Friday, March 20, 2015

March 20, 2015

Happy Spring!


I am looking out my window at snow. Silliness.

Students as Learners
GRRL Tech Day at URI – a great day of science and stem workshops for talented high school females. Over 500 students from throughout the State attend.  Natalie Bernier won the essay contest! Very exciting as this is the first time NK had a winner.

Thank you to Joy Tavano and Susan Eriksen for chaperoning for the day.


The Academic-Decathlon competition that was held this past weekend at CCRI in Warwick. At present time the total team scores / final results for the competition for all schools have not been released.

However, Dean Kareemo (grade 12) who has been a part of the academic-decathlon team since his freshman year achieved a silver medal at the competition in both the Interview Competition and Speech Competition. If you see Dean, let him know how sharp he looks! Thank you to Tom Doran and Chris Fronce—Advisors for the team.

Adults as Learners

Preparing for EdCamp: Take back your professional learning.
Quick video, 1 minute! I want you to feel comfortable with this format and the more you know about it, hopefully you will get excited for the possibilities.

If you are unsure of whether you would like to lead a discussion here are some topics that other educators have used:

We Taught 8th Graders Quantum Physics with Dance. 
How to Address Privacy and One's Digital DNA.
Design Thinking and Innovation.
Writing in the Digital Age.

While many topics surround technology in education, a great, interactive discussion will be rewarded by large participation in that discussion. Think…"What do you want to learn?"

Student Management Office
Teachers, please remember that when you submit attendance during Periods 2-5, if you see that a student in your class has been marked absent during a previous class, you should send that student to the AP Office. The student may not have signed into school upon her/his arrival and Mrs. Anderson must correct the situation in order for us to have accurate records. Thank you, Mr. Lalli
Health and Wellness
Days are close to 12 hours; daylight rapidly increases allowing new plant growth to "spring forth".
This spring transition brings to mind rebirth, renewal and regrowth.
With such an unusually harsh winter behind us, can you slow down enough to notice signs of the transition?
Former NKHS science teacher Lynn Wolslegel would post student estimates on the date Ospreys would return to the nest high on the pole near the track.  What's your guess? 
Barbara is working with the central administration on the details of the technology initiative in planning the roll out of Chromebooks to faculty and students.  Please feel free to share any ideas about professional learning that will be needed or suggestions for particular applications that could be useful. Barbara is currently researching learning management systems to recommend to the committee, so it would be valuable to hear the experiences of those who have used Schoology, Google Classroom, or another app in this genre you find helpful.

Upcoming Events

Tues, March 24th – School Committee Meeting, 7pm
Thurs, March 26th – Band Concert
Fri, April 3rd – Professional Development Day – no school for students
Fri, April 10th - School will be held in place of the PD day and will follow a Day 1 schedule
Sun, April 12th -- Cupcake wars
Tues, April 14th--All Town Strings Concert
Thurs., April 16th--All Town Choir Concert
April 20 – 24 – Spring Recess

Articles Worth Reading

Senior Project News:
My name is Amelia Bowen and for my senior project this year I am doing a movie screening of the documentary Girl Rising at the Jamestown Arts Center on March 29th at 2 pm

The screening is a fundraiser for Plan USA, which is an organization that provides immediate aid to girls in trafficking situations in developing countries and pays tuition for those who cannot afford it. 

Food for Thought
“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”

George Bernard Shaw


  1. Hi everyone.

    With the Burgau exchangers arriving Thursday, April 2, and our first full school day now being Monday April 6, I want to give a special shout out to these NKHS teachers who responded to our request to accept these German Exchangers into your classes for those two mid-April weeks: Matt Blaser, Lisa Garcia, Richard Garland, Melissa Grinnell, Cecile Jones, Sean Lane, Julie Maguire, Shelley McDonald, Janice Strain, and Aaron Thomas. --> THANK YOU ! <-- You should be hearing from our group very shortly.

    Topic presentations will follow once German chaperones, Julia Kreutzer and Moritz Breuning, are in house to finalize them.

    Scheduling notes:
    1. The group will be off campus Friday 4/10 and Wednesday 4/15.
    2. The Exchangers have been scheduled together [Rm 210] Per. 5. We expect that a limited number of presentations will take place that Period.

    Sehr bald = Very soon!
    Ruthann Baker

  2. Juhu! More faculty responders!
    THANKS SO MUCH Bob Schaffer, Susan Eriksen and Serena Mason!

  3. The very first 2 responders' forms got buried, sorry! Special thanks to Tara Harrington and Patricia Kirwan!!
