food and beverages to enjoy. Come support our senior projects!"

Food for Thought

"…but getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air."  Sarah Kay

Until next week...Think, Create, Innovate,


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