Sunday, May 1, 2016

Week Ending April 29, 2016

Where Does Our Responsibility Lie?

This time of year can be pretty overwhelming for our students. There are joyful moments with scholarships, merit dollars from colleges and awards for jobs well done. On the flip side, there may be anxiety, depression and a feeling of overall hopelessness for many students who feel they cannot keep up. As we move through these next two months please celebrate where we can, victories are well deserved. Let us also be mindful that we do not know what some may be going through and a kind word can go a long way. Take a moment, if you have one, to read the articles below or watch the video.

Good News
Caitlin Brown received 2nd place at Senator Jack Reed’s Art Competition.
Congratulations to Tara and Caitlin:
Tara Harrington and her students and their families are cordially invited to a closing reception honoring the participants in the 2016 High School Arts Competition, co-sponsored by US Senator Jack Reed and the Rhode Island Art Education Association
Warwick Mall Center Court
Sunday, May 1, 2016
5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Congratulations to Toni Silveira who applied and received recognition for the NKHS Music Department from NAMM (National Association of Music Merchants). From Toni:
We are now a 2016 - 2017 School of Merit which means that our curriculum, student participation, awards, achievements, All-State rankings and extra-curricular offerings received their exemplary rating.
Access to music education programs in schools is a cornerstone of NAMM’s vision and mission. Educators, parents and other stakeholders overwhelmingly agree that quality music programs contribute to student retention, graduation rates, and overall success in school. High quality, evidence-based studies compiled by the Arts Education Partnership’s Music Matters, shows that music education equips students with the foundational abilities to learn, achieve in other academic subjects, and develop the capacities, skills and knowledge essential for lifelong success.
Teachers as Learners
I would like to congratulate D’Ellen Roye, Susan Graham, Dave Avedisian and Larry Verria for their work with NK PTSO in researching projectors and other technology for the PTSO to complete and receive a grant from Pawtucket Credit Union for over $4,000. Great work seeking opportunities for their classrooms. All of our students in the English and Social Studies classes will be the beneficiaries of this wonderful collaboration. Thank you all for your contributions. Big thanks to PTSO grant writers: Tracy Wilkinson, Deb Gotthelf and Jen Baierlein. There will be a photograph once the projectors are installed.
Students as Learners

Just before break there was a wedding in room 204. These pictures are just in…

Health and Wellness
From Karen D’Abrosca
Hope everyone had a wonderful Spring Break and that this finds you rested, clear and with energy for what seems like the “home stretch” of the school year!   We end April celebrating National Therapy Animal Day on April 30th.  Karen D’Abrosca and Paula Calitri both volunteer with therapy dogs certified through Pet Partners.  Please see either for more information or visit the  
A quick look towards May, brings to mind May Breakfasts!
Couldn’t let this blog be published without mention of the most important meal of the day!!
Check these local churches for fantastic meals in the “traditional” May Breakfast fashion:
Oak Lawn Community Baptist Church 229 Wilbur Ave. Cranston  SAT April 30  6:30AM-11:30AM.
This breakfast is in its 149th year and is home of the first May breakfast in the country.  Closer to NK, the
First Baptist Church East Greenwich  30 Pierce St. E. Greenwich provides a delightful buffet with homemade pies.   SAT May 7  6:30AM-10AM     Bon Appetit!
Upcoming Events/Important Dates
2 10 minute massage (part of staff appreciation)--sign up in the faculty mail room
4 Staff Appreciation Luncheon--All four lunches in the Auditorium
6       Variety Show - 7pm
10     School Committee Meeting - 7pm
19     Senior Project Presentation Night - 5pm - 8pm
24     Chorus & Orchestra Concert - 7pm
        School Committee Meeting - 7pm
25     Senior Athlete Night - 6pm
26     Band Awards Concert - 7pm
30     No School - Memorial Day

Student Services Office
Congratulations to for being nominated for this week's Skipper Pride for Excellence Award by last week's winner, Marianne Korney.  From Marianne:

As a coach, a teacher, and a parent in the district, Joe is involved in and contributes to the NK community in many ways. His calm and collected demeanor reflects his ability to maintain sight of what really matters. Despite the multiplying demands that compete for our attention today, Joe manages his responsibilities with ease by consistently focusing on developing our students into impressive young adults.

On the field, this mentality has driven him to transform our football program. He instills core values in his players such as respect, honesty, determination, and accountability. His athletes are expected to serve as good examples and perform well in regards to the game and academics. His positive influence has extended beyond his team as the energy the team exudes and their success has increased school spirit over all.

Within the walls of NKHS (or should I say "the halls" as Joe contently wheels his way from one classroom to the next), Joe collaborates well with colleagues and helps his students see their potential. His display of dedication and the encouraging words he often shares are evidence that he not only does his part, but he also motivates students and fellow teachers to do theirs. This influence over others is measurable because of the respect he has earned as a level-headed and thoughtful individual. The reassurance he provides members of our community that their efforts do not go unrecognized and that hard work results in progress, has the power to inspire NK to be the very best it can.

Whether you know him as Joe, Coach Gilmartin, or Mr. Gilmartin, he is truly a special Skipper :)

School Culture
From Susan Graham:

On Friday, April 15, 2016, we had a huge team at the RI State Best Buddies Friendship Walk at the East Greenwich High School track.  There was music, dancing, and lots of laughs.  The NKHS Buddies won PawSox tickets for raising $1,800, the third most of all the high school chapters in the state!
From Darrel Sutton:
Hello all,

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that donated to my BikeMS fundraiser.  Together, we raised $941 to help the National MS Society. I couldn't have done it without you all.  

The winner of the raffle for the painting was Matt Blaser.  He's now the proud owner of the Sutton original.

Thanks again!
Videos Worth Watching

Sabrina Benaim - Explaining My Depression To My Mother: A Conversation

Articles Worth Reading

High Stress High School (Article highlights elite private schools but NKHS fits in nicely in this story)

Food for Thought
“Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.”– Ovid

Until next time, Think, Create, Innovate...Denise

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