Sunday, March 26, 2017

Week Ending March 24, 2017

Need to Maslow before you Bloom

This past week there has been multiple opportunities to revisit this phrase. I know I may be speaking to the choir but it is always nice to check in. It may be due to the long March month or the fact that we did not take a winter break, but there are students in our building who work very hard to be invisible. Quiet, under the radar, just let me be... or please do not notice me if I do show up to class. Instead, let me sit quietly and not participate. This is where teacher-student relationships are so important. Each child needs a champion. If we do not know why they are doing poorly and they are not sharing what could be a very real problem, can we expect them to ace a test or perform their best in class? Dr. Lynne Kenney writes that, “98% of the time, what looks like willful non-compliance is a skill deficit.” She suggests being a behavioral detective to examine what's underneath the behavior and you will discover the skill sets the student needs to be a successful social being. And while that may be true for the behavioral problems we see what is the answer for those students who hope we do not see them?
Health and Wellness
MAR 24, 2017
Thinking about moving now that spring is around the corner? NKSD and The Trust have partnered up again this year and Debbie Gardiner sent information out to participate in a walking club. Participants join for 6 weeks, April 17th thru May 28th for a fun and healthy competition. To register go to and find out all of the details. Have fun.
Upcoming Events/Important Dates

March - Creativity
28 School Committee Meeting, 7 pm

April - Community
2   Cupcake Wars
4   All Town Chorus
5   SAT - In school testing for Juniors through 4th period
6   All Town Strings, 7 pm
11 PTSO Meeting, 7 pm
    School Committee Meeting, 7 pm
14 No school - Good Friday

17-21 Spring Recess

Good News!

The Skipper Pride winner is Joy Tavano who was chosen from the last winner, Brian McDonald.
From Brian to Joy:
Ms. Tavano is receiving this award in recognition of the continuous dedication and support that she gives to her students both academically and personally.  Her enthusiasm and compassion have positively impacted the high school experience of countless students.  

Tech Tip
From Mark DeLucia:
Week Ending March 24, 2017

By now, you have no doubt heard (or are even currently implementing) a form of “Blended Learning” that has been gaining traction known as the "Flipped Classroom".  As you know, in a traditional classroom, students are taught new material in the classroom setting, then often assigned homework-- an application of the newly learned material.  The flipped classroom employs the exact opposite technique-- new material is assigned as homework, usually introduced in a video format, and the application is done in the classroom.  The benefit is that less class time is spent on lecture, and students have access to the teacher for additional help with the application.  This is not unlike doing the reading before class in college.

Of course, if you were anything like me, you never did the reading in college because the professors always covered the highlights in their lectures, anyway.  This is one of the arguments many teachers, myself included (before my conversion), use against the flipped classroom-- "what if my students don't watch the videos?".  The first article I've attached below has the solution to that question and many more.  It will likely answer most of the FAQs when setting up a flipped classroom.

Teachers often ask me what applications I use in order to make the videos.  If you're an iPad or tablet user, I would suggest an app called "Explain Everything".  For those of you using Chromebooks, I would suggest using the native Screen Castify.  My Mac friends would suggest CamTasia, but this comes with a price tag of around $99.  I will say, however, if you're really looking for high quality videos, you won't be disappointed with this software.  Also, let's not forget the old adage "don't reinvent the wheel".  Depending on your subject, there are myriad videos out there that are just a Google search away!  From Ted Talks to other teachers' public videos, the internet offers a plethora of already existing material.

The amount of options are truly overwhelming.  That said, my advice for anyone not already implementing this in their classes is to start slowly.  I've included a PowerPoint I’ve created for previous trainings on the topic, as well as an article on nine tips for the flipped classroom, and video tutorials on, well... making video tutorials with ScreenCastify!

Enjoy.  Have a great week, and feel free to share your ideas with me!


Teaching and Learning

Scheduling Update:

Student class selection was completed on Friday, March 24th. Counselors will be working this week to ensure all students have 8 classes selected. Administration will work with guidance to mock up an 8 period schedule for school year 2018. This will continue through April vacation.

Student Services
From Donna Sweet:
Yellow Passes and Planners~

What a smashing success.  Thank you everyone for making one small change that has drastically changed advisory time.  Students got it.  Admins and deans spent last week out in the halls, stopping students and asking for passes.  What a difference a week makes.  

School Culture Themes-Next Stop Community-April

Hard to believe (I can't wait for it) April is just around the corner.  The School Theme is Community and with that I am turning the page over to students and teachers and asking you to send me memes, videos activities that make you think of community.  Submissions that are selected will be not only featured on the Google site, but a special thank you from Mrs. Sweet.  
Articles Worth Reading
Videos Worth Watching

Personalized Learning: Enabling Voice and Choice Through Projects
Food for Thought
“You can't stop a teacher when they want to do something. They just do it.” ― J.D. Salinger.”

Until next time, Think, Create, Innovate...Denise

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