Sunday, March 12, 2017

Week Ending March 10, 2017

Own It
This week’s blog has highlighted VAASA (Varsity Athletes Against Substance Abuse). These students train to assist peers within our school and inform students through presentations in the middle school to make good choices. In preparing and presenting, VAASA students improve their soft skills which are needed in their future college and careers. It is my intent to grow student voice at NKHS in the model based off of this group and those like it. Leadership students, our Student Senate, and our Best Buddies Program also work with their peers to assist and create a better school environment and are change agents for those 21st Century topics in the school they would like to discuss or change. What better way to improve our school than to involve student voice, agency and ownership. NKHS will expand opportunities to have intergenerational conversations. More to come in the near future.

Health and Wellness
From Karen D’Abrosca:
MAR 10, 2017
Great game Sunday afternoon!
MARCH MADNESS it is!  Looking at the NKSD published 2016-17 calendar, I notice one detail that separates March from the other months ….  No colored boxes!  This means no professional days, vacations, holidays or other breaks in the routine!!  We must build in our own!!  Let’s start with this weekend.  Plan Ahead for Spring Ahead …  leave some space in the busy weekend for the loss of one hour as we move the clocks ahead … a sure sign of spring!  Another trick (at least in the Physical Education world) is to follow the college basketball (NCAA) scene as teams move toward the championship game.  Visit for team selection information and to print your bracket.   Spring before you know it!!
WOMEN’S DATES: Monday March 13 – Sunday April 2
MEN’S DATES: Sunday March 12 – Monday April 3.  
Upcoming Events/Important Dates

March - Creativity
14 School Committee Meeting, 7 pm
17 St. Patrick’s Day
20 First Day of Spring
23 Band Concert 7 pm
28 School Committee Meeting, 7 pm
Good News!

Wesley Brian Carty
Aly and Chris welcomed Wesley Brian Carty on March 7, at 12:31pm
Weighing in at 7lbs, 10oz.
Length: 20.5 inches!
The Carty Clan is doing fine:)

The Skipper Pride winner is Barbara Seeley who was chosen from the last winner, Barbara Hammick.
From Barbara H to Barbara S.:
I nominated Barbara Sealey because she has always gone the extra mile with some of the most needing kids that others would just push to the side as behavior kids. they trust her for advice about school or home that she understands and will never judge them. she also is great as a coworker and would help anyone that needs it. i felt she deserves it because she does all of this under the radar of most and i wanted her to know that she is just an amazing person.

NK Delivers at the DECA Regional Career Development Conference
After a month of preparation twenty-nine members of NK's DECA Business Club competed in thirteen industry events requiring them to take tests and role play in response to business case studies aligned to the industry they competed in. Judges for each event are typically sourced from the field.
Out of the thirteen events, NK placed 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in ten receiving medals and recognition at the closing ceremony.  Over 300 students from around the state competed.
All the club members who competed are winners - their young professionalism shined through as stellar examples of NK.  Medal winners achieved a score of 210 or above and are now eligible to compete at DECA's International Career Conference in Anaheim, California in April - attended by thousands of students and corporate sponsors where networking is coupled with competitive events and where scholarships are awarded to the top performers.  .

Tech Tip
From Mark DeLucia:
I've decided to dedicate this week's installment to teaching my colleagues "to fish".  One of the many conversations I have with teachers regarding technology is that they simply do not have the time to create content.  There are also many who understand that it is not necessary to reinvent the wheel, but are unsure of where to search for quality content.  Further complicating things is whittling down the millions of results.

For those of you who fall into this category, the video below by "Free Tech for Teachers" demonstrates how to search specifically for free Google content, lesson plans and more shared by fellow teachers.  If you are unable to find the Google Advanced Search option, simply navigate to "" and type "" into the "site or domain" box before entering the rest of the parameters.
See the video here.

Teaching and Learning

We may have had a discussion during the faculty meeting about students in the hallway during advisory but there is no debate about how fabulous our students are in the hallway during the classroom periods. Mr. Wright’s class built an inclined plane in which his other classes used to measure the velocity and speed of a bowling ball at each meter length along the hallway outside of the science classes on the first floor.
Ms. Sliwkowski’s science classes were in the spine dropping items
from the third floor and using a formula to find out the speed; then, knowing the speed from the third floor they determined how fast it would happen from the second floor. They were checking their hypotheses. Great problem solving and higher order thinking.

The Communications students have been out and about working on their latest videos as you can see from this picture right in front of the office. Additionally, the Photography students were working on the assignment where they take three objects and put them at different lengths. I watched Chase Goulet in the spine using the benches to complete his "Depth of Field" assignment at the same time the other students were dropping off the second floor. I was watching so intently, I forgot to take his picture.

Scheduling Update:
Next week we will begin scheduling freshmen for school year 17-18 in their World History classes. Again, the guidance counselors will be asking them to take the short survey which will be in their school email regarding their choice of a Learning Lab, Directed Learning Lab or an additional elective.
Student Services
From AM Finlay:

In efforts to show creativity (our monthly theme) and promote substance abuse prevention the VAASA students went to all the district Middle schools for a creative presentation on Substance Abuse Prevention.  These stellar student athletes modeled, shared and demonstrated that life is stressful and life with substance abuse can get in the way of being your best self.  It was emphasized that most students in NK disapprove of drug and alcohol use and do not  use substances to cope with stress, boredom or as a
way to fit in.

Many middle school faculty members were impressed with the VAASA students speaking ability, creative posters and activities.  Each of the VAASA students gave a heartfelt introduction about a challenge that they have had to overcome during their life.  As part of the NK community we can be proud of the VAASA students as role models!

Articles Worth Reading

Food for Thought
When I dare to be powerful - to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.~ Audre Lorde

Until next time, Think, Create, Innovate...Denise

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