Friday, May 27, 2016

Week Ending May 27, 2016--Last Blog of the 15-16 School Year!

Pet Therapy

Chris, Greg and Paula with Whitney enjoying music
Over the last few years in school, many may agree that the everyday anxiousness of taking a test or butterflies before a big presentation has changed. Teachers have witnessed a trend with students of all academic abilities and their level of anxiety. It is a sightless disorder and because of that it can be frustrating for both the student and their teachers. Over the past two weeks our seniors have taken finals, completed Senior Project, CCAs, and for some, attended at-risk meetings regarding graduation status. That would be stressful under any circumstances. In comes Whitney. Whitney was introduced to some faculty last fall at the luncheon during the PD day. Whitney is Paula Calitri's Goldendoodle and she
Katie M and Katie C--Best friends
with a best friend, Whitney.
has completed her classes to become a therapy dog. The research has shown that therapy dogs can help students just by lying near them. Therapy dogs can often sense when students/adults need support. Whitney has attended meetings with students, has allowed groups to pet her all at once during passing time and she has walked up to those students sitting alone in the spine to check in. Paula has worked with our Business Office and The Trust to be sure all insurance and documents necessary are on file. We have sent information out to parents on the listserv and are introducing it to the staff in this blog. Paula and I have agreed to start it off small. Whitney is not the first dog in the school; you may have seen Karen’s dog visit her wellness class, or Leslie’s dog visit her science classroom for a recessive gene lesson but Whitney is the first formalized program. Whitney was here during advisory last week, Senior Project Presentation Night and again this past Monday and Friday. She will visit next Tuesday and Wednesday, the seniors last two days. If you would like Paula to bring Whitney by your classroom, please email her at and she will do her best to get there.  
Health and Wellness
From Karen D’Abrosca
Enjoy the long weekend!

Good News
From Matt Blaser:
I have the distinct privilege of letting you know that we have TWO winners in a national writing contest this year.

Every year for at least the past 20 years, the English Department has participated in the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Writing Awards Competition. Based on our number of students in grades 10 - 12, we are allowed three nominees from our best writers in the junior class.

Wyndom, Jake and Kate recognized by National Council
of Teachers of English
This year we selected Wyndom Chace, Kate Ladstatter, and Jacob Maguire -- based on their writing since ninth grade, their creativity, freshness of thought, and flexibility of style and purpose -- as the students who would participate.  Each student had to submit an original piece of "best writing" and a response to a prompt provided by NCTE.

The NCTE chose Wyndom and Jacob as winners this year and honored Kate for her solid submissions.  This is the first time ever we've had two winners in one year, to my recollection at least.  And in the past twenty years I believe we've had only two winners, one in 2000 and another in 2013.  So this is pretty impressive.

Carole Taylor is the NKHS’s Shining Star for May. Dr.’s Auger and Humbyrd arrived at 9 am sharp for a visit to the office. As usual, during advisory period, there is a lot going on in the school and the office. Carole thought nothing of it. As we slowly, but surely, crammed more people into the tight spot you could see the realization appear on her face. Carole was recognized for her multitasking-- in our building (from subs to coverages, from office supplies to text books), for providing a historic perspective when needed, her keen observations/editing skills and the ability to welcome changes to keep the office moving. Congratulations Carole.

Students as Learners
From Mark DeLucia:This week, Adam Laliberte's AP Spanish students have been working with students from Syd Culbertson's and Briand LaCroix's classes, who are currently reading Around the World in 80 Days.  Students worked together to create cross-curricular lessons and presentations about various aspects of South American culture, which connected well with the reading and related topics.

From Rich Garland:

Kelsey Dellinger with Treasurer Magaziner
"It's been an extraordinary month for NK students of business, and this week is no exception.  Earlier in the month, Kelsey Dellinger, a student of our Business Leadership course was honored with a Young Leader Award from Treasurer Magaziner given her academic and leadership successes.  Kelsey was also one of our award winners at the DECA Career Development Competitions in March.

Earlier this week, Both Olivia Clarke and Aubrey Forman, two sophomore students attending Finance and Investments were recognized at Johnson and Wales University for placing second in the state-wide Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA) Stock Market Challenge.  Over 400 schools competed with Olivia and Aubrey earning roughly $114k in equity, a few thousand dollars from first place.   

On Thursday, Treasurer Magaziner, People's Credit Union, the EVERFI corporation, Mary King, Dr. Morse and Kevin Gormley, along with Rhode Island College came gathered to congratulate 97 students for certifying in financial literacy per the Treasurer's Financial Scholars Program.  The program is just one benefit of completing our Finance and Investments course, along with college credit per RIC's Early Enrollment Program (EEP).  Till next year - enjoy!"

From Ms. Mason:
This past Friday I had eight students from my US II Honors class attend an event at the NK Public Library. It was an inter-generational book meeting on two-time Pulitzer Prize David McCullough's newest novel, The Wright Brothers. The novel was a stellar exploration of the two brothers who taught the world how to fly: Wilbur and Orville Wright. My eight students volunteered to read his book on their own time and then meet with senior citizens of the town who had also read it as well. A lively one hour discussion ensued with almost thirty persons in attendance. I am now working with the NK Public Library staff (one of whom is a former NKHS graduate) to continue this program next year as part of a greater push for literacy across America. It is my hopes to tie our US History Dept. curriculum into what the students are studying each quarter to further deepen their understanding and appreciation of both History and Literature. In addition Mr. McCullough also spoke to some of my students who attended his RI talk at Toll Gate High School this past Saturday. It is important that students study, read, and understand that Historians tell the stories of people who succeeded because of their strength of character, which kept them from giving up when they failed.

From John Daneau:

Physics students collected data on themselves while in the park at Lake Compounce. The students were using their cell phones to record video. GPS and accelerometer data to perform an analysis of one of the rides in the Park. Other students used the Vernier  Lab Quest 2 data collection systems to do the same.

Upcoming Events/Important Dates


31 Senior Grades due - Please post asap

01     Honors Night - 7pm
02     Class Day
        Senior Banquet - 6pm
03     Senior Trip
04     Boys Basketball Breakfast, Saturday
06     Senior Prom
07     Dialogues Democracy Night - 6:30pm
08     Graduation - 6pm URI Ryan Center
09     Last Day for Late Buses
14     School Committee Meeting - 7pm

Student Services Office
Congratulations to Paula Schiavone for being nominated for this week's Skipper Pride for Excellence Award by last week's winner, Aaron Thomas. From Aaron:

Paula Schiavone is one of the most caring educators in the building. She has single-handedly brought a Portuguese Language Program to NKHS. Her students love her enthusiasm and friendly demeanor. Despite being the self proclaimed “Crazy Portuguese Lady”, she is far from crazy. As a colleague and parent of two Portuguese students I have seen her willingness to go above and beyond to make NKHS a better place for everyone.
Even though she has an infatuation with soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo, she still finds the time to connect on a daily basis with all of her students.. Paula rules with kindness and there is no question that she makes a NKHS a better school and place to work. She is loved by her students.

from Donna Sweet:

Last day for late buses will be June 9th.
Please take a minute to remind your advisory that any student who has outstanding detentions will not be able to participate in the prom, this includes attending as a guest if an underclassman, and/or senior week activities. The students can email Brian or Steve if they have any questions.

School Culture

From Mark DeLucia:
The World Language Department toasted Evelyn Byrne today, (with juice, I promise!) on her impending retirement.  Even Lynn Pinch and baby Benjamin stopped in to wish Evelyn well.  Her passion and dedication to our French program will be sorely missed, as will the real-world experience she brought to the classroom.  Congratulations, Evelyn, and may your retirement bring you all the happiness you deserve!
Videos Worth Watching

Articles Worth Reading

Food for Thought
"I have a very old and very faithful attachment for dogs. I like them because they always forgive." --Albert Camus, The Fall

Until next time, Think, Create, Innovate...Denise

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