Sunday, May 8, 2016

Week Ending May 6, 2016


Commissioner Ken Wagner has invited teachers and school leaders to join him in an informal discussion to address school empowerment and other education topics.
This discussion will be held at the NKHS Library/Media Center at 4 pm on June 2.

There are four key pieces to his plan:
  1. Autonomy
  2. Regulatory flexibility
  3. Contract flexibility
  4. Open enrollment
The following is paraphrased from a TV interview with Commissioner Wagner on March 31, 2016.

On his Newsmaker interview, Commissioner Wagner stresses that we currently hold people accountable and tell them what they have to do. He would like to keep standards and accountability but he would give people the authority of how to be held accountable. The schools and teachers should determine how we will get to our accountability. Keep the standards… We need comparable local assessments...maintain grade-level standards, learning consistent with federal law...maintain grad requirements, and maintain accountability systems...Much more space on how to do it.
Health and Wellness
From Karen D’Abrosca
Where is spring?  Well a sure sign ~ on the calendar anyway ~ is Mother’s Day –SUN MAY 8th!
Celebrate the day with family or for yourself.  All That Matters Yoga Center in Wakefield has “Take your mom to yoga for free” on Sunday.  Buy flowers – the kind you can plant and that will give you a smile all summer long!  Recognize that we are  “mothers” to our students and appreciate that quality in yourself!  Enjoy the weekend especially those folks administering, organizing and supervising anything PARCC!!  A well-deserved break … and don’t forget about those glorious MAY BREAKFASTS!

Good News
Jackie Fagan retired in December 2015. She went to visit her sister and she is back in town. For those of you who know Jackie and who knew Joe, her husband, there is no couple more devoted to the students and teachers of NKHS. We would like to celebrate Jackie in her retirement Friday May 20, after school at Duffy’s. Everyone should have received an invitation and if you need more information please ask, CIndy or Larry, Linda or Carole.

Teachers as Learners
Of course Jackie is not the only one who will end her tenure at NKHS. We have a few more who after years of service to our school earned a day in the sun. We hope to have another beautiful last day of school where we can enjoy our lunchtime and honor our colleagues. If anyone would like to help with the planning you can send Donna a message. The faculty and staff that I currently know of retiring are: Evelyn Bryne, Richard Ku, (teachers) Nancy Ferencko, Sandie Blankenship, (Teaching Assistants) and Marisa Charboneau (food service). If you know of anyone else please let me know.
Students as Learners
This past week and going right up to May 19, seniors are presenting their projects to their peers. If you see a senior dressed up it may be for a sports contest after school or for their English class. Be sure to wish them well either way. Pictured here are students who presented for Ms. Grinnell this past week.

Upcoming Events/Important Dates
10     School Committee Meeting - 7pm
19     Senior Project Presentation Night - 5pm - 8pm
24     Chorus & Orchestra Concert - 7pm
        School Committee Meeting - 7pm
25     Senior Athlete Night - 6pm
26     Band Awards Concert - 7pm
30     No School - Memorial Day

Student Services Office
Congratulations to Leslie Holcroft for being nominated for this week's Skipper Pride for ExcellenceAward by last week's winner, Joe Gilmartin. As soon as I receive the write up it will be added, until that time I would say:

Leslie, thank you for all of the efforts and innovative ideas you are adding as Senior Project Coordinator this year. You are still smiling and I hope that means you will continue in this role.

School Culture

The variety show on Friday was a great success. Elise, Kevin, Isaiah, Greg and Mason did a fantastic job hosting. Ms. Korney and Ms. Chevalier have worked tirelessly to assist the students with their show. The sketches in between the student acts were equally welcome as the amazing acts themselves. Ms. Graham and Mr. Fanning supported the Variety Show along with their crew of Best Buddies in the front few rows. The rest of the crowd was equally supportive of their friends and loved ones. Spontaneous clapping to the beat during songs and instrumentals alike. During Hallelujah the audience turned on their phone flashlights and waved them as if at a concert. If you were there
you know how much fun it was. If you were unable to attend here are a few pictures showcasing the night.

Videos Worth Watching
Newsmakers 3/31/2016: RI Education Commissioner Ken Wagner

If you plan on attending the Commissioners meeting then this interview could be helpful.
Articles Worth Reading

Food for Thought

"The organization is, above all, social. It is people." --Peter Drucker

Until next time, Think, Create, Innovate...Denise

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