Friday, March 3, 2017

Week Ending March 3, 2017


Take a look around you in the halls over the past few weeks and you will see our musical students on the stage, in the back, behind the scenes and in the pit working overtime to prepare a wonderful show. Watch our winter athletes with many contests not yet finished. How do they all do it? Think of any new skill you may want to to learn. Endurance is built. This is exactly the strength that we need as we enter the month of March. This month, filled with five weekends, can really zap our energy. Be sure to read the Health and Wellness tips and the article below to help plan for the long month and come out on top. Whether you are attending a sporting event, the musical, or enjoying your own family plans, have a great weekend.

Health and Wellness
From Karen D’Abrosca:
MARCH 3, 2017
March is here!  A somewhat awkward month, not warm enough to be spring and certainly fickle enough to dump us right back to winter.  With more daylight (a 14 minute increase since last FRI 2/24) and possibly more energy, how about checking in with our resolutions, intentions or guiding word for 2017?  Creativity is the NKHS March theme.  Was this part of your plan?  How do I make time for this or for my 2017 intentions?  Making healthy choices, prioritizing and simplifying – things we constantly tell our students – may help.  More on these thoughts in the upcoming weeks.  Maybe not …… after all it is MARCH MADNESS!!
Whatever you choose,  enjoy the week.
Upcoming Events/Important Dates

March - Creativity
3 Musical - Oklahoma 7pm
4 Musical - Oklahoma 2pm and 7pm
5 Musical - Oklahoma 2pm

7 Opening Reception NK Free Library Student Art Show 5:30-7:00

7 PTSO, 7 pm, Media Center
8 The College and Career Fair 6 pm
9 Suicide Prevention Strategies for Parents 6:30 pm in the auditorium (The last event of the socio-emotional series)
14 School Committee Meeting, 7 pm
Good News!

We are going to celebrate two people this week. We missed a week when we had the snowstorm and we have been behind one week since.
The first, Skipper Pride winner is John Dyer (JD) who was chosen from the last winner,Deb Hammersley
I chose JD because he always comes when I ask whether it is to refill the paper towels or clean up a spill.  He never grumbles or complains and even says he is just doing his job when I apologize for the mess we have made.  Debbie

Donna added, I agree, he is always on call and has a quick response time.  Not easy to be the only custodian on all day.  He definitely rolls with the punches all day long supporting students and teachers alike!

This week, John then chose Barbara Hammick to be the next Skipper Pride winner.

Hi,  My selection for this weeks Skipper award goes to Barbara Hammick.  
Barbara exemplifies empathy to me, she knows everybody by name, and is always there to lend a sympathetic ear.  She always knows who needs extra encouragement, and who needs extra attention.  She is a hard worker, giving 110% and has a kind word for everyone, whether student or staff.    John Dyer

Tech Tip
For those teachers that are using Google Classroom and may have a document in PDF form there is a app called Kami. The free version allows for adding notes, highlighting, strikethroughs, underline, and Google Classroom integration.  Below is a video on how you would share it with your class. I know students do not have access to all of the Chrome apps. Mike Waterman assures me this app is available in our Google Play Store. Once they have downloaded it this video will then show you what you could do with students.
If you want to go to the web site first and check it out with their company videos go to Kami first before you watch the video below.
I checked in with Tiffany D’Abrosca at WMS (thank you, Tiffany) because she has used Kami there with other teachers. She sent the following to me about her experience with it and I thought it would be good to share with you:
We initially started using Kami for research as it allows students to highlight right in the document without having to print out the resource itself and then highlight. We do still use Kami, but we are careful because it is sensitive with certain PDFs and documents with pictures. (For research we have switched over to Scrible which has been useful, especially with organizing multiple web sources.) We tend to use Kami when we are sharing resources with students that we want them to mark up, but we are sure to always test it out first to be sure that it works with the specific item we are sharing with kids. We have yet to find an app or extension that works better than this, but if we do come across something, I will definitely let you know! In regards to the toolbar, we have not had an issue with it. It can be moved off to the side and only activated when you are actually using the extension, so it is more of a necessity rather a nuisance.

Teaching and Learning
Scheduling Update:
Next week, we will begin scheduling sophomores for next year in their US1 classes. Again, the guidance counselors will be asking them to take the short survey which will be in their school email regarding their choice of a Learning Lab, Directed Learning Lab or an additional elective.

The North Kingstown Visual Arts Department and the North Kingstown Arts Council cordially invites you and your family members to our Annual North Kingstown Free Library District-Wide Student Art Show in conjunction with International Color Day.

This year's K-12 show features over 180 student artists!!!
We hope you will come and support their artist skill and vision.
Hope to see you there!

The Guy Lefebvre Color Day Awards and the NK Best of Show Awards will be presented at 6:00 PM.
This event is free and open to the public

Opening Reception    Tuesday, March 7th from 5:30-7:00 PM
Show Dates                 March 4th to March 30th

Student Services

Creativity comes in many shapes and forms, and it is showing it's beauty in Ms. Eriksen's Chemistry class. Check out this homage to West Side Story to demonstrate Covalent and Ionic Bonds, created by Meredith Thibeault!

Additionally, this month we are sponsoring weekly challenges to get the creative juices flowing.  For Monday the 6th, students will be given one week to create an NK logo.  It can come in any form-digital, 3D, sculpture, collage.  There is no limit to imagination.  The winning advisory will have a submission to Mrs. Sweet by the end of the day on the 10th.  Allie's donuts are the prize!

Articles Worth Reading
Manage Your Energy Not Your Time-Harvard Business Review

Food for Thought
Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” ~ Franklin D. Roosevelt

Until next time, Think, Create, Innovate...Denise

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