Friday, March 31, 2017

Week Ending March 31, 2017

Diversity Rocks
No one showcased diversity better than the new Doodle 4 Google winner. Today, Sarah Harrison’s illustration on how she sees the future was showcased on the Google Website. I am sure many of you saw it due to the amount of time that we spend on the Internet. She is a 10th grader from Bunnell HIgh School in Connecticut. She said she had looked at the past drawings and many were technical innovations or along that line and she wanted to go in a different direction. Her best line for me was when she said she was going to have a label maker and spell out Google with the label scraps but then she thought, “We aren’t labels, we’re people…” and that is what inspired her. It is nice to be reminded that we are more alike, than not alike. Great way to end the week...

Health and Wellness
From Karen D’Abrosca
MAR 31, 2017
Bye, Bye March!! Possibly April by the time you read this!  Since we have been indoors for much of the chilly, wet month, let’s take a look at Boosting the Immune System.  Our immune system functions as an intricate machine – if  tuned to top form we are healthy, if mismanaged, we are sick!!
Things that sabotage our health are stress, lack of sleep, poor diet and even the overuse of disinfecting hand gels and cleaners.  Things that boost our health include vaccinations, positive emotions and food.  Be sure to eat meals including carrots, sweet potatoes, salmon, blueberries and avocados to name a few.  Listen to Bobby McFerrin "Don't Worry, Be Happy"!!
The upcoming April Spring Break will help too as we spend time away from our closed quarters and hopefully spend time outdoors.  Here's to our health!!

Upcoming Events/Important Dates

April - Community
2   Cupcake Wars
4   All Town Chorus
5   SAT - In school testing for Juniors through 4th period
6   All Town Strings, 7 pm
11 PTSO Meeting, 7 pm
    School Committee Meeting, 7 pm
14 No school - Good Friday
17-21 Spring Recess
Good News!

The Skipper Pride winner is Emily Bell, who was chosen from the last winner, Joy Tavano. This is Emily’s second time receiving the award from a colleague. Way to go Emily.
From Joy to Emily:
"This week I am passing the Skipper Pride Award to you. I choose you because I admire how hard you work to give all students every available opportunity to succeed. Your compassion, patience, and professionalism inspire me to work harder."

Emily is always on her game, thinking ahead of what students need. She treats her colleagues with respect and values our input in the decisions she makes for her students.

Rotary Nominations
NKHS will be highlighted for the April Rotary Teacher and Student of the Month. We have a diverse faculty and many teachers go out of their way everyday to make a difference. Same goes for our student body. Feel free to nominate a colleague/student and write a paragraph supporting his or her nomination in your email to me. Please nominate your colleague/student by April 7 to give me time to go through them. Thank you.
Tech Tip
From Mark DeLucia:
Week Ending March 31, 2017

Have difficulty scheduling meetings, conferences, and more?  Let Doodle find the best day and time for you!  Head over to or download the free app onto your phone.  Click “log-in” and log-in with Google.  Once you’re in, schedule your event.

Then, add date and time proposals.  You can choose multiple days and times.

If this is a quick, basic poll, then simply click NEXT and FINISH.  Otherwise, adjust your settings.  Some of the options include confidentiality, so that only you can see the participants.

E-mail the poll to recipients or grab the link and text it / post it somewhere.  Participants will be alerted to the poll and check the dates and times they are available.  You will receive updates.  Once everyone has participated, Doodle will alert you with the best day and time for your event.  

I can attest, I’ve used it often both at work and personally.  It really is a great solution to those back-and-forth group e-mails or texts that say, “I can’t do this day/time, but I can do this one or this one... no wait...”

Keep your Chromebooks updated!

Just a reminder that the arrow in the bottom right of your Chromebook (near the time) indicates that the Chromebook needs to be updated!  Click the arrow and restart to update it.  Often, if you or a student are having issues, it can be resolved by updating.

Teaching and Learning

Scheduling Update:
Dave Avedisian and I presented the 8 period schedule proposal to the School Committee this past Tuesday evening. They received our collaborative efforts well and noted the time we have spent to create this opportunity for our students. If all goes well with the MOA the schedule will go back onto to an upcoming School Committee Agenda for a vote for approval. I will keep you posted.

Student Services

From Donna Sweet:
Phone Lines-This Friday starting at 2pm, Cox Communications will be transitioning our phone lines.  If your phone line will be affected, you will have already received an e-mail from Cox.  There may be some messaging loss as we transition over the weekend, parents have been notified.

Media Center-Last week the Media Center implemented a Pass System during lunches so we could better monitor students accessing the Media Center. Judy and Pam made laminated, numbered passes.  As with all good things, a few students might have kept one as a favor.  Should you see a Media Center laminated pass with the numbers, 3, 4, 5, 8, 11, 15 or 21-They are runaways~

A students should NEVER being using this pass for your class, this is strictly a Cafeteria to Media Center Pass.

School Themes:  April is Community!  Last year we started a team on Rally for the Red Sox
Advisory Challenge submissions

and we placed a modest 32nd place for K-12 organizations.  We once again have a team Called NK Skippers!  The link is here if you wish to donate to the The Jimmy Find:
Rally for the Red Sox

Senior Sara Barker combined her Senior Project to this initiative as she was looking to work with a pediatric oncology organization.  To date, the team has raised $425 and we are in 20th place!  Teams that raise $1000.00 are put into a raffle to have a Red Sox player visit their school.  Currently, there are only 7 teams eligible.  Also, the team will earn 36 Red Sox hats, so if you join our team and reach that goal, we will hopefully have a hat for you!

In conjunction with this, April 3rd Monday is Wear your Gear in honor of Red Sox Opening Day.  So make it a Red Sox Monday!

Another Minute to Win It Team--
To close to call at press time
March Madness-Thank you to Brian McDonald and the PTSO for embarking on an ambitious collaboration and creating the March Madness event!  Watch the Final Four this week to see which class takes home the prize!

Videos Worth Watching
Speaking of Diversity our own Lillian Steinweh-Adler, a student in Ruthann's German class and Aaron's COM 3 class produced a video that showcases the importance of learning a language.  It will now be used at the state level to advocate for language learning and features some of NK's best and brightest.

Too big to upload Lillian's video to Blogger so I have included it in your email.

Cindy Zito is in the process of overseeing a NKHS "Upstander" video; it will probably be completed by late May. In the meantime, she would like to stream this national video during announcements. I thought you may like to see it first in the event your advisory discusses these important topics, you will have already seen it.

Food for Thought

"We need to help students and parents cherish and preserve the ethnic and cultural diversity that nourishes and strengthens this community - and this nation." ~Cesar Chavez

From Wikipedia
Cesar Chavez Day is a federal commemorative holiday in the U.S. by proclamation of President Obama in 2014.[1][2] On March 31 of each year, it celebrates the birth and legacy of the civil rights and labor movement activist Cesar Chavez.

Until next time, Think, Create, Innovate...Denise

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Week Ending March 24, 2017

Need to Maslow before you Bloom

This past week there has been multiple opportunities to revisit this phrase. I know I may be speaking to the choir but it is always nice to check in. It may be due to the long March month or the fact that we did not take a winter break, but there are students in our building who work very hard to be invisible. Quiet, under the radar, just let me be... or please do not notice me if I do show up to class. Instead, let me sit quietly and not participate. This is where teacher-student relationships are so important. Each child needs a champion. If we do not know why they are doing poorly and they are not sharing what could be a very real problem, can we expect them to ace a test or perform their best in class? Dr. Lynne Kenney writes that, “98% of the time, what looks like willful non-compliance is a skill deficit.” She suggests being a behavioral detective to examine what's underneath the behavior and you will discover the skill sets the student needs to be a successful social being. And while that may be true for the behavioral problems we see what is the answer for those students who hope we do not see them?
Health and Wellness
MAR 24, 2017
Thinking about moving now that spring is around the corner? NKSD and The Trust have partnered up again this year and Debbie Gardiner sent information out to participate in a walking club. Participants join for 6 weeks, April 17th thru May 28th for a fun and healthy competition. To register go to and find out all of the details. Have fun.
Upcoming Events/Important Dates

March - Creativity
28 School Committee Meeting, 7 pm

April - Community
2   Cupcake Wars
4   All Town Chorus
5   SAT - In school testing for Juniors through 4th period
6   All Town Strings, 7 pm
11 PTSO Meeting, 7 pm
    School Committee Meeting, 7 pm
14 No school - Good Friday

17-21 Spring Recess

Good News!

The Skipper Pride winner is Joy Tavano who was chosen from the last winner, Brian McDonald.
From Brian to Joy:
Ms. Tavano is receiving this award in recognition of the continuous dedication and support that she gives to her students both academically and personally.  Her enthusiasm and compassion have positively impacted the high school experience of countless students.  

Tech Tip
From Mark DeLucia:
Week Ending March 24, 2017

By now, you have no doubt heard (or are even currently implementing) a form of “Blended Learning” that has been gaining traction known as the "Flipped Classroom".  As you know, in a traditional classroom, students are taught new material in the classroom setting, then often assigned homework-- an application of the newly learned material.  The flipped classroom employs the exact opposite technique-- new material is assigned as homework, usually introduced in a video format, and the application is done in the classroom.  The benefit is that less class time is spent on lecture, and students have access to the teacher for additional help with the application.  This is not unlike doing the reading before class in college.

Of course, if you were anything like me, you never did the reading in college because the professors always covered the highlights in their lectures, anyway.  This is one of the arguments many teachers, myself included (before my conversion), use against the flipped classroom-- "what if my students don't watch the videos?".  The first article I've attached below has the solution to that question and many more.  It will likely answer most of the FAQs when setting up a flipped classroom.

Teachers often ask me what applications I use in order to make the videos.  If you're an iPad or tablet user, I would suggest an app called "Explain Everything".  For those of you using Chromebooks, I would suggest using the native Screen Castify.  My Mac friends would suggest CamTasia, but this comes with a price tag of around $99.  I will say, however, if you're really looking for high quality videos, you won't be disappointed with this software.  Also, let's not forget the old adage "don't reinvent the wheel".  Depending on your subject, there are myriad videos out there that are just a Google search away!  From Ted Talks to other teachers' public videos, the internet offers a plethora of already existing material.

The amount of options are truly overwhelming.  That said, my advice for anyone not already implementing this in their classes is to start slowly.  I've included a PowerPoint I’ve created for previous trainings on the topic, as well as an article on nine tips for the flipped classroom, and video tutorials on, well... making video tutorials with ScreenCastify!

Enjoy.  Have a great week, and feel free to share your ideas with me!


Teaching and Learning

Scheduling Update:

Student class selection was completed on Friday, March 24th. Counselors will be working this week to ensure all students have 8 classes selected. Administration will work with guidance to mock up an 8 period schedule for school year 2018. This will continue through April vacation.

Student Services
From Donna Sweet:
Yellow Passes and Planners~

What a smashing success.  Thank you everyone for making one small change that has drastically changed advisory time.  Students got it.  Admins and deans spent last week out in the halls, stopping students and asking for passes.  What a difference a week makes.  

School Culture Themes-Next Stop Community-April

Hard to believe (I can't wait for it) April is just around the corner.  The School Theme is Community and with that I am turning the page over to students and teachers and asking you to send me memes, videos activities that make you think of community.  Submissions that are selected will be not only featured on the Google site, but a special thank you from Mrs. Sweet.  
Articles Worth Reading
Videos Worth Watching

Personalized Learning: Enabling Voice and Choice Through Projects
Food for Thought
“You can't stop a teacher when they want to do something. They just do it.” ― J.D. Salinger.”

Until next time, Think, Create, Innovate...Denise

Friday, March 17, 2017

Week Ending March 17, 2017

Health and Wellness
From Karen D’Abrosca:
MAR 17, 2017
Happy St. Patrick’s Day and Happy Spring!  If you are one of the 2-3% of the population who experiences SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder due in part to the decreased light of the past few months and its effect on brain chemistry) have no fear, spring is here!  Monday March 20 @ 6:29AM EDTis the official arrival.
The Vernal Equinox … the balance  (about 12 hours each of daylight/darkness) reminds us that brighter days are to follow.  Keep an eye out to the NKHS stadium – when do you predict you’ll see the first osprey return to the nest?
Upcoming Events/Important Dates

March - Creativity
20 First Day of Spring
23 Band Concert 7 pm
28 School Committee Meeting, 7 pm

Good News!

The Skipper Pride winner is Brian McDonald who was chosen from the last winner, Barbara Seeley.
From Barbara to Brian:
Over the years, I have listened to many students sing his praises and shine brightly as they have told me of how much he has helped them succeed in Math.  "If it wasn't for Mr. McDonald I would not have passed."  " Mr. McDonald, understands how to help me."  "Mr McDonald is a great teacher"
As a Dean, his caring, compassionate manner helps kids who are struggling with so many issues. He listens, They respect him. He is fair, but firm.  "Mr. Mac is the best". As a colleague, he is always positive, caring and approachable. His smile first thing in the morning is a great way to start the day!  Brian McDonald is a wonderful example of what a recipient of a Skipper Award looks like.
Thank you for the opportunity to share in this great idea.

NK Competes at the State Academic Decathlon
From Tom Doran and Chris Fronce:
This past Sunday (March 12th) at CCRI, students from North Kingstown High School took part in the
State of RI Academic Decathlon competition. The topic theme for the competition this year was World War II.  
The students that competed in the competition are:

Erin Brophy
Kimberly Cameron
Sophia Chang
Sophie Cleland
David Coderre
Elsa Kincaid
Stephen Landry
Nathaniel Manock
Emma McDonald

As well as those students that competed, NKHS students, Allison Campbell and Elise Hance, volunteered several hours of their time to help with various aspects of the competition.

At the end of the competition during the awards ceremony, Sophia Chang (grade 11, pictured left) was awarded a gold medal for the Essay portion of the competition and a silver medal for the Speech portion.

All of the students that competed this year are underclassmen, and for all it was their first time taking part in this competition.  It is hoped that when they join us again next year they can build off of what they learned and accomplished, not just as individuals but as a team.

Tech Tip
From Mark DeLucia:
Using Keep for Grading Comments
Google’s much-maligned “Google Keep” (Google’s answer to Evernote) has recently undergone some major updates, one of which is particularly handy for teachers.  For those of you who always wondered what the app with the little yellow light bulb was for on your Chromebook this is Google Keep, a note-taking app that allows the user to make lists and create reminders using text, images and more.  For those of you who have made the move to grading within Google Docs, you’ll really like this update.  Keep now integrates with Docs, which means rather than incessantly writing “revise”, “spelling”, or other comments, you can make a list of your most commonly used comments in Keep.  Then, when grading a student’s paper in Docs, go to Tools > Keep Notepad.  Find your list of comments and simply copy/paste where necessary!  I’ve tried it myself and it really is a great time-saver!  I’ve included screenshots on how to do it and there is also a tutorial video here.  Enjoy.
To use Keep with Docs:Tools.JPG
Go to the TOOLS menu


Select “Keep Notepad”

Your notes from Keep will appear on the right.  Then simply copy and paste into comments, rather than reiterate the same comments multiple times!
Teaching and Learning

Scheduling Update:
Next week we will begin scheduling incoming freshmen and any students from the other classes who have not yet scheduled for school year 17-18.

Student Services
On Thursday we began stopping students in the hallway to ask for passes. Many students knew and were complying. Overall a great job. For those who did not have a pass we sent them back to get one. By Friday the halls were significantly more orderly. This is definitely a team effort.

Next week, let's continue the trend. We agreed at the faculty meeting to use the yellow pass books, the laminated bathroom passes, and if students prefer to use their planner, as was the original rule, that is great. Some students were using scrap pieces of paper. If you need a yellow pass book, you may pick one up at the Student Services Office if you did not take one at the faculty meeting. Please make sure students fill out the pass before they leave your room and that it is signed. That way if students are asked they will have the proper pass. It will not be effective if the students can use any piece of paper. Thanks for your commitment.

Videos Worth Watching

“Study the past if you would define the future.” ~ Confucius

Until next time, Think, Create, Innovate...Denise